A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2174: The last straw

"Send someone, whether it is a trap or not, you must send someone in the past, and you must send more people!"

After Mario said this resolutely, Cesare said worriedly: "It's not good, it's very bad, Fatino has no value, it's not worth saving him, and it may be more than one Trap, if we send someone over, the defense here will be empty. "

Mario exhaled and said, "We don't send people from here, we don't transfer a person here, it's time for the sergeant to contribute. After so many years, he must reward me."

Cesare whispered: "You mean, let the police go?"

Mario regained his confidence, and he said with a serious face: "Yes, let the police go and enclose the place completely. If the mad dog or the **** ram wants to ambush us, it would be best. Let The people who took him with him also passed, and those policemen couldn't rely on it, and ultimately they had to rely on Sebres to solve the problem. "

Cesare nodded: "I see, I will tell him."

Mario said: "No, I said it personally, call me."

Cesare dialed a number. After Mario took the phone, he said in a low voice: "Sebris, take all your staff, go to a place, find my enemies, kill them, if You caught a live one, then, surely, surely, and do n’t kill him. "

After finishing the call, Mario still sat on the sofa, leaned back, and said with dignity: "It's time to notify the sheriff and repay me."

Cesare left, and a long time later, about an hour, Cesare knocked on the door and returned to the room, whispering: "It has been arranged, the sheriff will lead a large number of people past, if the ram is where I wo n’t be able to run away. In addition, I have made the guard here stronger. If the Rams think that they can remove the guards around you and plan to come here to attack you, then he will be very disappointed. "

If Gao Yang is present, he will be very disdainful to say that it is not to tune the tiger away from the mountain. In a word, it is a matter of bluntness, so much nonsense and no culture.

Of course, Mario and Cesare do n’t know what to do, but they understand it very well.

The several guards around Mario were gone. It was n’t that Mario withdrew his guards. On the contrary, he strengthened the guards, but after feeling that he had regained the initiative, Mario regained some confidence and restored some. After confidence, he realized that it would be useless to have eight heavily armed people around him to seek a sense of security, so he let these people leave.

Mario's face was calm and whispered: "So, just wait for the news."

Time passed by one minute and one second, Mario looked at his watch and said anxiously: "Why hasn't I responded yet."

Cesare whispered: "Where does the sheriff need to temporarily mobilize manpower, and is likely to encounter resistance, the time cannot be too short."

Mario sighed softly and said, "Call the sheriff and ask when it will be better, don't let those people run away."

After a moment, Cesare said: "It will be fine soon, the sheriff said that he can leave in half an hour at most."

Mario was very dissatisfied and said: "It is too slow to expect these people to protect you."

After a while, someone knocked on the door gently. Both Mario and Cesare immediately looked at the heavy wooden door. Cesare immediately stood up and ran quickly to the door, opened the door, and looked Dissatisfied said: "What is it."

After murmuring a few words, Cesare changed his face and whispered: "Got it, go out."

Mario shouted: "What's the matter, nothing important, he won't knock on the door, tell me what happened."

After hesitation, Cesare whispered: "Sophia sent it back, the people of the TV station were at the door, and they sent Sofia."

Mario's face suddenly turned pale, and he stood up, trembling: "Take, bring her in, no, I'm going out."

Cesare immediately said: "No, no, you can't leave this room."

Mario suddenly shouted with exhaustion: "At least three hundred people are protecting me. If this is not safe, then I want them to do something! What's the use!"

Cesare whispered: "Wait here, I will go, I will pick Sofia. Anyway, you should not leave this room, I will come back immediately."

Cesare walked away quickly, and his heart was also very disturbed. He walked to the gate, and a pale man held a black garbage bag.

Where Cesare was standing, staring blankly at the garbage bag, and then he twitched his hands on his forehead with his hands on his foreheads and gritted his teeth in a whisper before he said helplessly: "Just this bag?"

"That's how the bag was delivered."

Cesare exhaled, lowering his head, shaking his hand, pointing to the many rooms behind him, whispering: "Go find a box or box, better, better box, and, if there is A lot of blood, clean it up, make it clean, go quickly. "

The man whispered: "But sir, but ..."

