Chapter 130 came out of a place

  Twenty kilometers does not sound like a long distance, but it still takes half an hour.

   Arriving at the place, Liu Yifei got out of the car, suddenly took out her pocket, and muttered in surprise, "Eh? Where's my Xiaoqing?"


  Wu Lei in the car howled and rushed out of the car.


  Liu Yifei smiled and spread her hands, revealing the bean worm in her palm: "I'm just kidding you! Here it is!"


  Wu Lei looked at her with resentment, wanting to cry but no tears.

  For a person who is afraid of bugs, the most frightening thing is not the bug, but the sudden disappearance of a bug that was in front of him.

   "Okay, stop making trouble, it's getting late, hurry up and buy a chicken and go back to work."

  Li Yi said helplessly, and walked towards the farm first.

  Although this ecological farm named Taoyuan is called a farm, it is actually more like a combination of an ecological garden and a farmhouse.

  After entering the gate, you will see a lush peach forest.

  Although the area of ​​the peach forest is not large, they are all lush with branches and leaves, and there are scattered green peaches hanging on the branches.

   There are several greenhouses on the right side of the peach forest. You can see from the entrance of the protruding film that there are rows of strawberries planted inside, and there are red strawberries hanging on it.

  Behind the peach grove, a clearing can be vaguely seen, and the sound of clucking chickens can be heard faintly.

   That's obviously where the chickens are raised.

   Li Yilai had called before, and after hearing the news, the boss went out to greet him.

  But when he saw Liu Yifei and Wu Lei behind Li Yi, and the cameras behind the three of them, he was obviously stunned.

   "Boss, we were introduced by Boss Liu from Xinfadi Market to buy chicken, can we take a picture?"

  Li Yi took the initiative to ask.

  The boss hesitated: "Who are you?"

   "We are recording a variety show..."

   After Li Yi explained the situation to him, the boss dispelled his doubts and greeted warmly: "Welcome, welcome! Please come in!"

  The boss is obviously very happy to be on TV.

After leading Li Yi and the others into the garden, he enthusiastically introduced: "This is a peach grove, and some grass is planted below for the chickens to feed. My chickens don't eat any feed. They eat all the grass mixed with corn kernels. They are full of vitality. Well, running all over the yard, it is definitely the top chicken.

  Many people in the capital order chickens from me, and I deliver them to the city regularly, so I don’t have to worry about selling them.

  Here is my strawberry greenhouse. These strawberries have not been treated with pesticides. You can pick some and eat them. They are delicious. "

   As he spoke, he led Li Yi and the others into the shed, came over with a small plastic basket, and handed it to Liu Yifei and Wu Lei.

   "Are there still strawberries in summer?"

  Wu Lei was a little surprised: "Aren't strawberries going on the market around March?"

  The boss explained with a smile: "Strawberries can grow and bear fruit all the time. The open-air ones can be received in June, and the strawberries in the greenhouse are basically regardless of the time of day, even in winter."

"really not bad."

  Looking at the lush strawberry ridge, Wu Lei spotted a huge bright red strawberry, and reached out to pick it off.

   After blowing lightly, he stuffed it into his mouth and bit down.

   "Yes! It tastes good."

  Wu Lei was very satisfied with his meal.

  But Li Yi didn't do anything, but asked the boss: "Isn't this all fertilizer from the farm?"

"Of course."

  The boss said with a smile: "I have raised so many chickens, I can't waste them! It just happens to be self-produced and sold."


  Li Yi nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

  Wu Lei didn't understand, so he asked Li Yi, "What do you mean by self-produced and sold?"

  Li Yi glanced at him and asked, "Do you usually eat eggs when you work out?"

"of course."

  Wu Lei nodded: "I used to eat it often. Last time you told me that boiled eggs are best absorbed, so I ate all boiled eggs."

   "Oh, that's all right."

  Li Yi patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Anyway, they came from the same place, so there is not much difference."

   After finishing speaking, he stepped out of the shed and walked towards the chicken coop.


  After hearing his words, Wu Lei was even more confused.

  He looked at Liu Yifei: "Sister Yifei, what does Brother Yi mean?"

  Liu Yifei smiled, and patted him on the shoulder, encouraging: "It's okay, eat more if you like it, and pick some after eating. We bought it and brought it back for Brother Xiao Ming and Mai Mai to taste."

   Saying that, she also turned and left.

   At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was laughing like crazy.

   "Hahaha! Brother Yi is too damaged! He really came from one place!"

   "Isn't this coaxing a fool?"

   "It's over, Sister Shenxian also learned from Brother Yi and failed."

   "Haha! I want to know Wu Lei's expression when he knows the truth."

  Wu Lei, who didn't know the truth, didn't dwell on this issue, but followed Liu Yifei's explanation, and began to pick strawberries hard.

  While picking it, he didn't forget to stuff it into his mouth, eating very vigorously.

  Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast laughed so hard that their stomachs ached.

  Master Cai couldn't bear to continue witnessing this scene, so he left behind a sports camera to shoot, and went to find Li Yi and Liu Yifei with the camera on his shoulder.

  At this time, Li Yi had already brought Liu Yifei, and followed the boss to the chicken pen.

  It is said to be a chicken pen, but the chicken pen covers an area of ​​five or six acres.

The chicken pen is surrounded by a three-meter-high fence. In the center is a row of chicken coops. There are several big trees planted around the chicken coop, and there are about a thousand chickens scattered around it. There is food in it.

  Seeing those trees, Li Yi smiled and praised: "The boss knows how to raise chickens, these trees are well chosen."


  The boss was very surprised when he heard his words: "I have thousands of people here, and you are the first to tell the good of these trees."

  Hearing their conversation, Liu Yifei asked curiously, "What do you mean? Where are these trees?"

  The boss also smiled and looked at Li Yi when he heard the words, as if asking him for proof.

  Li Yi explained calmly: "Look at the varieties of these trees. That one is Chinese pagoda tree, which is easy to grow inchworms, also known as hanged ghosts, and that one is acacia tree, which is easy to attract aphids.

  That one is an elm tree, which is prone to elm leaf beetles.

   And those few trees, jujube trees, persimmon trees, apple trees, and crabapple trees are all trees that are easy to attract moths, and the moths are peppercorns.

  Just for these trees, the insects recruited every year can save the boss a lot of feed money. "

   "Hahaha! You really understand!"

  The boss laughed heartily: "It's not just the bugs, I don't collect the fruits from these fruit trees. I knock them all off and feed them to the chickens. These are all green and natural feed!"

  Hearing this, Liu Yifei looked at Li Yi with some admiration, and exclaimed, "You even know this?"

   "It's nothing."

  Li Yi disagreed: "Many chicken farmers know about it."

  Hearing what they said, the audience in the live broadcast room also had a lively discussion.

   "It's the first time I've heard of raising chickens like this, so it really saves money! The chickens still eat healthy!"

   "Holy shit, Brother Yi knows so well? My family raises chickens, and my parents don't know about it. No, I have to tell them and let them plant some trees."

   "It's not that exaggerated, is it? How many bugs can these few trees grow? Enough for so many chickens?"

   "What if the boss regularly inoculates the trees with pests?"


   "Tree: Listen to me, thank you, spicy next door!"

   While speaking, the boss had already brought Li Yi and the others into the chicken coop.




  (end of this chapter)

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