A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2167: This is strength

Gao Yang stood up and kicked out space for himself, but he didn't have a gun in his hand. 』㈧㈠』 Chinese network * ┡⒈

Without a gun in his hand, Gao Yang could only watch the enemies in front of him without being able to knock them down one by one.

Twelve Southeast Asians have laid six on the ground, five of them are motionless, and have completely lost their ability to move. The people who have just been kicked by Gao Yang are twisting in pain, and the remaining ones are knocked down. , Gao Yang shot and killed one, plus in addition to Irene or Lucica shot down with a gun, Li Jinfang himself knocked down three people.

Twelve people, if they come one by one, Li Jinfang will be completely settled within a minute, but when the twelve people are swarming, Li Jinfang has let down three of them, even if he can still stand inside and continue to fight It's already terrible.

It is naturally different to be beaten up by people in all directions.

Li Jinfang was already covered in blood, and at least four of his enemies had knives in his hands.

Li Jinfang is not without the ability to evade or fight back. He always keeps a certain space around him to avoid being approached and then giving him a few knives, but he has lost the opportunity to completely kill his opponent. Whenever he has When the opportunity to kill an opponent, he had to dodge immediately to escape the deadly knife.

Gao Yang ’s mind is still a bit murky, but this does not mean that he cannot quickly determine what is the most important thing. Of course, the first choice is still to take a gun, but Gao Yang does not have a gun at his feet. He must run a few steps to get away from the body Holding a gun in his hand, he immediately aimed at the enemy right in front of him.

Li Jinfang ’s situation was precarious, and Yang Yang did not hesitate. He took a step forward, flew a foot, and hit the back of his enemy.

It's just a matter of flicking to kick your legs.

The guy with a kick on the **** jumped up and jumped, holding his legs, twisting his body and jumping into the air, holding a knife in his right hand and covering his **** in his left hand. He was very surprised with his eyes wide open. Stared at Gao Yang, and fell to the ground from midair, then immediately began to roll in pain.

Gao Yang kicked a kick and kicked the **** of an enemy who turned his back, but Li Jinfang immediately appeared a gap on the front.


Li Jinfang shouted, and as he leaned forward, he moved forward and drilled the encircling circle from the gap kicked out by Gao Yang. However, while he was drilling the encircling circle, he got another knife on the back behind his right shoulder and was pulled out A word of mouth.


Li Jin rushed forward to reach Gao Yang, and then he turned around again, raised his arms up, and slammed again.

Gao Yang reached out and lifted his clothes from the back of Li Jinfang who was standing in front of him, and pulled out Glock 21.

Gao Yang stretched out his left hand and flicked Li Jinfang's head, Li Jinfang flicked his head to the side, then raised his gun and dangdang dangdang.

The flower arm was holding a knife, and stopped less than two meters away from Li Jinfang. His left hand edged a gesture of blocking the dial, and the right hand was holding a knife on his waist. Speaking of standard, but it must be a common white-blade fighting posture, but at this time, the flower arm is subconsciously standing on the spot.

Because everyone around that flower arm is dead.

Staring staringly at the muzzle of Gao Yang's still smoking cigarette, the flowery arm took a step back subconsciously.

"Are you able to fight? Aren't you able to fight? Come, come!"

Gao Yang was kicked so badly that he kicked several feet back and forth, which made him very angry, so, very rarely, he stopped during the battle and started talking nonsense.

Too much nonsense is the biggest cause of death for the villains. Gao Yang does not know if he is a villain, but he certainly does not allow himself to say too much nonsense.

"Who are you!"

The flower arm wiped his face with his left hand to wipe off the blood stains on his face, and then he asked a question in a low voice.

Li Jinfang did not hesitate and said in a deep voice: "Satan, frog!"

Hua Huan glanced at Gao Yang, who raised his head and shouted, "Satan, Ram!"

"It really is you."

After that flower arm whispered, he said solemnly: "Vietnam Gang, Nguyen Ngong Yong ..."

Without saying a word, that flower arm suddenly waved his right hand.

Gao Yang is afraid of dying of nonsense, so he can't relax his vigilance while speaking. On the contrary, in order to avoid dying of too much nonsense, his concentration is extremely high.

I just watched the shoulder of that flower arm move slightly, and it was a shot that did n’t go to the beater, but directly hit the junction of the upper arm of the flower arm and the shoulder. When the gun went down, the knife with that arm would never be thrown out.

The right hand of the flower arm was not the last stroke. While trying to throw the right hand with his right hand, his left hand reached his back. He raised his gun again and shot his left arm. Ruan Zhongyong? Haven't heard of it, pull the gun? You die in front of me. "

Finally, Gao Yang made a third shot. This shot was in the middle of his eyebrows, and his arms died in response.

Immediately, his arm hung down, and after taking a breath, Gao Yang looked at Li Jinfang and said, "Are you all right?"

"I can't die, it's all skin trauma."

Gao Yang put a gun in Li Jinfang's hand and said, "Clear the field, hurry."

Having finished speaking, Gao Yang took out his pocket and took his mobile phone while looking around to look for his pistol. After seeing his pistol, he ran over immediately and picked up the gun to see if it did not break. It was on the sleeve at the muzzle A little bit of Yiner just let it go.

Erin and Lucica have run over, raising their hands and whispering: "Withdraw, fail, hurry up and leave!"

Erin hurriedly: "What about Raphael?"

Gao Yang whispered: "As long as Raphael didn't do anything, it wouldn't be a problem ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ We'll be really done staying here, withdraw!"

After raising his hand, all the people on the ground, whether they were dead or alive, made a shot, helped Li Jinfang clear the scene to ensure that no living people were left, raised his hand, and the four quickly ran towards the busy street.

From the start of the fight to the end of the battle, the total time is only two minutes.

And when Gao Yang ran, the phone was already connected, Gao Yang said angrily: "Report the situation!"

Phoenix hurriedly said: "The enemy is approaching you from this hotel, a large number of enemies! The fire is evacuated! The target is leaving the stadium under the protection of the guard, the skunk is not moving, safe."

Gao Yang said angrily: "Understood!"

Phoenix continued: "Fleeing in the direction of the stadium, the enemy has not tried to intercept, has notified the backup, whether to respond to you or forcefully kill the target, please instruct."

Gao Yang did not carry a radio, so Phoenix is ​​equivalent to an information relay station, Gao Yang hurriedly said: "If you are not sure, give up your goal, give priority to evacuation, and finish!" (To be continued.)

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