A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2122: Don't expect to negotiate

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Grolyov put down the phone and stood up, reaching for his forehead, enduring a strong sense of dizziness, and said to himself: "Oh, **** it!"

After exhaling, Grolev opened his mouth and shouted, but he said to himself immediately: "No, you should contact Da Yiwan first, yes, contact Da Yiwan."

Grolev picked up the satellite phone and quickly flipped the number. Then he quickly dialed the phone out. After waiting for the other party to connect, Grolev immediately hurriedly said: "Uliyanke, problem occurs!"

Grolev had no phone number for Big Iwan, because Big Iwan was not the object of his casual call. Although Gao Yang did give him the phone number as an extremely important resource, it was at the last minute. It can only be used when dying for survival. Now, Grolyov has a better notification object, that is, Ulyanko.

Ulyanko said with great consternation: "What happened?"

Grolev hurriedly said: "There is something wrong, he went to meet Mario, but this is a trap, please tell Big Iwan immediately, immediately!"

Wuliyang Keji said seriously: "Can you be more specific?"

"No, I don't know more. Leonard didn't have a chance to say too much, so the situation there was absolutely extremely dangerous. Gao went to Mario's house to make an appointment, but something happened!"

Wuli Yangke said in a deep voice: "I understand, I will contact you immediately and wait for my phone."

After hanging up the phone, Grolev rushed out and shouted: "Urgent collection! Urgent collection!"

Li Jinfang was the first to run out. He looked at Grolev and said, "What's wrong?"

"Trap! High they have an accident, that's Mario's trap, go and invite Yalebin immediately! Go!"

Li Jinfang ran away, he ran all the way to the front of Yalebin's house, then quickly closed his feet, then knocked twice on the door of Yalebin's residence.

The maid quickly opened the door, Li Jinfang whispered: "Mr. Yalebin?"

"He has rested."

Li Jinfang said urgently: "Take me to find him."

"However, he has laid down to sleep ..."

"Shut up and take me to see Mr. Yalebin."

At this moment, Yalebin's voice came from the house, and he slowly said, "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Li Jinfang said loudly: "Yes, Mr. Yalebin, we have an accident."

Yalebin said very majesticly: "Come in, come and talk."

Reaching away the maid, Li Jinfang hurried to Yalebin's door, knocked twice with his fingers gently, pushed open the door, and stood in front of Yalebin's bed, whispering: "Our head In Rome tonight, he went to his house at the invitation of Mario, but just received the news that something went wrong. It is unclear what happened, and only knows that it is Mario ’s trap. "

Yalebin slowly sat up and said in a deep voice: "Trap? Who is Mario?"

Li Jinfang whispered: "It is the new parent of the Cicero family. Our head is planning to establish a new relationship with the Cicero family, and Mario Cicero sent him an invitation to meet, and our head will go. "

Yalebin surprised his face and shouted: "Is the Cicero family's invitation to meet a trap? Or is it in his house? It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

Li Jinfang respectfully said: "There is not much news yet, but judging from the information that has been passed back, Mario's invitation to meet is definitely a trap."

Yalebin said in surprise: "Why did the Cicero family achieve today's status, because the Cicero family strictly followed all the guidelines of this intelligence quotient, and the invitation issued to people was a trap, or went to his home, Cicero What the new parents destroyed is the credibility of the Cicero family for hundreds of years. This is their biggest root. Is he crazy or are you wrong? "

Li Jinfang whispered: "The news was sent back on the 13th, and it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes."

Yalebin frowned: "Thirteenth? I know him. If it is the news sent back on the thirteenth, it is indeed unlikely to cause a misleading error. Tell me the original words and don't make a single word wrong." "

Li Jinfang said: "It wasn't the phone I answered. I was just instructed to ask you to discuss it in the past, or our deputy head would come over."

Yalebin exhaled and said, "I'm going, you go first, I'll be here soon."

Li Jinfang immediately turned around and left, and Yalebin sat on the bed, reaching for a button on the head of the bed and pressing twice.

Talta and Vasily soon arrived in Yalebin's room, when Yalebin was already dressed.

Sitting by the bed, Yalebin said in a deep voice: "There is something wrong, let's go and see what happened."

Tarta didn't mean to reach out to help Yalebin because Yalebin didn't like being helped, he just whispered: "What happened?"

Yalebin sighed and said, "The Satanic people said that following Gao Yang to pass the news of Cicero's parents on the 13th, it was a trap."

Talta immediately widened his eyes and said loudly: "Impossible! There must be something wrong, the Cicero family's parents cannot be so stupid, the biggest family wealth is lost like this, impossible, something must be wrong ! "

Yalebin exhaled and sighed: "I am the same judge, but the possibility of the young man's judgment on the 13th is quite small and trustworthy, so it should be a trap."

Tarta's lost expression: "Unbelievable."

Yalebin said with a serious face: "No one thinks that the invitation from Cicero's parents will be a trap ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ includes me, so we may all make a big mistake, as long as it is done by people, It ’s never impossible, be prepared to rescue. If it ’s really the Cicero family who would bet on the family ’s centuries of prestige, I hope that the negotiation will not be resolved. Now I just hope that Gao Yang is still alive and gives us a chance save him."

Vasily said: "Then don't waste time. Captain, you go and talk to Satan's people about what to do. Let's pack the luggage."

Yalebin waved: "Go."

After talking, Yalebin stood up and walked out slowly on crutches. As soon as he went out, he saw that the assembled Satanites had arrived at his door.

Grolyov put down the phone and said angrily to Yalebin: "Sir, I called again on the thirteenth. He has escaped from Mario ’s house and is escaping, so there is not much. The time can be explained in detail, but it can be confirmed that Mario has set a trap. When they arrived at Mario ’s house, they were quickly controlled. At present, Gao Yang is dangerous. "

Yalebin waved his hand and whispered: "What are you still doing? Let's go and rush away in the fastest way. Don't expect other solutions. The Cicero family do this kind of thing. There is no possibility of a peaceful settlement. "(To be continued.)

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