Chapter 160 No! Brother Yi!

  Li Yi burned a pot of rice soup, dug a gap like a crater in the loess pile, and poured the rice soup into it.

  The starch in rice soup is a natural adhesive. When building earthen city walls in ancient times, rice soup was used to make clay bricks. The bricks made are as hard as stones, and can even withstand bows and arrows.

   But after stirring the loess into yellow mud, Li Yi stopped.

   "And then? Brother Yi?"

  Wu Lei was holding a shovel, and there were mud spots on his arms and trouser legs, as if he had just come up from the field.

   "Next, this matter is more troublesome."

  Li Yi looked at him and asked, "Have you ever fought with mud?"

  Wu Lei froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, but I've heard that song before, how cold it is~! I'm playing mud in the Northeast~!"


  Li Yi looked at him speechlessly: "This guy is almost bigger than you, right?"

   "Haha! It's fun!"

  Wu Lei chuckled, not paying attention.

Seeing this, Li Yi could only explain to him: "After the loess is kneaded into yellow mud, the carbonate minerals in it must be stirred and squeezed to make it work, forming viscosity and toughness, just like kneading dough. ,Could you understand me?"

  Wu Lei seemed to understand, but still nodded.

  Looking at him, Li Yi could only continue to explain in as simple a language as possible: "If it's a face-to-face meeting, shouldn't it be done by hand?"

  Wu Lei nodded again, this time he understood.

  Li Yi pointed to the loess on the ground and in the bag, and asked him: "Look at these two big bags of loess, if you blend them by hand, how long will it take?"

  Wu Lei glanced at the two bags of loess, and then remembered Li Yi's exhaustion and soreness from the face-to-face meeting before, and hesitantly said, "It will take a day anyway."


  Li Yi nodded: "I want to reconcile these two bags of yellow mud, it will be night anyway, and the work of building the naan pit will have to wait until tomorrow.

  Tomorrow, the naan pit will be built, and we have to wait for it to dry in the shade. I guess it will take at least a day or two.

  After drying in the shade, it needs to be burned again, and then sprinkled with salt water to form a layer of salt on the surface, which takes at least one day.

   Do the math, how many days has it been? Will it delay the shooting? "


  Wu Lei understood: "This will definitely delay the shooting by one day, and it is indeed a waste of time."

   "So, we'd better build the naan pit before tonight, so that we can save a night and a day tomorrow.

   In this way, the day after tomorrow, we should be able to burn the salt layer and try the naan pit. "

   Speaking of this, Li Yi paused for a moment, then looked at him and asked: "So, we must speed up the speed of making yellow mud, but there will be some minor problems that are not a problem, can you overcome it?"

"no problem!"

  Wu Lei didn't even think about it, and said righteously: "As long as you can catch up with the shooting progress, what is a small problem?"

  Hearing this, Li Yi nodded approvingly: "Not bad, very selfless."

   As he spoke, he bent down and began to bend down to untie his shoelaces.


  Wu Lei watched him take off his shoes without saying a word, a little puzzled: "Brother Yi, why are you taking off your shoes?"

   "Of course it is to speed up the production of yellow mud."

  Li Yi explained without raising his head: "Using hands and mud is of course not as efficient as using feet. Using feet can make the weight of the whole body be used to squeeze the yellow mud, and you can make up soon."


  Wu Lei was taken aback, his eyes widened: "Brother Yi, do you want to use your feet to make mud?"


  Li Yi had already taken off a shoe and a sock, put them aside, and said, "From ancient times to the present, when we are with Huang Ni, we all use our feet."

   "This... no no..."

  Wu Lei couldn't speak clearly, he stammered and asked, "Brother Yi, these yellow muds are meant to be put into the naan pit for making naan, right?"

   "That's right! Didn't I tell you when I came here?"

  Li Yi has already started to take off his second shoe.

   "The method you said is to paste the finished dough cake on the inner wall of the naan pit after sticking it with water, that is, the mud wall made of this kind of yellow mud, right?"

   "That's right, my memory is pretty good."

  Li Yi also took off the second shoe and socks, and put them aside.

  He stood barefoot on the ground, raised his foot to pat the ashes on the soles of his feet, and then walked towards the mixed yellow mud pile.

  A black shadow flashed, and Wu Lei stepped in front of him: "Brother Yi! You can't do it!"

"What's wrong?"

  Li Yi looked at him puzzled.

  Wu Lei wanted to cry but had no tears: "You want to make mud with your feet, and then make naan bread for us to eat?"


Li Yi comforted him: "It's okay, I'll wash my feet first and then put on my feet. I don't have athlete's foot. Even if my feet are a little sweaty, my feet are skin or something, I will burn them with charcoal fire and sterilize them at high temperature. All bacteria will be gone." , clean and tidy, at most a bit of psychological shadow, small problem, just overcome it!"

   As he spoke, he patted Wu Lei on the shoulder, and then continued to walk towards the iron plate.


   Wu Lei hugged his leg directly, howling: "No! Brother Yi!"

  He never thought that the small problem Li Yi mentioned would be this problem.

   Can this be considered a small problem?

  Hearing his howl, the rest of the restaurant rushed over from the restaurant, asking repeatedly: "What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened?"

  Wu Lei hugged Li Yi's leg tightly, and said loudly, "Brother Yi wants to eat the skin of our feet!"


  Hearing what he said, everyone was stunned: "What do you eat? Feet?"

   "What's going on?"

   Huang Xiaoming asked in doubt.

  With a mournful face, Wu Lei told everyone about Li Yi's intentions.

  After learning of this situation, everyone was stunned.

   Seeing this, Li Yi shook his head and explained: "It's much faster to step on the mud than to touch the mud with your hands, isn't this to save time?

  He mud has been mixed in this way since ancient times, and after the inner wall of the reconciled mud is wiped, it needs to be grilled at high temperature to kill all germs. "

  After hearing his explanation, Huang Xiaoming also stopped him: "Brother Yi, you can't do it!"

   This psychological level is not so easy to pass!

   Seeing them blocking Li Yi, the audience in the live broadcast room watched the excitement one by one, and it was not too big of a deal, and they all posted bullet screens to make fun of it.

   "Hahaha! Our place and the mud stove are both stepped on with feet, don't we still use them?"

   "Brother Yi is right! Haha! When the fire burns, all germs are gone."

   "Get out of the way! Brother Yi's feet are left for me to soak in water!"

   "No athlete's foot? How boring is that? I like to eat something that smells good!"

   "I can't bear to step on the mud? There is still a mouthful of wine in Xiaori Country!"

"Haha! Xinyang Maojian was a tribute tea picked by mouth in ancient times. It was picked by virgins with their lips, and they were put on their chests for initial drying with body temperature. That would be sweaty! Ordinary people are not qualified to drink it, only the royal family Only relatives of the state can drink it!"

"Cuban cigars are said to be rubbed out on the legs of girls! Those girls in their forties and fifties may not be able to take a bath once a month, and their legs are longer than mine. Rich people can still smoke. Fly?"

   "Brother Yi! Go for it! Make naan bread, I'll buy a hundred! Each one is 10,000 yuan! If you sell it, just pretend I didn't say anything."




  (end of this chapter)

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