A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: Army pressure

Mario was restless, he looked at his watch and said anxiously: "More than three hours, haven't you got a result yet?"

Cesare whispered: "Fatino said that it will take about six hours, there is no way to be faster, sir, I just received the news, I think you need to look at it."

Mario waved annoyedly: "Don't let me watch if it doesn't matter."

Cesare whispered: "You better take a look, Dino is dead."

Mario suddenly looked at Cesare and shouted: "What? What are you talking about? I mean everyone has been vigilant? Everyone I said has strengthened the guard!"

Cesare whispered: "There are more than twenty bodyguards around Dino, but some people killed all his bodyguards, forcibly rushed into his house and shot Dino, and, and ... All of Dino's family. "

Mario moved with horror: "All the family?"

"Yes, there are twelve in the family, and one will not stay."

Mario fell into his chair and said hardly: "Including his youngest daughter?"

"Sorry, yes, his six-month-old daughter is also dead, sorry, sir."

Mario shuddered: "It's so cruel."

Cesare put a photo gently in front of Mario, whispering: "Although it may make you feel uncomfortable, please take a look at this, it is very important."

There is still a sentence on the photo, the font printed on the white paper with thick font.

Mario, this is the first one, let go.

Mario exhaled and said, "Why is it the first?"

"First the warning, then the first, the second."

Mario pushed away the photo and whispered: "How many people are coming from Big Iwan? We should have intelligence, I am the king of intelligence! We should know how many people are coming from Big Iwan and take control of them. Whereabouts and then send more people to kill them! "

Mario shouted a long sentence in one breath. After he called, he began to gasp. Cesare took out a folder from his briefcase and whispered: "We do grasp the movements of many enemies. For example, just today, three hours ago, a chartered plane landed at Rome Airport, and nine people came down. At noon yesterday, a chartered plane landed in Milan. Forty-two people appeared at your fashion company in Milan The headquarters disappeared afterwards. Your home has been monitored. In Florence, people of unknown origin have appeared near your brother ’s house and engaged in a brief exchange of fire, but they immediately left without further engagement. . "

Mario waved his hand and said, "A big Ivan also appeared near my brother's house? Fight back! Fight back!"

Cesare pursed his lips and whispered: "We are not strong enough. At present, we can only try to protect ourselves."

Mario said impatiently: "Summary."

Cesare whispered: "At present, there are a total of seven suspected manpower in seven places, namely Rome, Milan, Florence, Naples, Palermo, Rome, there are at most three, this has been found Yes, I estimate that all our public industries have been targeted by the Great Ivanites, and there may be more if they are not discovered. "

The pressure of the army, this is really the pressure of the army, the only thing Mario can think of is this word.

Mario was silent, then he whispered: "How much defense power are there around us?"

"There are currently 86 people, sir."

Mario waved his hand and said, "Transfer more people, send my family to a safe place, and deploy more bodyguards to protect me."

Cesare whispered: "It has been tuned, but come in secret, so that Iwan will not be found here."

Mario was silent, then he mumbled and said: "This is in Italy!"

Cesare wanted to speak in Mario's heart, but as a qualified staff and an excellent think tank, he must point out the facts at this critical moment.

"This is Italy, but what we are good at is never fighting head-to-head with us. Sir, our approach is to provoke one side to attack the other. But Ivan's size is lacking enough enemies, so we can only face ourselves Revenge against Great Ivan will take time even if Americans can be dealt with against Great Ivan, and now we lack time and can get the most out of the dynamics of Great Ivan ’s strength is our advantage, but if we really face to face There are too many things we lack, manpower, experience, especially the courage to fight to death. "

Just then, Mario's cell phone rang, he looked at the number, connected the phone, and then said vigorously: "Stefano, what's the matter?"

"Brother! My home was shot!"

Mario rubbed his forehead, but said calmly: "My brother, is the family okay?"

"It's okay, because the shooting is just a warning, someone left a note, if you don't let go of someone, then I'm the next target to die, my brother, I want to know why we're going Fight! "

Mario was silent for a moment and said, "It doesn't matter, this is just a misunderstanding. Big Iwan knows the consequences of starting a war with us. He won't really strike you. This is just a warning, and it's just a warning after all."

Mario ’s brother raised the volume very dissatisfiedly and shouted, "This is not just a warning! Everyone knows that Big Ivan is a lunatic! He will say it, he will fight the Cicero family until the last drop of blood, Brother! Immediate truce with Big Iwan! You must truce him immediately! "

Mario frowned and said in a deep voice: "I know how to do it."

"No! You do n’t know, you have lost your mind in order to find Justin! Our father made it very clear that he called us together ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ We are a family, but we were born with a golden spoon Yes, you are the one who should inherit the position of the parent, but you are too proud as the eldest son of the Cicero family, you have not passed the real test, you are proud, you are stubborn, you do n’t know what the real underground world looks like Yes, because of your identity, you are not exposed to danger at all! For family considerations, the father passed the position to Justin, because he is an illegitimate child, he must fight for himself to get everything we have born, and he did It ’s very good, so the father will pass the position of the parent to him instead of you! "

Mario said angrily: "Enough!"

"No! Listen, my brother, you want to **** the parent's position. I can help you. I broke the promise to my father and supported you to kill Justin's illegitimate child instead of stopping you, but we are all wrong, father. It ’s wise. When you are a parent, you will only bring the Cicero family to destruction. You have got the position of a parent, but you still refuse to let Justin go. It ’s because you do it that we are all in danger. In the middle, Great Ivan is a lunatic! You are proud and ignorant, you ... "

Mario suddenly hung up the phone, he did n’t want to listen to his brother ’s nonsense anymore, and after breathing for a long time, Mario murmured in a somber face: "Cesare, contact the main house, give us everything The price that can be paid, no, I will come in person. "(To be continued.)

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