A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 161: 【Western Region Fried Rice Noodles】

  Chapter 161 [Western Region Fried Rice Noodles]

  Under the strong dissuasion of Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming, Li Yi still couldn't make it.

   Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai, under the strong invitation of the live viewers, replaced Li Yi and became the two stepping mud workers.

  After washing their feet and covering their feet and legs with plastic wrap, they stood on the yellow mud and stepped on it vigorously.

  Li Yi stood aside, drinking tea, and furiously: "This is blatant sexism! Why can't I step on it? I can also wrap plastic wrap!"

  The audience in the live broadcast room were also laughing and laughing, making jokes with barrage.

   "That's right! Isn't this looking down on my brother Yi?"

   "The air is shaking and cold! When will we men stand up? Men also hold up half the sky!"

   "Brother Yi! You can't admit defeat! Next time you cook, use your feet! I'll give you 100,000 likes!"

   "Why wrap it in plastic wrap? It's soulless! Give me the original flavor!"

   "This foot is so beautiful, so white, hehe!"

   "Damn it! You pervert upstairs, don't watch my wife's jio!"

  The bullet screens were joking one after another, while Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai stepped on the mud happily. It was the first time for them to step on the mud so unscrupulously.

  Zhao Jinmai stepped on it, watched the yellow mud under his feet being separated to the two sides, and laughed: "Haha! It's so easy to relieve pressure!"

  Liu Yifei also stepped on it from left to right, while thinking: "Actually, I feel that noodles can also be mixed in this way, and it must be more chewy than hands."

  Seeing them stepping hard, Li Yi didn't look any further, but got up and walked to the kitchen.

  Seeing that it was already noon, he had to make lunch.

   Reba ordered two dishes. Baking buns requires naan pits, which he can't do yet.

  But fried rice noodles can be practiced first.

  Fried rice noodles are not a traditional Western cuisine.

  It was invented by a couple from Guizhou Province who went to work in Dihua City, Western Region Province in the 1980s.

  They fried Guizhou rice noodles with the Western Regions fried noodles and invented this fried rice noodles.

  Because of its spicy and addictive taste and the smooth and chewy texture of vermicelli, girls in the Western Regions flock to it, and it has become the highest-ranked delicacy in the eyes of girls in the Western Regions.

  This snack is not complicated. There are only three main ingredients, powder, sauce, and ingredients.

  The ingredients are nothing special, just some meat and side dishes.

  Its special feature lies in the powder and sauce.

  The rice noodles it uses are thick rice noodles produced locally with the craftsmanship of Guizhou Province.

  Because the raw material is local rice, the rice noodles produced are very chewy and springy, with a good taste.

   And its sauce uses local peppers from the Western Regions.

  As the Western Region with the Huoyan Mountain and the largest desert in China, the local climate is dry, with long sunshine hours and large temperature difference between day and night, so whether it is melons, fruits or vegetables, the taste is very good.

  The fiery land has raised enthusiastic people in the Western Regions, and the local peppers are as enthusiastic as the people in the Western Regions.

  The Western Regions is one of the five largest pepper provinces in China, especially famous for its dried peppers.

  The locally produced dried chilies account for one-fifth of the national output.

  In addition, the local chili has a unique flavor, and the chili produced contains more dry matter and red pigment, and the quality is also very outstanding.

  Dried peppers are called spicy peppers locally, and the spicy peppers produced in different places have different characteristics and flavors.

   Among them, the spicy skin of Anjihai is dry, fragrant and hot, which is the soul of Shawan Dapan Chicken. When fried in chicken, it is even more delicious than meat.

  The Santang Lake Lapizi in Dongsan County is spicy and sweet, and it is the most important raw material for making spicy fried pork.

   The beef fried with spicy skin and onion will be extra delicious and full of flavor.

  When I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, Li Yi bought some spicy peppers from the Western Regions, as well as some chili sauce.

   But what he bought was the hot pepper from Yanqi County.

  The spicy peppers in Yanqi County are the best among the western region spicy peppers. It belongs to meat peppers, and it is also commonly known as pig intestine peppers because of its thick meat, few seeds, thin skin, and full of fragrance.

  However, due to the limited production, the price of Yanqi hot pepper skin has always remained high. The average price has been sold at more than 50 yuan per kilogram, and the price has even exceeded the price of meat.

But you get what you pay for, and the fat Yanqi spicy skin, whether it is fried chicken, fried rice noodles, or fried into hot spicy skin, used to mix noodles, the taste is extremely delicious, and people who like to eat it will even think it is better than meat. tasty.

  Back to the kitchen, Li Yi took out some Yanqi hot pepper skins, soaked them in clean water.

  The drought in the Western Regions has made these spicy skins very dry. They must be soaked in water first to allow them to absorb a certain amount of water in order to release more flavor.

  Following, Li Yi took out the rice noodles that had just been delivered while running errands.

  This is the raw material of rice noodles specially used to make fried rice noodles from the Western Regions. Just in the dry form, it is already thicker than the rice noodles eaten in many places.

  Although this kind of rice noodles has a chewy texture, it is time-consuming to process and needs to be soaked for a long time in advance to soften.

  Therefore, Li Yi took out two bundles, one of which was put into a basin, filled with clean water, and then he put it in the storage room. This is the raw material for tomorrow.

  For the other bundle, he boiled a pot of boiling water and soaked the rice noodles in the boiling water basin.

  Soaking in hot water can shorten the soaking time.

  Placing the rice noodle bowl aside, he began to process the side dishes.

  The common side dishes of Xiyu fried rice noodles are celery, sour kimchi, and some side dishes such as enoki mushroom, lettuce, and small green vegetables.

  However, Li Yi didn't prepare these side dishes, so he replaced the celery with lettuce, chopped some Northeast pickles, fried some snap peas, and it was all done.

  Following that, he took out the unused beef from the refrigerator.

  The beef is bought fresh, but it has been frozen in the refrigerator for a few days, and this time it can be resolved.

   Soon, the ingredients are ready, and the spicy skin is almost soaked.

  But the rice noodles have not been soaked soft, and there are still many hard cores inside.

   In this case, the only old method is used to solve it.

   That is boiled.

  After half an hour of cooking on medium heat, Li Yi finally cooked the rice noodles thoroughly.

   This is not counting the twenty minutes he soaked in hot water in advance.

   Calculated in this way, it took him almost an hour just to process the rice noodles.

  Filled out a piece of rice noodles, he pinched it with his hands, and after confirming that there was no **** inside, he took out the rice noodles and poured them into the cold water beside him.

   This will keep the rice noodles chewy.

  He just took out the rice noodles when the voices of Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai came from outside the kitchen.

  They walked in talking and laughing, Zhao Jinmai reported to Li Yi: "Brother Yi, we have trampled all the mud!"

   "Nice, great."

  Li Yi praised casually.

  Liu Yifei just finished washing her hands. With the smell of hand sanitizer, she came to the pot and asked expectantly, "What are we having for lunch? I'm so hungry."

  Li Yi cleaned the pot, took a spoonful of oil into it, and then replied: "[Western Region Fried Rice Noodles]."




  (end of this chapter)

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