A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2115: Looks bad

It's funny to say, because wearing a very fit slim suit, Gao Yang did not bring a gun, of course, this is also to show respect for Mario. In addition, because the satellite phone is too large, Gao Yang only brought a mobile phone, Others didn't even bring their wallets, because that would destroy the effect of the clothes.

Now, Gao Yang is most fortunate that he only brought a mobile phone, because if any satellite phone is taken by Mario, the consequences will be very serious, very serious.

However, it was only a little fortunate that it did n’t take long for Gao Yang to think that perhaps it would be better to let Mario get his satellite phone and know that he could not move. It ’s more important to save his life than the secret that may be leaked. , Gao Yang began to be annoyed that he didn't carry the satellite phone with him.

The current situation is that it seems that there is no way to avoid suffering, and if you fail, you will die.

If Mario had really killed him like that, there would be no way, and then the slowest would be three to five days, and the Satanites should bring a large number of people to Rome to come, because Gao Yang came to see Mario this time. It's something everyone knows. If he has no news since then, and neither of them will be able to contact Raphael on the 13th, then the Satanic people will of course know that something happened and then come.

However, even if Satan's man arrived, the only thing he could do was revenge. It was too late to save him.

Therefore, it is not always correct to be in a high position. Mario really did a stupid thing. Next, it should be an endless revenge battle between the mercenary corps and the intelligence dealer, and it will definitely hurt both sides.

It's a pity that Gao Yang can't do anything now, and can't even say anything. He was taken to a room. From the appearance of the room, the situation seems very bad.

This is Mario ’s mansion, but unlike other luxuriously decorated rooms, the floor of this room is covered with black tiles. As for the surroundings, you ca n’t see them with your face down.

After a door, the high-handed person grunted in Italian and then a few words were answered in Italian. Then Gao Yang's head was lifted up, and then he was placed on a chair. .

The surrounding walls are all covered with plastic panels and the like, including the roof, are all matt black. Although the lights are on, they are also depressed.

Gao Yang's eyes revealed a panic. A man in a white coat with a slight beard on his face, wearing glasses, watched a man in his thirties standing in front of him and smiling at him.

Gao Yang was put on an iron chair, and then he was pulled back by his hair and suddenly slammed back. Then he clicked, and his neck was locked with an iron hoop. Then his hands were loosened and he was caught. It was tied to the armrest of an iron chair, and then the legs, thighs, and calves were locked tightly with iron hoops.

Sitting on a chair, his whole body was tightly clamped, the man who looked like a Dr. Fatino waved toward Gao Yang, and then the string that strangled Gao Yang's mouth was untied.

The doctor Fatino waved his hands slowly, waiting for everyone to go out, and after closing the door, he pushed a transfer and put it in front of him, then sat up.

"You can call me Dr. Fatino, I have a doctor's license."

After politely pushing his glasses, Fatino smiled and said, "Before the official start, I think we need to know each other."

Gao Yang turned his head and glanced around. Although a very bright lamp was on, in the dark room, only Dr. Fatino, who was wearing a white coat, had two eyes. The rest of the place was still dark, letting People seem to be in a black hole, unspeakable depression and fear.

With a deep breath, Gao Yang could even smile, and he said to Dr. Fatino: "What do you want to ask? I said everything, I told you everything I know, I am very afraid of pain, so you can Save a little, really, I will say anything. "

Fatino waved his hands and smiled: "Don't worry, don't worry, you have to understand that tormenting people is my hobby. Before I start, you better don't say anything. I really enjoy this process."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Fak, you are a dead man!"

Fatino smiled: "Pervert is pervert, but not dead pervert, because I'm not dead yet."

Gao Yang no longer has any illusions. He knows how he interrogates others, so of course he also knows the normal process.

Staring at Fatino, he confidently said with a deep voice: "You will die soon, assure you that no matter what you do to me, my people will revenge on you ten times and hundred times, so you are A pervert. "

Fatino smiled and clapped his hands, saying: "Your condition is good. No one who has been sent to me has been like you. Most of them have been scared and paralyzed, and they can't even speak. Occasionally, there are some who can still talk, and they will only beg for mercy. You are very good and you are in very good condition. You must keep it. "

No matter what Gao Yang said and how to say it, he must come, so why should Gao Yang be polite, anyway, even if he swears and asks for forgiveness the same ending, then it is better to be happy.

"Do you care about anyone? There must be no, you will not have relatives and friends in this kind of dead pervert, they have already died."

Fatino smiled: "No, you are wrong. I have relatives and friends. It is different from your perception. My life is normal and very happy."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Is it? That would be great ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ They will die, and my people will catch them up. In front of you, one by one, in your favorite way , Have you thought about how it feels to watch them die? Have you thought about it? It does n’t matter, you will see it soon. "

Fatino laughed and said, "I'm here, and can still threaten me so much, you really are the first."

Fatino stood up and looked at Gao Yang with a smile, "Do we start? I hope you can stick with it longer, because the longer you stick with it, the more I will feel more accomplished when you have to say everything. "

Gao Yang also laughed and said, "It disappoints you. I will say everything without having to punish me, and I will speak faster if you do."

Fatino said with some curiosity: "You seem to have been trained against torture, are you?"

"No, I'm afraid of pain and suffering, and I won't find myself suffering like this."

Fatino spread his hand, stood up, he opened the door and went out, and then quickly pushed a stainless steel shelf, which was full of various gadgets, of course, all used for execution Tool of. (To be continued.)

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