Cesare was very reluctant to take Mario's daughter's head to meet him, but who made him the most trusted and closest person of Mario.

Cesare suddenly angered: "Go!"

The man carrying the garbage bag immediately hurried away in a hurry, and after five minutes, he ran back holding a beautifully decorated wooden box with carved patterns and whispered: "The face is very clean, no need Organize, I will not move. "

Cesare exhaled and said, "Yeah, they need people to see who they are, and they naturally need to be cleaned up."

After talking, Cesare angered again at the man holding the wooden box: "Do you think this is a gift? Cover the lid and open."

After glancing down into the open wooden box, Cesare nausea and couldn't help shivering, then muttered: "Oh, poor Sofia."

Cesare hurried to Mario's room, motioned for the man at the door to open the door for him, and walked in. Then he walked a few steps forward and said to Mario: "Sir, I think you, Better still, better still ... "

Mario had walked to Cesare, his footsteps were still steady, but after just glancing into the wooden box, he was staggered, and then immediately reached out to support Cesare ’s shoulder. U disk in the road: "What is this?"

Cesare lowered his head and glanced at his carelessness, then whispered: "Sent together, I strongly suggest you not to watch."

Mario exhaled, stumbled back to the sofa, and sat on the buttocks. After a long pant, he pointed to Cesare and said, "Put the box down, look at the USB flash drive. What the **** is mine, let it go. "

Cesare was helpless, but he still put down the box, took out the U disk, and then took a computer in person and placed it in front of Mario.

Watching her daughter crying and screaming for help in the camera, she was greeted with merciless sarcasm and laughter. Mario clenched her neck tightly, her face pale and kept whispering: "This group of animals ! This bunch of beasts! "

When he saw a man with a black headgear pick up a bone-cutting knife, Cesare suddenly closed his computer, and then pointed at Mario: "Don't look at it, don't look at it anymore, it can't be changed, You have to think about your body, you must never look at it again. "

Mario closed her eyes and whispered: "My daughter, I will avenge you, those people, I will find them, one by one, one by one ..."

Cesare ’s phone rang suddenly, and there was no ringing, but the vibrating sound interrupted Mario ’s words. Cesare immediately took out his mobile phone. After a quick glance, he immediately said, “It ’s a sheriff!”

Mario grabbed the phone, stood up, and hurriedly said, "It's me! How about it! Did you find the bunch of beasts!"

Mario's face was anxious, but after listening to the phone for a while, his face was white and his hands were loose. When the phone slipped from his hand to the ground, Mario shook and fell backwards. Lying on the sofa, his eyes were still open and still out of breath, but it was motionless, and two lines of tears came out silently.

Cesare picked up the phone and listened to the people inside shouting nervously and hurriedly: "No one came out, died, all died! All died!"

Cesare was also pale. After hanging up the phone in a sudden, he suddenly shouted: "Come here! Call the doctor, call the doctor!"

Someone ran in immediately outside the door. After hearing Cesare's instructions, he ran out again, and then a private doctor in a suit ran in. When he saw Mario's appearance, he was scared and hurried. After sitting next to Mario, he shouted: "Mr. Cicero, Mr. Cicero, can you hear me? Look at me ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Please look at me."

While talking, the doctor opened Mario's eyes, looked at Mario's pupils carefully, and shouted: "Send to the hospital immediately! Quick! Must go to the hospital immediately!"

Cesare immediately said: "Can't go to the hospital! What's wrong? He's just too excited, must he go to the hospital?"

The private doctor looked nervous and looked at Cesare: "Yes, he must go to the hospital. I guess that his pupils are completely unresponsive to light, which shows that there is a problem with his brain. The worst case is cerebral hemorrhage. It ’s very dangerous and may be life-threatening. "

Turning his head again and looking at Mario, the dead doctor shook his head and said: "No delay, no delay for a minute, and immediately sent to the hospital for examination, if the craniotomy is done in time, it may be saved, otherwise ..."

Cesare hurriedly said: "How about otherwise!"

"If you don't speak well, you may be half-hearted. In the worst case, you will die."

Cesare breathed out, and said startled, "God, come here! Go to the hospital! Hurry, hurry!" (To be continued.)

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