A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2114: This is really miserable

Mario did something that he should never do in his capacity, and did something he could never do in a high-profile capacity.

Inviting people to your own home is a great feast, and the consequences will be serious.

There are two kinds of people who cannot owe money. One is an intelligence dealer and the other is a mercenary. The former has too many secrets, but the latter represents the ultimate force. It ’s too beautiful. Of course, there is a premise that it needs to be strong enough. An intelligence peddler with little resources will obviously not be valued, nor will a mercenary of a weak chicken mercenary group be too worried.

If you owe money, it will not work with serious behavior.

Now the question is coming, Mario must be the most powerful intelligence dealer, and Gao Yang is the fiercest mercenary. He also has the strongest mercenary regiment.

The most important thing is that Gao Yangneng and Mario took over, introduced by Great Ivan.

If Mario wants to fight against Gao Yang, Da Yiwan will be involved without any suspense.

So what Gao Yang could n’t understand was how dare Mario dare to give him a great banquet. In terms of Mario ’s identity and status, perhaps he would not take him as a mercenary, but after it involved Big Ivan, Mali Ou did so by betting on his reputation.

For intelligence dealers, reputation is more important than anything, and empty mouths can be exchanged for large sums of money. Without credibility, who will believe him.

Gao Yang looked at Mario very strangely and said, "Mr. Cicero, are you doing something wrong? With my relationship with Justin, you really should n’t be so sure I ’ll know his whereabouts, and you are so Did you think about the consequences? "

Mario said coldly: "The consequences? A mercenary told me the consequences? What if I killed you here? Do you think I would worry about a small mercenary group, Mr. Ram, where you are The self-confidence that comes here feels qualified to talk to me about this. "

Gao Yangsheng said: "Is Da Yiwan enough?"

Mario smiled very contemptuously and said, "Great Ivan, an arms dealer, and the biggest arms dealer, and then, do you think Big Iwan will care about a mercenary? Do you think he will be after you disappear Can you remember you? Do you think he will treat me even if he knows I slaughtered you? Do n’t be naive, you are just a mercenary. For Iwan, the friendship with me is far more than your life Countless times. "

Gao Yang stunned, and he soon wanted to understand that Mario did n’t even know what the relationship between Big Ivan and him was. He hid himself so well, and Justin also hid him so well. Even the Great Ivan concealed or protected him so well that few people really knew his strength.

What I said now is the struggle before the temporary, bragging, Gao Yang understands this, but he still ca n’t help saying: "Mr. Mario, you are wrong, as an intelligence agent, as the parent of the Cicero family, you I do n’t know much about me. I want to tell you that if you kill me, you ’ll regret it. Da Yiwan wo n’t let you go, and my people wo n’t let you go. ”

Mario took a breath and waved her hand impatiently: "Take him down and tell me what I want to know."

Gao Yang raised the volume and shouted: "Mr. Cicero! You may be at the highest point, but don't forget that we are the end of everything!"

Intelligence agents are intelligence agents. They test and sell intelligence to survive. These people have money and intelligence. They can hire a large number of bodyguards to protect themselves. Therefore, intelligence agents are powerful. It will be very difficult to offend them, but mercenaries , But is synonymous with force, all mercenaries can do is fight.

Therefore, intelligence agents have many ways to make those who offend them miserable, but mercenaries have only one means, and the ultimate means, to completely eliminate the enemy. From this perspective, mercenaries are more powerful than intelligence agents. Pure, and more pure means better.

Mercenaries are definitely better at fighting than long-sleeved intelligence dealers. From the perspective of combat effectiveness, intelligence agents cannot beat mercenaries.

Gao Yang wanted to let Mario know that if he really killed him and forced Satan to a dead end, there would be only two defeats.

But Mario didn't listen to any explanation from Gao Yang at all. A few men pointed their guns at the Yang strong man. After a sudden **** came to the head of Yang Yang, he dragged him off the chair, and then pulled it off with a strap. Highly tied like a dead dog.

Gao Yang didn't faint, he wanted to resist, but he didn't bring a gun at all, not to mention that even with a gun in this case there wouldn't be any hope of turning over.

When yelling others, a spearman will have unimaginable energy, but if he is overcast by others, the spearman will still be useless.

The point of the problem is that no one thought that Mario would have no conflicts of interest at all. Without any conflict, Mario would start against Gao Yang. Even if Gao Yang had an intersection with Justin before, but when Gao Yang had already clarified that he wanted to draw a line with Justin, Mario really has no reason to do this.

I do n’t know what happened to them on the thirteenth. Although they were pressed to the ground and their hands and feet were firmly tied up, Gao Yang was still worried about the thirteenth. Will immediately kill him, but for a person like Mario, the bodyguard is definitely a character that can be killed immediately.

For a moment, Gao Yang wondered whether Yack had betrayed him ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But he immediately abandoned this idea, and he firmly believed that Yack would never betray him and betray Satan, absolutely not.

Mario has lost patience, he waved his hand: "Take him to the doctor for interrogation, be careful not to kill, I must let him speak."

Suddenly, Gao Yang heartily felt fear.

How does Gao Yang treat the captive, and now Mario will treat him, recalling the method of the black devil's interrogation, Gao Yang feels that he might as well be killed immediately, really, death is definitely more than death than death The most comfortable result, no matter how you die, is definitely better than death.

Someone tied a rope into Gao Yang ’s mouth, tied his hands behind his back, and even tied his legs firmly. Now, Gao Yang is really impossible to even move, let alone resist. .

If you can't resist, there is no possibility of being killed immediately.

After tying up Gao Yang, someone began to search for Gao Yang, and then they quickly found a mobile phone, and placed the phone on the side table. After turning over, there was nothing else, and Gao Yang was finally carried away by two people. Too. (To be continued.)

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