A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2166: Carp stiffen

The chance for Gao Yang to wait was the moment Irene and Lucica shot. Δ㈧㈠ 中 Δ 文 文 『Δ⒈

As soon as I opened here, a lot of customers who were sitting and enjoying coffee naturally became chaotic. In a sharp cry of women, the normal people began to flee, and Irene and Lucica also pretended to be afraid. But instead of turning around and fleeing, the two of them immediately squatted down.

Some women did not run immediately after being frightened, but squatted down and shouted at the spot. Although this reaction was not correct, it was quite normal. But the two abnormalities of them were that they started to squat down. The pistol was pulled out of the shoulder bag.

Gao Yangping was lying on the ground, it was quite difficult to do this action. After analyzing the situation in an instant, he decided not to shoot first. He had to wait for Irene to shoot before distracting the enemy ’s attention, so Gao Yang immediately Spread his hands.

Gao Yang felt that those Southeast Asians might have always used fighting to try to solve Li Jinfang, although if he did, he would never do it.

No matter how high the kung fu is, it is not a matter of knocking down a bullet. The reason why the master kung fu is completely worthless on the battlefield this year is not because of the appearance of the gun.

If Li Jinfang had a choice, he would definitely use a gun to solve his opponent instead of using a fist. When a group of enemies is around, the fist will hit harder and faster, not as fast as a gun, but Li Jinfang does not Opportunity to draw a gun, and for him, the situation facing him is really better than using a fist, because he is not a gun god.

For most people, the pistol is really not as good as a knife when it is close to the face-to-face distance. This is the lesson learned after countless practical battles, but it is not someone's whimsical theory.

"Kill them!"

The man with flowery arms roared again.

For Gao Yang and Li Jinfang, this was an unexpected situation, and for their enemies, it was obviously a completely unexpected encounter.

Four of these Southeast Asians are particularly capable of playing, one has been killed by Li Jinfang, and the other is the one who knocked Gao Yang out of sight. The remaining two are almost a bit mean, but they are definitely masters, and The rest can only be said to be average.

That flower arm must also have confidence in their own fighting ability, just like Gao Yang has always been very confident in the gold medalist of Li Jinfang, so neither of them expected that they would meet their opponents. Fighting is quick, tragic, and uncontrollable for the opening battle.

There were four Italians whose faces did not stay to deal with Gao Yang and Li Jinfang. They shouted into the microphone hidden under the collar and turned and ran towards the gate of the stadium.

Of the three blacks remaining, five of the whites all pointed their guns at Li Jinfang, who was still flickering, and only one white raised his gun at the high chest.

When the flowery arm shouted to kill them, the white man shot with his hand extended, but he just made a move and planted it forward.

Irene held the gun in both hands and fired continuously, hitting the back of the white man with a bullet.

Looking at the woman who seems to be terrified, the woman who has been yelling suddenly pulls the gun and shoots. This change is very fatal for the enemy, and it is also the opportunity that Gao Yang has been waiting for.

Gao Yang was no longer concerned after he was knocked down. At the moment when Irene shot, he finally pulled the gun from the waist like lightning and then lay down to start shooting.

Li Jin punches faster than Gao Yang, his legs faster than Gao Yang, his footwork is faster than Gao Yang, flashing and moving is faster than Gao Yang, but pulling the gun is not as fast as Gao Yang. This is what the two have tried.

Gao Yang draws his gun faster and has faster fingers. He also reacts with the gun more than one level faster than Li Jinfang, just like Li Jinfang is more than one level faster than him when using his fist. It's better to be right, but why is it slow when shooting, they can't understand this, they can only be attributed to the specialization of the art.

Gao Yang lay on the ground, the gun was in his chest, and he couldn't aim at all. Even if he shot with his feeling, the gun still hit the enemy's chin. The furthest away was only 35 meters. But no one could shoot him.

The main willingness is that Irene and Lucica are shooting fast and accurately in the back. Before Gao Yang fired, he was surprised that some of the enemies attacked behind turned around to prepare to shoot back, so Gao Yang needed to face and The threat that must be resolved immediately is only three people. In terms of his shooting, it is not too difficult to kill each other before these three people kill him.

The two-phase attack, the enemy with the gun in his hand quickly knocked down, and Yang Yang reached out with another shot, killing a Southeast Asian who turned his back, but he did not wait for him to continue shooting, kicking him with one foot The hand holding the gun, so the pistol held by Gao Yang was kicked off immediately.

First, he kicked the high-flying pistol, and then the kicker looked fierce, and then kicked into the high-flying head.

This foot was only stepped on, and Gao Yang had to die half a life without dying, but what Gao Yang could do was turn his head to hide, and even the subconscious turn was too late, but a bullet hit the chest of the enemy who raised the foot in time. Although the fierce-looking Southeast Asian did not die immediately, he kicked the ball with a soft leg.

There was no gun, anyway, he was not hit, and Gao Yang would stand up immediately after a carp fight, and he would not stand up with his hands. He could bounce off the ground only with waist and belly strength. This was Gao Yang who was trained by Li Jinfang for a long time. Although it is very cliché, it is indeed a basic action in Chinese martial arts ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and any action that can become a basic action must be used frequently to become the basis.

Gao Yang practiced well, and he lifted his upper body with one force, but he did a half of a carp squeeze. When his **** was still hanging, a foot appeared from his eyes and then kicked on his forehead. , Immediately let him lie back.

Gao Yang felt as if he heard a bang, the back of the head knocked on the ground, his eyes were black, and he began to risk Venus.

Fortunately, the short legs of the Southeast Asian man were too short. He kicked him sideways and just touched him with his toes. Otherwise, one foot would definitely make him dizzy. If the power of the back of the head was too strong, he might be killed. he.

Shaking his head on the ground, Gao Yang still felt dizzy. This time he did not dare to fight the carp. When he stood up and stood up, he still carried a little swaying on his body, and he didn't wait for him to stand still. Stabbed him with a knife.

Once again, he lifted his kicked legs and kicked them in any position, but he practiced them, but this time, the kicked legs were finally attacked, but it was n’t the kick of the Southeast Asian crotch. , Gao Yang is too tall, and the enemy who stabbed him with a knife is too short, so this foot is right in his lower abdomen. (To be continued.)

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