Chapter 126 The Fierce Man Chen De

  It's the third time to come here, Li Yi is already familiar with the road.

  Looking at the familiar wooden monument and the familiar space of colorful fog, he muttered in a low voice: "Don't be like last time, it's been more than 20 years."

  Although after leaving the mysterious space, his personal memories related to the possessed person will fade away, leaving only cooking related memories.

  But he will always remember the feeling of staying in it for more than 20 years. It is naturally good to come out sooner.

  Who will be possessed this time?

   While thinking about it, he pricked his finger in the old way and smeared the blood donation on the wooden tablet.

  After leaving the mysterious space, his wounds would heal automatically, so he simply applied a few more drops.

   Soon, his eyes flashed.

  The next moment, he appeared in a bedroom, lying on the bed.


  Where is this?

  He was a little puzzled.

  The first few times he came in, every time he was in the imperial dining room, the surroundings were full of heat.

  How did he get into whose bedroom this time?

  He wanted to raise his hand to lift the quilt, but his elbow suddenly slipped.

   "The head of the house..."

  A sound of a sleeping woman muttering came from his ear, which surprised him.

   Is this a family man?

   Hastily lifted the quilt, and he got out of bed.

  The moonlight outside the door was bright, and it came in through the cracks in the window and shone on the bluestone floor.

  The reflection of the moonlight illuminates the room brightly.

  By moonlight, he came to the table and saw the extinguished oil lamp on the table.

  What about Huozhezi?

  He rummaged on the table.

  The sound of Jingdong woke up the woman on the bed, and she asked in a daze, "Master, what are you looking for?"

   "Where is Huoziezi?"

   Li Yi asked without looking back.

   "Isn't it on the cabinet next to the wall?"

  The woman yawned and asked, "What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

   "Don't worry about it, just get some sleep."

   As Li Yi said, he found the fire folder from the cabinet.

   Lighted the oil lamp with a torch, and the room gradually brightened.

  Li Yi looked around and soon saw the dressing table.

   Coming to the dressing table, he picked up the bronze mirror on it and looked at himself.

  Seeing the reflection in the bronze mirror, he was stunned: "Chen De?"

  He recognized the person he possessed this time.

   This man is called Chen De, who has been in the imperial dining room for five years, and even asked Li Kaile to learn how to cook rice.

  Chen De brought Yi into the Imperial Dining Room, and he is best at imitating cheap dishes.

  The so-called imitation cheap dishes are made with relatively high-end ingredients and made into a very homely and ordinary appearance.

   It looks like home-cooked stir-fry, but it tastes delicious.

   This imitation cheap dish originated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and then developed in various places, and is most common in the palace.

  For example, Huang Jinglin, the future chef of Sichuan cuisine, is a good imitation cheap dish.

  The famous dish he developed [boiled cabbage] looks like a bowl of clear water with a cabbage heart floating in it, which seems ordinary.

   But when drinking, the bowl of clear soup is extremely delicious, and the cabbage is also crisp and delicious.

  Actually, this [boiled cabbage] soup is made by boiling many meat dishes such as chicken, duck, ham, etc., and then using minced chicken and pork to make clear soup.

  So the soup in the bowl looks like clear water, but it tastes very delicious.

  Because the cabbage heart in the bowl is washed away by the broth, it looks like a lotus flower blooming. This dish is also called [Looking like Qinglian (Qinglian)], and it is one of the representative dishes of imitation cheap dishes.

  However, apart from being a master of imitation cheap dishes, this Chen De's greatest achievement is actually even more amazing.

  He was the first cook in history to assassinate the emperor, and he almost succeeded in the assassination.

  His assassination was not the so-called poisoning of food.

  He took his two sons to ambush Emperor Jiaqing on his way back from Yuanmingyuan to the palace, and stabbed him with a knife.

  It is recorded in the history books: Jiaqing eight years, leap in February. Emperor Jiaqing returned to the palace from the Old Summer Palace and entered the Zhenshun Gate. Chen De assassinated him and was not captured. Chen De and his two sons were put to death. Strictly enforce the ban on the palace gate.

  But the reason why he assassinated the emperor was not because he wanted to rebel or was bribed to hire murderers.

  The reason why he assassinated the emperor was because he was fired by his original employer and his life was not settled.

   His wife died of illness, two minor sons, and a mother-in-law who was paralyzed in bed.

  Originally he was the pillar of the family, but after being fired by his employer, he had no money to support his family and couldn't survive, so he wanted to commit suicide.

  But he thought he was committing suicide and no one knew about it. Wouldn’t he die in vain?

  It just so happened that he heard that Emperor Jiaqing had gone to visit the Yuanmingyuan, so he had a whim, planning to make a fortune before he died, and he was going to assassinate the emperor!

  He thought very clearly, even if the assassination was unsuccessful, the Minister of Guards had to chop him up to death with knives, just to have fun, and he would be considered dead.

  He has been an imperial cook in the palace for five years, so he is familiar with the routes to and from the palace.

  So, he waited at the Shenwu Gate, and when the emperor was returning to the palace, he followed the crowd into the palace, and when he found an opportunity, he charged at Emperor Jiaqing with a knife and started the assassination.

   What's interesting is that when he stabbed with a knife, most of the guards who were bestowed with imperial jackets were stunned and no one dared to rescue him.

   At the critical moment, Emperor Jiaqing's brother-in-law Gu Lun's brother-in-law, Prince Lavandorji of Khalkha, the husband of Emperor Qianlong's seventh daughter Gu Lun and Princess Jing, stepped forward and hugged Chen De.

  Following, the imperial guards Zaktar, Zhuerhanga, and Sangjistal also rushed over together.

   But even these few people stepped forward to rescue him, the guard of Qianqing Gate, Danbadorji, was hacked three times by Chen De.

  After a scuffle, Chen Decai was firmly held down.

   Although he was arrested, Chen De was still full of momentum.

  During the initial trial, he directly said to the interrogating officials: "If it is done, then the place where the judge sits will be where I sit."

  The shock made the officials call the gangsters.

  Recalling Chen De's vigorous experience, Li Yi was quite emotional.

  He actually possessed this fierce man this time.

   "Master, you don't sleep most of the night, what mirror are you looking in there?"

   A woman's voice came from the bed.

  Li Yi looked back, and saw the young daughter-in-law sitting up rubbing her eyes, and her bellyband that was tilted to one side.

   "What year is it?"

  He asked the woman.

  He remembered that when Chen De entered the imperial dining room, it was already the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong.

  At that time, Chen De was thirty-one years old.

  But in the mirror, he is a young man in his early twenties.

  The woman squinted her eyes and complained: "Master, are you sleepy? You don't even know what year it is?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, just tell me what year it is!"

   Li Yi urged.

  The woman muttered something before telling him: "I was married last year. Last year was the 44th year of Qianlong. Isn't this year the 45th year of Qianlong?"

  Forty-five years of Qianlong...

   Li Yi rubbed his chin and nodded.

   Almost, at this moment Chen De is still learning how to cook in his hometown in Yu Province, and he has not been recommended to Beijing yet, so of course he is not in the imperial dining room.

  Seeing that he was silent in thought, the woman threw off the quilt and got out of bed, blew out the oil lamp, and went back to bed.

   "What kind of lamp do you light in the middle of the night? Waste of gas, go to bed! You have to get up early tomorrow!"




  (end of this chapter)

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