A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2130: iron Man

Mario walked to the door of the interrogation room, Cesare knocked on the door, and then pushed open the door.

Mario covered her nose with a handkerchief, frowned, and walked into the interrogation room. Fatino stood up and stood respectfully in front of him, with a tired expression, and whispered in a frustrated tone that could not be concealed. :"boss."

"You said that he can be spoken up to 24 hours."

Listening to Mario's angry voice, Fatino couldn't help turning his head to look at it, looking at it as though he was open but almost as dead as a dead man, and then whispered: "Sorry."

Mario said angrily: "Is sorry useful? I pay you two hundred thousand dollars a year, but I am not here to hear you say sorry, now, tell me what he said."

Fatino whispered: "Can't say ..."

Mario's eyes widened, and the handkerchief covering her mouth was put down, wondering: "Damn, what are you saying?"

Fatino hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, I mean, he just tossed and said that he couldn't say this sentence."

Mario looked at Yang Yang, her eyes empty and blank, but she opened her eyes wide.

Mario grabbed Fatineau's clothes angrily, shouting: "No one can remain silent in front of you, this is what you said, now!"

After being shaken a few times, Fatino said with frustration: "For ordinary people, he should have confessed, but he is not a normal person, he is an iron man, really, he is an iron man, I used it for him The sleeping pills will not let him sleep. He is just like a normal person who can't get sleep for six consecutive days, but he still can only say one sentence but not. "

Mario let go of Fatino, gasped, and said loudly: "I allow you to use any method, as long as you can let him speak, even if you kill him, it doesn't matter, I just let him speak!"

Cesare hurriedly said: "Sir ..."

Mario pointed at Cesare and shouted: "Shut up! Iron man, even if it's an iron man, I want him to open his mouth!"

Fatino whispered: "It's useless, now death is a relief for him, and it won't have any effect by hurting his body. Now the pain he is suffering is definitely beyond the limit of human beings, even if you use a knife His bonelessness will have no effect. "

Mario was furious, and after seeing the switch on the table, he grabbed the switch and adjusted the electric gear to the red one representing danger.

Gao Yang immediately shivered violently, and Mario shouted like crazy: "Say! Speak to me!"

Fatino grabbed the switch and quickly turned it off, anxiously said: "Boss, so he will die soon!"

Gao Yang, like conditioned reflex, said in a very weak voice: "Can't say, can't say ..."

Mario gasped for a few breaths and said, confused, "Is there no way?"

Fatino whispered: "Actually, maybe there is a way."

Mario said angrily: "Then use it quickly!"

Fatino sighed and said, "Boss, did we still capture his two men?"

Mario impatiently said: "Yes, a bodyguard, it doesn't make much sense, and there is a contact person he sent, a little meaning, what's wrong."

Fatino said in a deep voice: "I heard that the Ram is a very loyal person, so try it out from his men."

Mario said angrily: "What does the insignificant bodyguard know?"

Fatino shook his head: "No, not to let his bodyguard speak, but to stimulate him through the Ram's bodyguard. Since that bodyguard is useless, let's start with the contact person."

Mario waved his hand and shouted: "The man gave it to you, whatever you toss, it doesn't matter if you kill it."

Cesare hurriedly said: "As long as the ram is not dead, it is best not to abandon it."

Fatino smiled bitterly: “He suffered more than death or disability, although he is indeed not disabled now.”

Mario said impatiently: "Hurry up, don't waste time."

Fatino nodded: "Please send someone over, boss, you better leave, because then it will be bloodier and may stain your clothes."

Mario frowned and shouted, "Hurry up! The sooner the better."

Mario left, and Yack was sent in. Seeing Yang Yang, Yack burst out immediately.

Struggling as hard as possible, Yake didn't speak, just staring at Fatino.

Fatino was seen a little guilty in heart, and when he was instructing others to tie Yake to the chair, he said with a rueful face: "Don't stare at me again, or you will dig out your eyes!"

Yack finally spoke. He stared at Fatino, whispering: "How do you treat him, someone will return to you a hundredfold, wait, I promise you, even if you need me from **** Climb out, I will make Mario and you regret everything you have done! "

Fatino felt a shudder, because the Jacques in front of him really stared at him like a evil spirit crawling out of hell.

Fatino let go of Yake, and he walked up to Gao Yang, personally poured a lot of water on Gao Yang, and sent compassion to let Gao Yang fall asleep.

Letting Goyang go to sleep is not Fantino's mercy, he just needs to allow Goyang to have enough sober consciousness to see the Yake sitting opposite, so he must let Goyang get a short sleep.

Yak said nothing, but stared at Gao Yang motionless, and finally Gao Yang, who had fallen asleep, if he didn't breathe, it was really like a dead person.

Fatino also had enough patience, and kept waiting silently. After watching the time reached three hours, Fatino immediately turned on the current, causing Gao Yang to wake up quickly in the shaking.

Yack finally shouted at Fatino: "Stop your **** hand! Fak! Stop it! Let him sleep! I'm going to peel your skin by myself ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Fatino stopped The electric shock turned off the headlights that were directly hitting the high eyes. After a long period of time, the high open eyes finally recovered and fell on Yake.

Fatino coughed a few times and said to Gao Yang: "Three hours of sleep is enough to make you recognize who you are."

Gao Yang's throat was moistened with water. He looked at Yake in front of him, glaring in his head, trembling: "Why are you here."

Yack trembled: "Sorry, Leonard escaped, hold on!"

Fatino slapped Yake's mouth with a slap, then immediately thrust a stainless steel clip into Yake's mouth, so that he could no longer speak, and angered the two people standing behind Yake : "Why didn't anyone tell me someone escaped? Why don't you say such an important thing, bastard! Go out!"

After letting the two leave, Fatino smiled at Gao Yang: "It's okay, it's okay, you can try how long you can persist. Next, you will appreciate the scene I love and hope you like it." Continued.)

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