A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2145: Irrigate

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Gao Yang and their group gathered in a room surrounded by Jensen's tablet, watching the video sent by Ivan.

After Ivan finished his final declaration, Ivan's big face appeared, and it was obvious that he was photographing himself in a dv.

"Hi, Brother Ram, how do you feel about my performance? I was going to call you, but I am really busy now, so I just took a video like this, what do you think? Listen, man, This is a fair and friendly competition. The goal is everyone in the Cicero family. I wo n’t win any prizes, and I wo n’t make fun of you if I lose. You are few, but dude, you have to hurry up. If you have all The enemies let me settle for you, then you will definitely feel very uncomfortable, so, speed up and see who of us is more beautiful and crazy, bye. "

After the computer screen finally got dark, Gao Yang looked around and whispered: "How long have we known Ivan?"

"For a long time, for a long time."

Gao Yang wondered: "I have known Ivan for so long, why haven't I found that Ivan is such a heartbroken guy? Look at him, he really smiles from the heart when he shoots innocent people, this normal person Can't do it. "

Grolev said disapprovingly: "Ivan is the nephew of Great Ivan and is also responsible for the business of South America for Great Ivan. Whether it is Ulyanko, Ivan or Polovic, you think they are all Very nice guy, but to be honest, if they are not ruthless, not venomous, and not mad enough, then they die early, how can there be an arms dealer who is not hard enough. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "I understand this. I understand that Polovic lost two arms in Syria, and the total amount was only 200,000 US dollars. Please ask us to go to Aleppo to pay him a lot of money. He lost his arms, but even then, he had to take his revenge. I understand these. I just think that Ivan, a young man who usually smiles at the sunshine, suddenly shows his true face and makes me a little surprised. "

With a few words of laughter, Gao Yang reached out and pinched his chin: "We really have to catch a little tighter, but where are we going to hit? No goal."

Grolev said frustratedly: "Yeah, no goal, what's the point of urgency."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "No, we have to find a target quickly, and we must be a little bit cruel! Let people know that Satan is great!"

After speaking, Gao Yang spread his hands and said, "Look, no one would dare to provoke Big Iwan. For so many years, except for the Americans who dared to fight Big Iwan, other forces dare to blame Big Iwan. That is, Da Yiwan was beaten by the Americans and hid in the jungle, and Djoo dared to take his place. I remember that although Djo and Da Yiwan were the biggest competitors, their relationship was also in place. It ’s not bad, and it ’s even possible to cooperate? Why? Is n’t it that Da Yiwan has made his reputation, and no one dares to provoke him. "

Frye said: "Our reputation is not small, who in the circle does not know Satan."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "No, it's still not good. It's a long way off. When I came to meet Mario, he would dare to grab me and torture him to death, wouldn't he look down on us, wouldn't he not be afraid of us? It ’s just mercenaries, compared to the Cicero family. ”

Gao Yang pulled out his hair from the head, gestured at the crowd, and continued: "I can see through this, as long as you are doing this desperate business, then you have to make people afraid of you, Da Yi When Wan first debuted in Russia, how old was he among the arms dealers? But since he got the name of horror Ivan, and after killing the enemy by any means, who dares to provoke him? So he only With today ’s situation. "

After being tortured for a while, Gao Yang felt quite deeply. He stood up and said with emotion: "We, let people know this time, don't mess with Satan, dealing with us, all are not afraid of death. Those who do intelligence or sell arms, regardless of whether they are mercenaries or gangsters, there are no good people we can contact. All of them are killers. People are not afraid of death. What should I do? "

He waved his hands heavily, and said with a serious face: "Da Yiwan, what they do is to bind, are you not afraid of death? Dare to provoke me, I will even deal with your family, don't think about doing things one by one. It ’s not such a cheap good thing. If you get caught, it ’s the family and the kids who are killed together. You are not afraid of death. You have to worry about the lives of your friends and relatives. ”

Li Jinfang said: "However, if the kind is a person, there is no relative at all, what if one is particularly selfish and doesn't take family members seriously?" There are many such people. "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "It's easy to handle, selfish people love themselves. If he is a person who is not afraid of death, we will let him die better than life. Let him die if he wants to die, whether he can't find his family Or he did n’t care about his family, and after he got stuck, he went to the undead toss, and then threw him out to let everyone know that it caused us to end! "

Jason changed his face slightly and whispered: "But if we treat others like this, others will treat us like this."

Irene said unkindly: "Naive! Do you think we wouldn't do it, wouldn't anyone else do it? They don't know where your family is, if you know it, see if they will deal with you Family. "

Gao Yang nodded his head and said solemnly: "Yes, so we have to do a good job of confidentiality. We are in a scumbag industry, and if we enter this industry, don't think about anything too beautiful. It's something. "

Grolev also said with a serious face: "All the time ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ We are too low-key, now, let people know that we are powerful, since Satan has become famous, then it must be fierce. There is notoriety, why did Ivan start so hard? Because this is also an extremely rare opportunity for him to use enough blood to pour out his notoriety! "

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said, "Yes, we have to cultivate Satan's fierce name this time, but now the question is back, where are our goals?"

The people who asked in a word were frustrated again, and finally Grolev spoke up and said: "Otherwise, let the thirteenth and the black devil be ruthless when they do things? There is no other way now."

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "No, no, Satan is a mercenary group, not a killer organization. We have to use mercenaries to do things, so they can only be auxiliary on the 13th. The real name still needs us to fight. . "

A group of people thought for a long time with a frown, and Cui Bo suddenly said, "Otherwise ..."

People all looked at Cui Bo, who said in Ai Ai: "I mean, let's eat first? Anyway, I can't think of it in a minute and a half ..." (to be continued.)

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