Chapter 163 How cool is this craftsmanship!

  After lunch, Li Yi returned to the open space outside the restaurant, and started to build a naan pit.

  The most traditional naan pit is a rammed earth structure, made of clay mixed with wool, which looks like a large water tank with a wide belly turned upside down.

  In some places in the southern part of the Western Regions, nitrate soil is used to make naan pit embryos, but in modern times, cheap and convenient red bricks are used for naan pit embryos in most parts of the Western Regions.

  Li Yilei's is this new type of naan pit.

   Although it is said to be a new type, but the material is slightly different, the shape of the naan pit is not different from the traditional naan pit.

  He first laid a base with red bricks, then spread a layer of yellow mud on the red brick base, and then built a cylindrical cylinder with other red bricks.

   The red bricks were glued together with mud, and Li Yi filled the gaps of the red bricks with yellow mud, trying not to leave any gaps.

When he arrived at the mouth of the pit, Li Yi came to the second bag of yellow mud that Liu Yifei and the others stepped on. He divided half of it and piled it into a pile. sent wool.

   "Come and help tear the wool."

  Li Yi called the few people who were idle over and asked them to help, and together they tore the bundles of sheared wool into strands.

   "Why tear the wool?"

  Zhao Jinmai is puzzled.

  Li Yi patted the mouth of the pit, and explained: "The naan is made from the mouth of the pit, and the hand is put in to stick the naan on the wall of the pit inside.

  So here will often bear weight, and the guy who makes the naan will press here, or kneel here to maintain balance, so it should be as firm as possible here, so that the naan pit can last longer. "

   "Is there still such a particularity?"

  Wu Lei tore the wool and exclaimed: "Brother Yi, can you speak cross talk?"

   "Speaking of cross talk?"

  Li Yi didn't understand what he meant.

   "People say that there is a grocery store in the stomach of cross talk, and they know everything."

  Wu Lei smiled and said: "I feel like you are like this, as if you know everything."


  Li Yi was a little speechless by his brain hole, shook his head and joked: "I'm not a grocery store, I'm an encyclopedia dictionary."

   As he spoke, he squatted down, put the torn wool into the mud pile, added some salt water, and started stirring.

   Soon, the wool was mixed with the yellow mud and turned into a mud full of silk.

  Zhao Jinmai also helped to stir together, and asked curiously: "Brother Yi, will this mud become stronger if wool is put in it?"

"Of course."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "This kind of animal hair and plant silk thread are very tough. In the past, when there was not so much iron, wool and cotton were used as armor.

  Including modern bulletproof vests made of wool, the effect is very good. "

   "Too awesome."

  Zhao Jinmai sighed: "I feel that there is a lot of wisdom of the ancients, and if we study it with modern technology, it can radiate new vitality."

  Wu Lei heard the words, and sighed from the side: "Yes! I have always suspected that the invention of the pulley shoes was based on the armor and horse amulet used by Dai Zong, the Shenxing Taibao. Dai Zong might be wearing the world's first pair of pulley shoes."


  Li Yi looked at him speechlessly: "Even if you say you are on stilts, I can be regarded as a bit educated."

"Is not it?"

   Wu Lei was not convinced.

  Li Yi sighed: "If it's really roller shoes, then Dai Zong's nickname shouldn't be Shenxing Taibao."

"what is that?"

   "Nezha, the gods!"


   Liu Yifei on the side heard a black line, and was speechless: "You two can really talk together! I thought you would say that the road conditions are not so good! It turns out that it was inferred from the nickname."

  The audience in the live broadcast room was also brainstormed by this topic, and they sent barrage discussions one after another.

   "I think it makes sense, I have always suspected that Hong Tianlei Lingzhen traveled through the past!"

   "Haha! Is Nezha okay? But I also think the most likely one is stilts."

   "How could it be stilts? You can't even walk on flat ground. Wouldn't it be worse to climb mountains and hurdles?"

   "How did this talk from wool to Water Margin? Isn't this thinking span too big?"

  The audience was discussing enthusiastically, but Wu Lei was still pestering Li Yi and asked: "Then tell me, why can Dai Zong travel 800 miles a day?"

