Chapter 178 Hanging

   As for the top ingredients Li Yi mentioned, everyone present has experienced it.

  The tofu banquet made with top-quality soybeans gave them a shocking experience that they had never had before.

   Therefore, when Li Yi talked about the top ingredients for making pilaf, although they had already eaten lunch, they couldn't help but fantasize about the taste of pilaf.

  However, the human brain cannot imagine things that have never been seen, nor can it imagine the taste that has not been eaten.

   This also made them more interested in the authentic western regions pilaf that Li Yi said.

   Under the inventory of the warehouse supervisor, Li Yi received another package of dried fruit and a package of seasoning.

  Dried fruits are mainly raisins, jujubes, dried hangs, almonds, walnuts, wolfberries, almonds, etc. from Xiyu Province.

   These are the raw materials for making pilaf, Xiyu cut cake, and apricot skin water.

  The seasoning is mainly cumin, pepper and chili.

  This time Li Yi bought all the hot peppers from several production areas in the Western Regions, and also bought five kilograms of cumin and five kilograms of black pepper and white pepper.

  The cumin and pepper in Xiyu Province are at least one grade stronger than those sold in the inland market.

   These dried fruits and seasonings don't take up much space, so Li Yi asked Wu Lei to send them to the car, ready to take them back directly.

  After that, he came to another separate pallet. On this pallet was the key cargo this time, ten Rob sheep, four live and six dead.

  The six slaughtered Rob sheep were placed in a white foam box, exuding a slight air-conditioning.

  They were all freshly slaughtered, then immediately frozen and packed, and the ice cubes inside had obviously not melted.

  The four live sheep were squeezed into a welded steel box, staring blankly at Li Yi and the others outside.

"so cute."

  Looking at them, Liu Yifei sighed softly, then pursed her lips, and muttered with bright eyes: "It must be delicious too."

  The cameraman on the side was taking a close-up, and her muttering was clearly heard by the audience in the live broadcast room, and the barrage flew all of a sudden.

   "Hahaha! What kind of devil's speech is this?"


   "What a cute kebab!"

   "Sheep: Actually, I don't eat well, really, trust me."

   "It's over, the filter is broken, Sister Shenxian's eyes are so perverted! But I like it, hehe!"

  Zhao Jinmai stood beside Liu Yifei, looking at her in surprise.

  Liu Yifei noticed her eyes, looked over, and asked with a smile: "Do you like to eat lamb?"

  Zhao Jinmai smiled: "You must like it!"

   As they spoke, they began to exchange ideas about how to eat mutton.

  Master Cai is carrying a camera beside him, taking close-ups of sheep.

  Listening to the two beauties beside him discussing how to make mutton the best, he felt that the eyes of the lambs in the camera seemed to become more and more frightened.

   "Yes, the quantity is correct."

   After counting the number of sheep, Li Yi signed the bill of lading.

   "Xiao Fang, come to load!"

  The warehouse supervisor yelled at the forklift worker, and a forklift drove over, inserted the pallet, and sent the pallet into the truck.

   The van Li Yi was looking for did not have a refrigeration function, and the capital was restricted during the day, so it could only be delivered after eleven o'clock in the evening.

  Therefore, Li Yi took Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming to carry all the cold fresh mutton into the program team's car, and took it directly back to the restaurant for storage.

  As for the four live sheep, they can only rest in the truck first.

   After saying goodbye to the driver, Li Yi and his party got on the car and prepared to return to the restaurant.

  Li Yi took a cardboard box from the back seat, tore off the tape, and inside were some special snacks from the Western Regions Province, which he asked the program staff to buy by the way before delivery.

   "Here, try the yogurt from the Western Regions Province."

  Li Yi took out a plate of yogurt and handed it to the people in the front row.

  Liu Yifei took the yogurt and looked at the brand: "Xiyuchun? The name is authentic at first glance."

