Chapter 129 You are so weird!

"forget about it."

  Li Yi stood up with a smile: "There's no need to challenge yourself to eat something you're not used to, it's better to eat to your heart's content."

   Hearing what he said, Wu Lei was relieved.

  He was really afraid that Li Yi would buy it back and make it for him.

   No matter how delicious it is, he still has a hard time getting through the psychological level.

  Li Yi flicked the bean worm in his palm, watched it turn around, and then handed it back to the boss with a smile: "Return it to you, my brother is not used to it."

  The boss didn't take it seriously, and waved his hand with a smile: "Take it and play!"

   "No need, it's not convenient to hold..."

  As Li Yi said, he was about to put the bean worm back into the box, but he heard a weak voice behind him: "Well, can I touch it?"

  Li Yi heard the sound and looked back, only to find that it was Liu Yifei who was hiding in the distance.

  She was stretching her neck, looking at the bean worm in Li Yi's hand, with a little fear in her eyes, but also a little curiosity.


  Li Yi supported the bean worm, and stretched towards her.

  Liu Yifei was so frightened that she took two steps back before mustering up her courage and walking over cautiously.

   Curiously looking at Dou Chong's emerald green body, fleshy short feet, and alien-like face, Liu Yifei couldn't help shivering.

   "Does it bite?"

  Liu Yifei asked Li Yi for confirmation.

   "Don't bite, it doesn't even have teeth, how can it bite?"

  Li Yi smiled and comforted her: "If you're really scared, don't touch it, it's unnecessary."

  Liu Yifei was a little hesitant, but she mustered up her courage, stretched out an index finger, and carefully poked the bulging belly on the side of Dou Chong.


   Bean Chong turned over, and she screamed in fright, and withdrew her hand.


  Wu Lei pursed his lips and grabbed his arms: "It's so disgusting! I feel like there are a lot of bugs crawling on my body."

  Hearing what he said, Liu Yifei was amused.

   "It doesn't seem that scary."

  After touching it once, she became more courageous, so she stretched out her index finger and poked the bean worm lightly.

  The bean worm rolled over again. She shrank her hand this time, but instead of avoiding it, she gently touched the belly of the bean worm with her fingertips.

   "So soft!"

  Liu Yifei was a little happy, gently stroking Dou Chong's belly, and even wanted to take it over.

  Wu Lei on the side looked at her with the expression of an old subway man looking at his mobile phone: "Sister Yifei, looking at you now is more disgusting than looking at bean worms."


  Liu Yifei cursed with a smile, and then asked Li Yi, "Can I try holding it?"

  Li Yi didn't say much, just pinched the bean worm by its tail, picked it up, and signaled to Liu Yifei: "Go on."

   "Slow down, slow down."

  Liu Yifei looked at the bean worm swinging in the air, a little nervous: "Don't pinch it hurting."


  Li Yi put the bean worm in her palm, and couldn't help shaking his head: "I didn't expect you to like the bean worm."

  Liu Yifei held the bean worm in both hands, her palms were scratched by the twisting bean worm, and she smiled happily.

  Hearing Li Yi's words, she smiled and said, "Actually, if you look closely, it's quite cute."


  Wu Lei looked terrified.


  Liu Yifei supported the bean worm with one hand, touched its head with the other, and said with a smile, "Look at it, it's all green and chubby, like a little pig living on a leaf, how cute is it?"

  Wu Lei looked at her, then at the squirming bean worm in her palm, feeling his world view collapsed.

   This scene was seen by the audience in the live broadcast room, and they were also shocked.

   "I thought Liu Yifei was making a show effect! He actually held it in his hand and played with it?"

   "Damn it! Even a man like me wouldn't dare to catch bean bugs like that, how dare she?"

   "I used to catch bean worms when I was young, but now I really don't dare."

   "I didn't expect Sister Shenxian to be so courageous, the filter is broken!"

   "I would like to call you Bean Worm Woman! Please accept my worship!"

  Liu Yifei didn't pay attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room, she was just happily playing with the bean worm in her hand, and took a photo with her mobile phone and sent it to Zhao Jinmai.

  Li Yi smiled when he saw this, and urged: "Let's go! Hurry up and do the shopping first, and I have to buy chickens later!"

  In the imitation cheap dishes he prepared this time, he needs to use a lot of chicks about two months old, and they must be free-range chickens.

  He had inquired that there was an ecological farm in Fangshan, and there were free-range chickens in it.

   But before going, he still needs to buy enough ingredients in the vegetable market.

  First of all, the raw materials for making the broth must be bought.

  This time what he wants to cook is meat broth, top-quality ham, and dried seafood.

  In addition, there are some specific ingredients that have to be ordered through the boss here.

  For example, the three-year-old Chenxiang mustard produced in FL needs to be ordered from the mountain city through the supply channel here, and it will be sent by express and airlifted.

  So, Li Yi took Liu Yifei and Wu Lei around the vegetable market, bought all the ingredients they needed, and then arranged for someone to deliver them to the hotel.

  Following, he led the team into the car and went straight to the FS area.

  Xinfadi vegetable market is still 20 kilometers away from the FS area. After getting in the car, the driver turned on the navigation and got on the highway.

  Wu Lei sat in the last row, keeping as far away from Liu Yifei as possible.

  Liu Yifei sat on the seat, happily feeding the bean worms with the acacia leaves given by the bean sprouts boss.

"I made a decision."

  Liu Yifei suddenly said, "I want to call it Xiaoqing."

   "You still gave it a name?"

  Wu Lei couldn't understand.


  Liu Yifei held the bean worm and turned around to tease him: "You will call her sister Xiaoqing from now on."

   Seeing her stretching out her hand, Wu Lei hurriedly hid back, waving his hand for mercy: "Okay, okay! You can call me whatever you want, don't let it get close to me!"

  Li Yi listened to them squabbling, shook his head with a smile, raised his hand and connected the phone, it was a call from an unfamiliar number.

   "Hello? Hello, um, I'm Li Yi."

  Li Yi was still smiling at first, but as he listened, the smile disappeared.

   After a while, he asked, "Where did you get my contact information?"

  After getting the answer from the other side, Li Yi said seriously: "I'm not interested, you go find someone else!"

   After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

   Liu Yifei noticed that his complexion was not very good, so she asked with concern: "What's wrong? Who is calling?"

   "A boring person."

  Li Yi shook his head, smiled nonchalantly: "He wants to cooperate with me, open a live broadcast to bring goods, sell 99 bottles of Moutai, and cut the leeks of the audience in my live broadcast room."

   "How can it work? Isn't that letting you lie?"

  Liu Yifei fights against injustice.

   "Yes! So I rejected him."

  Li Yi said, he looked at the live broadcast phone, and said with a smile: "Did you hear that? I rejected a big client for you! Why don't you hurry up and click like?"

  Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room made barrage jokes one after another.

   "He really, I cried to death!"

   "Hey! You're so nice!"

   "Thank you for your mercy, I will repay you for not killing me! I will allow you to call me Dad!"

   "In this case, then share half of my kiss with you!"

  Looking at their outrageous barrage, Li Yi laughed and cursed: "You heartless people, I should have posted the link just now!"

  In the live broadcast room, the audience became even more excited.

   "You go! You go!"

   "If you dare to get on me, I will place a thousand orders! If you really get on, just pretend I didn't say anything!"




  (end of this chapter)

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