   "That's a novel, it's exaggerated, you can't take it seriously!"

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "However, Dai Zong has a prototype, which is an information transmission system in the Song Dynasty, called Jijiaodui.

  In Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan", there is a record of rush delivery.

  The original text is: There is another gold plate in Xining, which is urgently handed over, just like the ancient feathers. It is made of wooden plaques with red lacquer and gold characters, bright and dazzling, passing by like flying lightning, everyone who looks at it avoids the road, and travels more than five hundred miles a day. If there is a speedy punishment in front of the army, it will be issued from the front of the imperial court, and the three provinces and the Privy Council will not get it.

  When Song Gaozong Zhao Gou used 12 gold medals to urgently transfer Yue Fei back to Beijing, it was an imperial decree passed on in a hurry.

   Jijiaodeliver was a real occupation of transporting information in the Song Dynasty. It could really travel more than 500 miles a day. In the novel, the fictional Dai Zong can travel 800 miles a day. Although it is for art, it is slightly exaggerated, but it is also understandable. "

  Hearing Li Yi tell the source, Wu Lei was disappointed and said: "Well, I thought the pulley shoes were invented by Dai Zong!"

   While talking, the wool mud has been reconciled.

  Li Yi got up and covered the mouth of the pit with wool mud.

  Wool mud mixed with wool has a better water-holding ability than ordinary yellow mud, so with a spatula, the surface quickly becomes uniform and delicate.

  However, in order to be stronger, Li Yi used a wooden hammer to knock the yellow mud on the pit mouth again after wiping the pit mouth to make it more compact.

   The yellow mud on the outer layer was relatively simple. Some straw residues were added to the remaining half of the yellow mud, and Li Yi wiped them on the outside of the naan pit.

  This job can only be done by him, Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming are next to help him pass the yellow mud, while Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are next to him to fan him, feed him water, and wipe his sweat.

   Seeing this treatment, the audience in the live broadcast room were envious.

   "Damn! I'm plastering at the construction site, why didn't I get such a good treatment?"

   "A master with four small workers? There are two beauties in it? Why don't you come to me for this job?"

   "Brother Yi's method of plastering is not good! Replace me! As long as Maimai feeds me saliva, fan me, and call me a good husband, no wages are required!"

   "Who pissed? Help me wake up that kid upstairs?"

"I come!"

   "I'll come first! My urine is yellow!"

  With the cooperation of everyone, it only took two and a half hours to build the naan pit.

  Stepping on a ladder and jumping out of the naan pit, Li Yi lit a piece of paper, threw it into the naan pit, then bent down, listening to the burning sound of the paper at the vent below.

  The heat brought by the paper burning will make the air in the naan pit heated and then rise, while the cold air will flow into the naan pit from the vents below due to the air pressure.

   This step tests the ventilation effect of the pit.

  The ventilation effect is good enough, and the firewood in the naan pit will burn faster.

  After the paper was burned, Li Yi took Wu Lei to the warehouse to find a rainproof tarpaulin, and used a ladder and a wooden frame to set it up over the pit.

   Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai asked curiously: "Brother Yi, if you expose it to the sun, won't it dry faster?"

"No way."

  Li Yi explained: "Nan pits in the Western Regions can be directly exposed to the sun, because the air humidity in the Western Regions is inherently low, and the moisture in the soil will evaporate quickly.

But the air humidity in the capital city is much higher than that in the Western Regions, and what we use is yellow mud, not cement. If the sun is exposed to the sun, the evaporation rate of water on the sunny side and the shady side will be different, and the degree of dryness will be different. , forming cracks.

   It is best to let it dry in the shade. When the dryness is almost the same, then ignite it and cook it thoroughly. The naan pit can be used. "

  Zhao Jinmai listened, and nodded half-understanding: "I didn't expect this naan pit to look so ordinary, but there are so many details."

   "Is it normal?"

  Li Yi looked back at the round, smooth and delicate naan pit, feeling a sense of accomplishment: "How cool is this craftsmanship!"




  (end of this chapter)

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