A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2123: Not angry Iwan

Sitting on the toilet and hanging up the phone, Ulyanko dizzy for a moment.

"The trouble is big this time, the trouble is big this time, the trouble is really big this time, **** Mario."

After holding the phone and stunned for a few words, Wuli Yangke took a deep breath, and after thinking about what to say, picked up the phone and dialed Da Yiwan.

After waiting for Big Iwan to connect, Ulyanko said cautiously: "Hey, boss, something happened, what happened to Gao Yang."

"What happened."

"Goyang went to see Mario, and that was a trap. He was detained by Mario, he started, and the one who followed Goyang escaped and reported the letter."

With a loud bang, Ulyanko was startled, and then he heard Da Yiwan incredulously say on the phone: "What do you say? Repeat it!"

"Uh, I said Goyang went to see Mario, Mario Cicero, and then he was detained, and it should be hands-on, his people escaped ..."

There was an angry roar.

Holding the phone in one hand, Da Yiwan, who had just photographed the fork on the table, stood up, stretched his hand and pulled the napkin around his neck and threw it aside angrily, shouting, "This **** bastard! Bastard!"

"Sorry boss, what are you saying? Are you okay?"

Da Yiwan said angrily to the microphone: "Mario Cicero! I introduced Gao Yang to meet, it was me, I let them meet as an introducer, you know what it means!"

Ulyanko took a breath and shuddered: "That means it's not that Gao Yang is just asking for help, but has a direct relationship with you? Fuck, how did Mario's **** do this, is it wrong? Alright? "

Da Yiwan is really extremely angry, and he is a little bit angry and angry. If this is Gao Yang asking for help, then this is an opportunity to reward Gao Yang, but this matter is directly related to him, not only does he not return Gao Yang, but instead He pushed Gao Yang into a dangerous position.

This is really embarrassing, the problem is really big.

After Ie walked around the table in a hurry, he shouted: "Is the news reliable? Confirm it immediately, no, I will call Mario, I will ask him personally!"

After talking angrily, he pressed the on-hook button. When Iwan hurriedly rummaged the number on the phone, he waved at the person who was standing and looking at him, and then pointed to his heart. Loud voice: "medicine!"

Big Ivan needs to prevent his heart from going wrong because he is really angry now.

I dialed the phone, but no one answered it. Dayiwan reached for the medicine and threw it into his mouth. After taking the cup and drinking the water, he hung up angrily and no one was there. Answering the phone call, and then he suddenly remembered something, so he confronted his most loyal bodyguard and the most trusted man angrily: "Alyosha, last time I was caught by an American, and my heart was lying. When the bed can't move, Gao Yang saved me! "

A middle-aged man said with concern: "Sir, you are so excited, calm down, it's okay, it's okay."

Big Iwan Yang threw the cup on the ground, his right hand squeezed into a fist, and waved, "Calm down? I can't calm down. After so many years, no one dared to humiliate me like this! This makes me embarrassed, Mali. Oh!"

Once again, Mario yelled angrily, and Ivan immediately dialed the phone again, and this time, the phone was finally answered.

"Hi, my old friend, how are you?"

Strongly enduring his anger, listening to Mario's passionate words, Great Ivan said coldly: "The Ram is with you."

"Well, ram? Oh, yes, yes, he's here with me, what's wrong?"

Da Yiwan exhaled and said in a deep voice: "Let him talk to me."

Mario embarrassed: "This is not very convenient, he has already left, and just left."

Da Yiwan immediately said: "Listen, Mario! Maybe you haven't realized the seriousness of the problem, I know the ram is with you, and it was locked up by you, and now you release the person to me immediately, immediately , Immediately! Let go now! If I do n’t receive his call within three minutes, the consequences will be serious, you know! "

Mario sounded a little unhappy, he said very seriously: "Old friend, you are wrong, I told you, the ram is gone, I invited him to dinner, and really asked him Some questions, but then he left and walked away from my house. If he has any questions, you should ask the ram instead of asking me for someone. "

For a time, Da Yiwan was really confused. Maybe something was really wrong.

Big Ivan also regretted that he should n’t have called on such an impulsive call to offend the biggest giant in the intelligence world. It ’s not a wise thing. If this is an oolong incident, it ’s funny.

"Really? The Rams have left? Well, if that's the case, I apologize to you, old friend, maybe I'm a little too excited, I should get things clear first, so, just wait for me to contact me I will apologize to you after going to the ram, but, my friend, if you cheat me, the consequences will be really serious. The ram is very important to me, very important. "

After talking, he hung up the phone, and Da Yiwan asked with a puzzled expression: "Where is the problem, damn! Who is lying?"

After thinking for a moment, Great Ivan picked up the phone again and dialed Ulyanko, and soon said, "What the **** is going on? Mario said that Gao Yang has left."

Ulyanko said angrily: "He is lying! Satan's thirteenth followed Gao Yang. They were pointed at with guns. Gao Yang was definitely detained by Mario. Now his life and death are unknown. I just escaped to find a chance to call again ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Grolev and I confirmed that Gao Yang was definitely detained and Mario was lying! "


After gritting his teeth, Big Ivan hung up the phone immediately, and then he felt that blood was pouring up, but he still resisted the discomfort and called Mario back.

No one answered the phone because the phone was turned off.

Da Yiwan slowly sat on the chair and spread his hands on the dining table. His left hand held the phone, his right hand was fisted, his face was blue, and he sat motionless.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Big Ivan slowly said: "Mario has played me again, and he now refuses to answer my call. It seems that he really didn't realize how serious the problem was, high, something really happened, probably already. Dead, otherwise Mario should n’t be the reaction. "

After slowly speaking, Da Yiwan raised his head, looked at the roof, and said in a word: "I am desperate now, and I am very guilty. This is an emotion I have not had in a long time. The last time, still When my wife and children were killed in the car. "(To be continued.)

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