A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2144: frenzied

A lawyer ’s house has security guards and guards, but there really is n’t a group of guards with guns. After all, it ’s Italy. Although Rome ’s law and order is almost impossible, it ’s also a few major tourist areas. More, no matter how you say, there will not be a large group of armed guards with live ammunition standing at the door.

The most important thing is that the Cicero family has encountered a crisis. This is the time when some legal issues need to be dealt with intensively. Therefore, this lawyer group controlled by the Cicero family has no possibility of going home on holiday.

Besides, who would have thought that Great Ivan would be so distraught that he did not even let the Cicero family's lawyers pass.

But Ivan just refused to let anyone related to Cicero. The ordinary people in this lawyer's house naturally have nothing to worry about, but if the Cicero family, there are important barristers, The end is very miserable.

Now, the best description of Ivan is indeed despondent.

Ivan still likes to wear flower shirts, which is a habit he has developed in South America. Although wearing flower shirts is not solemn, it is more like a little **** than an arms gangster, but he likes to wear flower shirts.

Since the law firm is almost undefended, there are not many people who rushed in. Only more than 30 people rushed in, controlling all about a hundred staff members, and then leaving more people outside to prevent Surrounded by people.

But after rushing all the more than 100 people to the lowest floor of the five-story building, Ivan scratched his head and reached out: "Gun."

The bodyguard handed the gun to Ivan, and Ivan raised the gun high, pulled the sleeve, and after making a clear sound, he shouted: "I'm in a hurry, my time is very tight, so when I ask When you have a question, no matter who you ask, it ’s best to answer the question immediately, otherwise I will kill him and translate. "

After a person translated Ivan's words, Ivan stood in front of a man in his thirties and shouted: "Who is Cicero here, point it out."

Although someone accurately translated Ivan's words, the man was scared and stupid, but he was trembling and raised his hand, trembling: "Don't kill me, I don't know anything, please don't kill me."

Yi Fan looked sideways at the translation. The translation shrugged: "He said he didn't know, please don't kill him."

Ivan's brow furrowed and killed the man in front of him with a shot.

As soon as Ivan fired, he immediately caused a lot of confusion. With the screams, the crowd formed a crowd and squeezed back.

With a sullen expression on his face, Ivan slammed two shots into the sky and shouted: "Quiet! Quiet! You, answer me, whose surname is Cicero, and who is in charge here."

She was pointed at a woman in her forties. She was shaking all over, but just shook her head and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me ..."

Ivan fired as soon as his finger snapped. After the woman's head fell backwards, was held by someone and slowly slipped on the ground, Ivan shouted: "I have poor patience! You! answer me!"

A man shivered, looked around, and wept: "Sorry, I don't want to die, sorry."

The man slowly reached out to a person not far from him. Ivan's bodyguard immediately rushed over, grabbed a man in his fifties and threw it out, pushing it to the ground.

Ivan nodded: "A good start, you are safe, go squat and leave the opportunity to others, you!"

This time it was another woman. She wept and looked at the crowd, but everyone was huddled together, crowded, and trying to pick out the target from the crowd was a little hard.

Looking at Yi Fan's gradually impatient face, the frightened woman suddenly pointed at an old man and shouted, "He! He is there!"

Yi Fan waved his hand and shouted: "Fall out, squat down!"

Being pointed at the head with a gun, the individual spread out a little more. After crouching down, a frightened old man was quickly dragged out.

Ivan pointed to the woman and said, "You are safe too, next, you!"

From beginning to end, just one finger at a time, and soon an old man and seven young people were identified, and the last one who was forced to cry cried, "No, no one, oh, his surname is Cissé. Luo. "

Ivan looked at the first person killed by himself and laughed, saying, "My hands are really accurate. If the Cicero family are all here, then point out your bosses. , Important, high status, you can point me to three people, it is enough for me to gather ten people. "

The man who was forced to identify his boss froze, and then he shivered: "Whoever I mean, who will be, will be ..."

Ivan said impatiently: "Hurry up!"

The man trembled: "No, I can't, I can't do this, I can't ..."

Ivan's shot, after killing the person in front of him, only said with admiration: "The glory of human nature, rather than sacrificing himself rather than identifying his boss, how great, then, you come ..."

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute, I'll come, I'll identify, three is enough?"

A young man raised his hands and stood up slowly. Ivan felt his face was full of revenge.

The young man pointed to an old man and shouted: "He! He is the personnel manager, he, and him! All three of them are members of the board of directors."

After pointing out three people in a row, the young man exhaled and said, "Sir, if you only need three, it is them."

Ivan grinned and said, "Hate?"

"No, no, not at all, I just don't want to die."

"He was just fired."

The crowd did not know who shouted and answered Ivan's question. After the translator translated the sentence, Ivan suddenly realized: "Oh ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ was fired, you come here Kneel. "

The young man panicked and said in amazement: "Why?"

Ivan said very seriously: "I hate ghosts, and even hate the subordinates who bite the boss, because, anyway, I am also a boss, so I hate that people like you are born, well, let them all kneel Next, line up and move fast. "

A total of eleven people were kneeling down on the ground, and Yi Fan walked easily in front of the first person, raised his hand, shot, and the kneeling person fell forward, and then the second, first Three, the fourth.

Taking a step, slamming a shot, taking a step, a slamming shot, in a sobbing and sobbing cry and a cry of exclamation, after Ivan shot several people, the pistol ran out of bullets.

Ivan threw the empty pistol, and after receiving a pistol full of magazines, he raised the gun high, slowly pulled the sleeve, and quickly released it. After a click, Ivan dropped his hand again. , With a terrible smile: "Go on, let's die."

After shooting the last four people in a row, Ivan threw his pistol, turned and pointed at the camera lens and smiled: "Mario! Have you seen it? You are done." (To be continued.)

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