Chapter 164 Making too much noise

   It takes at least one night to dry the naan pit in the shade, and the ingredients purchased from the Western Regions have not yet been delivered, so the program team ended the recording for the first time before dark.

  The viewers in the live broadcast room were not satisfied and refused to let the program group close the broadcast, so the director of the program group discussed with several artists and decided to go to karaoke to make up the wave time.

  The artists applauded the program group's proposal.

   You have been busy for so long, but you really haven't had a good time to relax.

   This time I can go out for karaoke at public expense, of course everyone is willing.

  So, the program team contacted a KTV.

   After Li Yi and the others packed up the restaurant, they went straight to KTV.

  Because of the greeting in advance, the KTV manager was waiting outside the door early.

  The manager is very kind, and deliberately vacated the largest box to record for the program group, and also waived all fees.

   After Li Yi and his party arrived at the place, they went straight to the big box.

  However, some guests recognized them on the road, but before they had time to take a photo, they had already entered the box.

  Although it was a large box with more than 20 people, Li Yi and the cameramen of the program group also crowded the whole box to the brim.

  Wu Lei is a fun-loving person. As soon as he entered the box, he picked up the microphone, played the role of a hip-hop singer, and rapped.

   And Zhao Jinmai came to the karaoke machine and said, "I'm in charge of ordering songs. What songs are you all singing?"

   "Search to see if there are any songs of mine."

   Huang Xiaoming said with a smile.

"Let me look for it."

  Zhao Jinmai entered Huang Xiaoming's initials, and exclaimed in surprise, "Is there really?"

"of course."

  Huang Xiaoming smiled and said, "I've released an album anyway, okay?"

  Speaking, he glanced at Liu Yifei again, and said with a smile: "But I'm just a little troublemaker, and Yifei is the one who has the status of a serious singer."

   Soon, Zhao Jinmai ordered songs for Huang Xiaoming, and asked Liu Yifei: "Sister Yifei, what are you singing?"

   "Anything will do."

  Liu Yifei was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea.

   "Wow! Sister Yifei is so arrogant!"

   Wu Lei made a joke with a smile, and then greeted Zhao Jinmai: "Order "Red Bean" for Sister Yifei! I have heard Sister Yifei sing this song, it is very good!"

  Zhao Jinmai ordered a song in response, and then asked Li Yi: "Brother Yi, what are you singing?"

   "No, just sing along, I'll take a break."

  Li Yi waved his hand, he didn't intend to sing.

   "Let's play a song!"

  Zhao Jinmai is in a hurry.

   "That's it!"

  Wu Lei smirked: "Brother Yi's voice is so magnetic, singing must be nice."

  Li Yi looked at them with a smile, but he was not fooled.

  Seeing this, Huang Xiaoming smoothed things over: "A real person doesn't show his face, and his face isn't a real person. Brother Yi might hold back a big move. Let's have a rest and shock us!"

   Hearing what he said, Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai stopped booing, and started to turn around and nod to the song.

   Soon, they ordered the song and began to sing.

  As soon as he opened his voice, Li Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little surprised.

   After all, they are actors, both of them can sing!

  The audience in the live broadcast room also had fun watching, and there were many gifts, and even directly pushed the live broadcast room to the top of the Douyin gift list.

   After Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai finished singing, they handed the microphone to Liu Yifei: "Sister Yifei! Your red beans are here!"

  Liu Yifei didn't hesitate, took the microphone, and started singing along with the accompaniment.

  As soon as she sang, not only everyone in the box was surprised, but the audience in the live broadcast room even exclaimed again and again.

   "Damn it! It's ok!"

   "Huh? Does Liu Yifei sing at this level?"

   "Sounds good!"

   "The first sentence sounds a bit like Tianhou."

   "Wow! My wife is beautiful and sweet, I am so happy!"

   After Liu Yifei sang a song, the audience suddenly burst into applause.

  Li Yi also looked at Liu Yifei with a smile and applauded lightly.

   This song by Liu Yifei is really good.

   Covering her mouth and smiling, Liu Yifei handed the microphone to Huang Xiaoming: "Brother Xiaoming."

  Huang Xiaoming was a little held back by Liu Yifei's wonderful performance. He thought for a while, and then signaled to Zhao Jinmai: "Mai Mai, please change a song for me!"


  Zhao Jinmai asked him: "Which song do you want?"

   Before Huang Xiaoming could answer, the barrage in the live broadcast room helped him answer.

   "That must be too much trouble!"

   "Brother Xiaoming, come to the original version of the song! I'll paint the plane for you!"

   "Brother Xiaoming: I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

   "Please! Brother Xiaoming, let's make a fuss! If I don't listen to you sing this song for a day, I feel like ants are crawling all over my body!"

   Huang Xiaoming can also see the audience barrage.

  Looking at the screen full of Naotaitai, he has black lines all over his head.

   But in the face of the enthusiasm of the audience, he also went all out: "Mai Mai! Click on my song "OneWorldOneDream"!"

  After hearing his words, the audience in the live broadcast room was still shouting.

   "Too much trouble! Too much trouble!"

  But there are already reminders from the audience.

   ""OneWorldOneDream" is the song that is too cliché!"

  Seeing this barrage, the audience immediately became excited.

   "Come on! Brother Xiaoming is so peeing!"

   "Hahaha! I love you, brother Ming!"

   Huang Xiaoming had already broken the can, and when the accompaniment started, he began to sing along with the accompaniment.

  As soon as he sang, the "hahaha" of the audience in the live broadcast room never stopped.

  When it came to the phrase "notatall", even the program staff on the scene couldn't help it, and they all covered their mouths and sniggered.

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai were already laughing together.

  After opening his voice, Huang Xiaoming had no scruples. When he sang "notatall" for the second time, he deliberately made an ecstatic expression, which made Wu Lei laugh and lie down on the sofa.

  In the live broadcast room, the screen was full of barrage, and the audience gave Huang Xiaoming several exclusive big rockets.

   "Hahahaha! So funny!"

   "Brother Xiaoming dares to sing! Hahaha!"

   "Haha! Brother Xiaoming can really afford it, he's so popular!"

   "Hahaha! I seem to have a crush on Xiao Ming!"

  Suddenly, Huang Xiaoming's name was written on the screen full of barrage, and he was in the limelight for a while.

  After a song was sung, the audience applauded like thunder, and all the staff also applauded Huang Xiaoming.

  Li Yi was also smiling and applauding.

  Huang Xiaoming's mentality is indeed okay for being able to face the ridicule and ridicule of public opinion so freely.

"thank you all!"

   Huang Xiaoming raised the microphone, smiled at the camera and saluted his chest.

   This "too much trouble" stalk had troubled him for a while before, but when he let go of the entanglement, he found that the things he cared about were actually not a big deal.

   "Xiao Ming is so handsome!"

  Wu Lei laughed and said.

  He laughs the loudest, but also claps the hardest.

"for you."

  Huang Xiaoming threw the microphone to him.

  Wu Lei took the microphone, then looked at Li Yi, and asked with a smile, "Brother Yi, it's your turn, can you play a song?"

   "Sing it!"

   Li Yi smiled and shook his head. Singing is indeed not his strong point.

   "Come on come on!"

  Wu Lei said: "Brother Xiaoming even sang too much, why are you embarrassed?"

  Hearing what he said, Li Yi couldn't refuse anymore.

   After thinking for a while, he reached out to take the microphone and said, "I won't sing that song, let me sing a few lines!"

   "Singing opera?"

  Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.




  (end of this chapter)

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