A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2175: Mad

Cesare's heart is very chaotic, he is very very confused now, and also very shocked.

Looking at Mario lying on the sofa, Cesare approached the subconsciously, but at this moment, a man suddenly shouted: "What happened to Mr. Cicero!"

Cesare looked at the rushing man and said in a very tired tone: "He is so angry."

Looking at Mario lying on the sofa, the rushed person shouted, "Mario! Mario!"

After two calls, the man who rushed in looked up at Mario ’s personal doctor and said anxiously, "What happened?"

"May be cerebral hemorrhage."

The man who rushed in didn't hesitate anymore, he immediately stood up and put his hand on the intercom near his mouth, shouting: "Drive the bulletproof car to the door, go to the Rome hospital, you lift Mr. Cicero, the lead car Set off immediately and watch for abnormalities on the road. "

A group of people hurried out, and the two carried Mario into an armored car. Then, when Cesare habitually followed, the person who gave the order stopped him, pointing to the next lane: "You get in this car, doctor, come on, you take care of Mr. Cicero, we set off."

Cesare didn't say anything, got into the car behind Mario, and a huge convoy rushed towards the hospital.

That's it, although Cesare is Mario's assistant, Mario's left and right arm, and is usually Mario's closest friend, but Mario's most trusted is his bodyguard, not his Cesare.

Cesare knew this for a long time. Although he was Mario ’s assistant, he often gave Mario a lot of instructions. However, he had never been able to aerial Mario, nor was it possible to replace Mario, because Mario It is simply impossible to make such a mistake.

But when Mario was okay, Cesare was his left arm and right arm, but when Mario had any accidents, Cesare lost all his status.

The reason for all this is because Mario has Frank Giuseppe beside him.

Frank's skill is very good, his intuition is sharp, he is a murder expert, and he is also an expert in protecting people. Frankly speaking, Frank is a soldier, so he cannot handle Mario's daily work, but Mario trusts him. No need to appear, but when Mario is in danger, everyone under Mario will only listen to Frank, because this has been emphasized by Mario countless times.

If Frank feels the need, he can kill Cesare on the spot, of course, he will not do it, but it is just not necessary.

Cesare's mood is really very, very complicated. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Mario died.

The convoy arrived at the hospital. Under the close protection of a group of people, Mario was put on the operating bed and handed over to the doctor and nurse.

The rest of the matter had nothing to do with Cesare, but Cesare couldn't help but trot all the way behind the operating table until Mario was sent into the CT scan room.

Both Cesare and Frank stopped outside the door. Frank's serious face waved towards the person behind him, and whispered: "Fall out, don't let any suspicious people approach, seal the message tightly, if anyone Leaving the wind, anyone, any casual words, I will let him know the consequences. "

After instructing his men to let them fall apart, Frank looked at Cesare coldly, then extended his hand and whispered: "Your phone, Cesare."

Cesare took out his cell phone, turned it off, and put it in Frank's hand.

Frank put away his phone and put it in his pocket, he said with a deep voice: "If Mario is fine, I will return it to you."

Cesare nodded silently, and the two waited outside the CT scan room. Soon, the door reopened, and a doctor came out and hurriedly said: "Brain hemorrhage, surgery immediately."

Frank grabbed the doctor and whispered: "How serious!"

The doctor was a little scared because Frank looked scary. He said tremblingly: "It's very likely ... But, you can try to rescue as much as you can. Please let me go. I must prepare for the operation immediately.

Frank immediately let go of the doctor and waved his hand: "Sorry, please, try your best."

Mario was lying still and pushed away, and went straight into the operating room. Frank looked at Mario with a serious face until the door of the operating room closed.

After standing quietly for a while, Frank turned to look at Cesare and whispered: "What happened?"

Cesare whispered everything that had happened, and when he was finished, he suddenly said ghostly, "Will you kill me?"

Frank stared at Cesare with a grim look: "Why ask this question."

Cesare smiled worse than crying, whispering: "Because, I know too much."

Frank turned his head and said, "Too much knowledge doesn't necessarily kill you, Cesare, you think too much."

Cesare took a long breath and said: "Frank, I am ready to meet my destiny, I will only ask you one thing, please tell me, if Mario is dead, do I have to It ’s going to die, everyone knows that everything around Maleo is handled by the two of us, but I know that my destiny is in your hands, Mario treats me as a friend, but he always treats You are a brother. "

After speaking, Cesare said with a difficult face: "I have no other meaning, Frank, we have known each other for many years, I just want to know my destiny, if I have to die, I will accept it very calmly, but Promise me, let me arrange the matter, and arrange for my family to do it again, don't rush it, can you? "

Frank stared at Cesare for a long time, and then he whispered: "You won't die, as long as you don't do stupid things, Maleo treats you as a friend, and he won't kill the friend, well, you should go Have a rest. "

After Frank finished speaking, he looked around, then he looked around, then opened the door and walked into a doctor ’s office. After looking inside, he said loudly: “Borrow your office, take you Personal belongings, go out. "

After driving the doctor out, Frank walked to the desk seemingly casually, reached out and unplugged the telephone line of the fixed phone, then walked out of the office door, looked back at Cesare, and beckoned two bodyguards, loudly Dao: "It's very dangerous here. You two are inseparable to protect Mr. Cesare."

After speaking loudly, Frank said in an inaudible voice: "If he calls, kill him."

The name is Protection, but it is actually monitored. Of course Cesare knows this. He sat in the doctor ’s chair and looked at the ground with a dull face, not knowing what he was thinking.

For a long moment, looking up at the two bodyguards staring at him, Cesare sighed again, looked at his watch, and then said: "It's three o'clock, I'm going to sleep, if Mr. Cicero has news wake me up."

After talking ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Cesare closed his eyes to the two bodyguards, leaned his head back, and put his right hand on his left hand.

All of Cesare's movements can be seen by the bodyguard, but the small movements on his hand are not visible to the bodyguard.

Cesare used a very slight movement with a thumb to press the rhythmic lightly on the buckle of the watch.

"Notify Lorenzo, inform Big Ivan to tell Justin, Mario is dead, Rome Hospital, Cesare, a hundred thousand desperate."

After launching a set of Morse passwords with a watch, Cesare repeated the same words three times without hesitation, just in case something went wrong. After he released the most important information, Cesare still had Opportunity to send more detailed information, but he did not do so.

Cesare was really asleep, and when he was awakened by the slight footsteps and opened his eyes, he saw Frank with a pale face standing in front of him.

Before and after Cesare, he paused for a while, and then said in a very heavy tone: "Mario is dead. On the operating table, there are a lot of things that you need to deal with. Do what I said. "(To be continued.)

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