   "Xiyuchun is a dairy brand in the Western Regions, which is relatively rare here."

Li Yi smiled and said: "The dairy products in the Western Regions are of good quality, and the local conditions are unique! But there are too many brands, big and small, so I only bought a few this time. There is also Tianrun milk beer here. When I go back Refrigerate it before drinking, the taste will be better.”

   As he spoke, he passed the straw over, and soon, the sound of sipping yogurt boxes resounded in the carriage.

   "Wow! This yogurt is so thick!"

  Liu Yifei drank a box in one go, still feeling a little unfinished.

   "Yes! It feels very thick, and the milk flavor is very strong."

  Zhao Jinmai nodded while sucking on the straw.

  The small yogurt box can’t hold much yogurt, and Wu Lei finished the whole box in one gulp.

  The sweet and sour yogurt was very appetizing. After drinking a box, he looked back, licked his lips and asked, "Brother Yi, is there anything else delicious?"

  Li Yi rummaged through the box, took out a bag of dried apricots, and handed it to him: "This is dried apricots, too sweet, eat less."

   "Did you hang yourself?"

  Wu Lei took the dried apricot with a strange expression on his face: "Why is it called this name?"

   "This kind of dried apricot is a kind of small sweet apricot unique to the Tekes Valley and Ili River Valley in the Western Regions, and it is a local wild variety."

Li Yi continued to rummage in the box while explaining: "This kind of apricot will not fall off like other apricots when they are ripe, but will hang on the tree and be slowly dried by the local hot and dry monsoon, so the locals call it It hangs dry."

   "There is still this kind of dried apricots? I have learned a lot."

  Wu Lei nodded in admiration, while opening the packing bag.

  The dried apricots in the packaging bag are all squeezed together, sticking to each other, like a brick of dried apricots.

   Wu Lei broke off a piece, about two or three dried apricots, and stuffed it into his mouth.


  He took a bite, raised his eyebrows in embarrassment, and handed back the dried apricot to Li Yi: "No, it's too sweet, it's so sweet that my throat is choking."

  Huang Xiaoming watched from the side, a little curious: "You are a person from Shanghai, still afraid of sweets?"

   "It's really sweet, if you don't believe me, try it yourself."

  Wu Lei said, and handed the bag of dried apricots to Huang Xiaoming.

  Huang Xiaoming also imitated him and broke off a few pieces, put them in his mouth, and was caught immediately.

   "Wow! So sweet!"

  He chewed the dried apricots and asked in surprise, "Is there sugar in this? Why is it so sweet?"

   "The melons and fruits in Xiyu Province are already very sweet, not to mention that they are dried in the sun."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "That's why I asked you to eat less, the calories of these dried apricots are very high!"

   As he spoke, he also broke a few from the bag, threw them into his mouth, and chewed.

   Boom! Boom!

  After he bit off all the apricot flesh on the dried apricot, he bit off the apricot core.

  After hooking out the almonds inside, he spit out the shell of the apricot core.

   "Is this apricot pit edible?"

  Wu Lei was surprised.

  Li Yi nodded: "Yes, this apricot pit is very thin, just bite it open, try it."

  Wu Lei heard the words, put the apricot pit that had just been spit out in his palm back into his mouth, bit it lightly, and sure enough, he bit open the apricot pit and ate the almonds inside.

   "Huh? This almond is also delicious!"

  He couldn't help laughing out loud.

   Seeing that they were eating deliciously, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai also broke a few dried hanged seeds and tasted them.

  Girls have little resistance to sweets, and they quickly fell in love with this kind of dried apricots, and took the bag directly.

  Eating dried apricots, Liu Yifei sighed again and again: "Why are there so many delicious foods in the Western Regions Province? I really want to visit the Western Regions Province once, but I have never been there."

   "That's easy."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "When Reba comes, add her WeChat, and ask her to take us to the Western Regions later, and go to her house for dinner!"




  (end of this chapter)

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