Chapter 125 Returning to the Mysterious Dimension

  9, 6 points is not too low.

   With a score of 9.6, gifts and gift packages worth 960,000 yuan can be distributed to the audience.

   Bathed in the rain of red envelopes, everyone in the show returned to the kitchen and began to prepare staff meals for the staff.

   Wu Lei put all the used tableware into the dishwasher in two or three strokes and handed it over to the dishwasher for cleaning.

   Others were packing unused ingredients and sending them to Li Yi.

  Li Yi stood in front of the stove, methodically matching the ingredients and making them into various dishes.

  Most of these vegetables are washed, chopped but unused vegetables, and they can’t be eaten if left overnight. It’s better to make it into a staff meal for everyone to eat.

  He was not fighting alone, Sui Bian also put on his apron, took charge of the cooking, and got busy with him.

  Many people are powerful. In half an hour, the staff meal is ready.

   The staff cheered, leaving a few to watch the machine, all of them came to the restaurant and started queuing up for food.

  But the cameraman watching the machine was not forgotten. Wu Lei and the others bought a few meals and sent them to the back of the machine for them to sit and eat.

  Watching this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were envious.

   "The benefits are really good, and I even take care of the meal at night."

   "It's fine to take care of the rice, the rice in charge is made by Brother Yi!"

   "Is the program group still recruiting people? I am a professional videographer, known as Luoyang Chen Guanxi. I only need half the salary, and I can take care of the meals every day."

   "I'm Suhang Miao Renfeng, I don't need money, I just take care of food!"

   While joking, the staff had already eaten up a dozen dishes and a large bowl of noodles.

  Following, everyone helped out together and cleaned everything inside and outside the restaurant.

  Many people are powerful, coupled with various kitchen appliances and cleaning tools from sponsors, the restaurant will soon be completely new.

  Back to the gate of the restaurant, Huang Xiaoming came to the camera and said to the audience with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard today, and we have been recording with us until now.

  Thank you for watching and supporting us. Today’s show is over here first. Let’s go to bed early. See you at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. Goodbye. "

"See you tomorrow!"

  The rest of the people also said goodbye to the audience.

  Amidst the audience's reluctant barrage, the live broadcast of the program cut off the signal.

  The recording of the first program also officially ended.

   Watching the red light of the camera go off, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Everyone has worked hard."

  Wang Tian appeared on the scene and said with a smile: "Everyone is very tired from today's live broadcast, let me tell you a good news!

  The live broadcast data of our program, whether it is the number of viewers or the number of people online at the same time, all data have created platform records! "

  Hearing her words, everyone at the scene was overjoyed, and the staff also cheered and applauded.

  Since it is a program, of course the higher the data, the better.

  The show is popular, and the staff's year-end bonuses can also be generous.

  The artists came to this show to increase their popularity.

  The higher the attention of the program, the higher the conversion traffic, which is good for everyone.

  Amid the applause and cheers, Wang Tian came up to Li Yi and said with a smile, "Li Yi, I was right to invite you here. You helped the program team get a big advertisement."


  Li Yi joked: "Then you can't give me a raise?"

   "It's easy to say."

  Wang Tian was very straightforward: "When the show is finished, I will give you a big red envelope!"

   After finishing speaking, she looked at Zheng Jun and his wife again, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Are you still used to today's recording?"

   "I'm so used to it, I don't even want to leave."

   Zheng Jun joked: "Why don't we stay as resident guests? We can eat delicious food every day."

   "Sure! Welcome."

  Wang Tian smiled and agreed, but she knew that Zheng Jun and the others had full schedules for announcements, so she was just joking.

   "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

  Wang Tian asked Qin Lan.

   "Eight in the morning." Qin Lan said, looking at Huang Xiaoming.

   "Then take a good rest tonight, I will arrange for someone to take you to the airport tomorrow."

  After Wang Tian finished speaking, he greeted the others: "Everyone has worked hard, so go back and rest early! Gather at the usual time tomorrow morning and call it a day!"

  Following Wang Tian's order, all the program crew stopped work and walked to the parking lot, intending to take a car back to the hotel to rest.

  The flying guests and entertainers all got on the same bus.

  Li Yi sat in the back row and closed his eyes to rest, when he suddenly heard Qin Lan calling him.

   "Li Yi?"

  He opened his eyes, and saw Qin Lan standing in front of him holding a mobile phone.

   "Aren't you asleep?"

  Qin Lan asked with a smile: "The dishes you cook are so delicious, can I add you on WeChat?"

   "What? Do you want to have a meal with me?"

  Li Yi made a joke.

   "No rubbing, I'll cheer you up."

  Qin Lan smiled and said, "I haven't eaten so happily for a long time."

  Li Yi smiled, took out his phone, and added her WeChat.

"thank you!"

  Qin Lan was very happy: "I will find you to play when I have time later."

   After speaking, she returned to her seat and sat down.

  Li Yi put away the phone, and was about to close his eyes to rest, when the phone suddenly vibrated.

  He took out his phone and looked at it, only to find that it was Liu Yifei who sent him a WeChat message.

  Liu Yifei: Did you forget something?

  Li Yi was a little puzzled, so he returned a questioning expression.

  Liu Yifei: What about the mapo tofu in clear soup that you promised me?

  Seeing her message, Li Yi knew what she was talking about.

  Li Yi: I haven't forgotten, I will make it for you tomorrow.

   Soon, Liu Yifei replied with a pouting and humming to the left.

   Followed, another message.

  Liu Yifei: Lied to me again.

   Smiled, Li Yi explained: I didn't lie to you, the bean paste used to make mapo tofu in clear soup needs to be fermented, at least it can be used tomorrow.

   Seeing that his statement was well-founded, Liu Yifei replied: Okay, I misunderstood you, sorry.

  Li Yi: It's okay, are you full today?

  Liu Yifei: I’m full, if you really make mapo tofu in clear soup, I won’t be able to eat it, haha!

  Li Yi: That's just right, save some stomach for tomorrow, just wait for lunch.

  Liu Yifei: Good!

  Li Yi: Do you want to go shopping tomorrow morning?

  Liu Yifei: Go! You wake up and call me.

  Li Yi: OK, set an alarm clock for six o'clock.

  Liu Yifei: [OK]

  Li Yi didn't reply any more, put away his phone, and drove back to the hotel.

  Get out of the car and go upstairs with the others. When they returned to the room, Li Yi threw himself on the bed.

  After a busy day, he is also a little tired.

   But after resting for a while, he got up again and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  The mission is completed, and he can go back to that mysterious space again.

   And this time, who will he be?

   After taking a good shower, Li Yi dried his hair and lay down on the bed refreshed.

   After taking a bath, he slept very relaxedly. Not long after he closed his eyes, Li Yi sank.

  The next moment, he woke up in the familiar mysterious space.




  (end of this chapter)

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