A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2093: in accordance with

?What is this indicating? This shows that Walviksky is a personal talent.

Some things are straightforward, but without thinking, they can think of things that others can't think of, that is, talent.

"What does this mean? This shows that the enemy's supply has fallen like a cliff. For the Zhengfu Army who has mastered most of the resources, this situation is definitely not normal, because we have not cut off their supply line, so the answer is only One, that is, the enemy ’s financial resources can no longer support this war. "

Walviksky talked eloquently, rejoicing in his heart, but the wizard was gloomy. After a long breath, he said with a deep voice: "Go on."

Looking at the confident Walviksky, Gao Yang began to sigh in his heart, this is not a talent, this is a baby.

The wizard waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "You said the reason why the enemy can't hold on, so what about us? Why can't we hold on?"

Walviksky sighed, spread his hands, and said helplessly: "Compared with the understanding of the enemy, our situation is definitely worse. When I first joined the militia, I ate a lot every day. But now, we can only guarantee the most basic ration supply. "

Gao Yang laughed: "Is it still based on rations?"

"Yes, we are the militia, and our supplies come from the unrequited supply of supporters, but after the war has continued for several months, and production and life are all stagnant, it is clear that the supply from private supporters cannot maintain complete out of production. Soldier consumption. Judging from the situation of our company, there is now a shortage of everything except ammunition supplies, especially medicines. There is a serious shortage. This is one aspect. "

Walviksky gasped and raised his hand, shaking his index finger: "Sixteen days ago, we received a batch of supplies, mainly flour and military cans, as well as some clothing. Obviously that It ’s from Russia, and it ’s enough for a week ’s use. After a week, nine days ago, we received another batch of materials. There is almost no difference in quantity and content, but there is no clothing, but two days ago, we did not After receiving the supplies, the food supplies returned to their previous state, that is, the supporters donated or solicited food, but I asked a friend that their troops still received supplies from Russia, so I guess, We do n’t seem to have reached an agreement with Russia, so the supply from Russia was interrupted. "

After a long talk, Walviksky sighed: "So, we have no power to initiate a large-scale counterattack. Since the enemy has no power to attack, and we have no power to counterattack, then the fighting must of course stop. "

It ’s just that from the change in supply, Walviksky guessed most of the facts. Of course, he did n’t know that Net had already borrowed 50 million dollars from his family. With these 50 million, they would not be hungry at least. belly.

Both Gao Yang and the wizard were silent. After Walviksky finished speaking confidently, he looked at the silent Gao Yang and the wizard, and finally said carefully: "So, am I right?".

The wizard shook his head and said, "That's right, about the enemy, but our situation, your analysis is not accurate. In addition, as a company commander, these are not issues you should consider."

Walviksky smiled and whispered: "I, this person, just like cranky."

Gao Yang clapped his hands and smiled: "I like people who can think about things. I need talents like you. If you can't leave now, it doesn't matter. I'm waiting for you."

Walviksky looked at the wizard, and suddenly he suddenly realized, and muttered to himself: "I suddenly felt that I was wrong."

In the presence of his own chief, he happily agreed that a person who was obviously an outsider would leave. In this case, people with a little social experience can't do it.

The wizard lowered his head and thought for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "That's it."

The militia is the militia. They volunteer to fight for their hometown or other beliefs. But if they decide to leave, no one can stop them.

Of course, it is not unstoppable or unstoppable. If you adopt tough methods, you will definitely be able to leave people behind, but on the premise that almost all of them are militias, it is inevitable that force will be used to maintain people's hearts.

Gao Yang really appreciates Volvicsky now. He promoted this college student soldier from the fire line because it was very heroic in the battle, but he really did not expect Volvicsky Still very smart.

At this moment, Walviksky looked behind him, raised his fingers, and said carefully: "Sir, our lunch has been delivered. Are you interested in staying for lunch before leaving?" ? "

The wizard looked at his watch and said blankly: "It's time to eat, then eat and go."

Gao Yang turned to look around and said, "Aren't your canteens here?".

Walviksky said embarrassedly: "Our defense line is very high, and the smoke from the cooking near the command post often attracts mortars ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ So I let Lianli The cafeteria is arranged backwards, about a kilometer away, so that people can bring the meal over and send it over, and then it will be safer when eating and eating. "

Gao Yang nodded, but then said in surprise: "Wow, this guy is so big!"

A big man, especially tall, very wide, and very strong, pulled a two-wheeled car, and there was a white man beside him, wagging his tail and following the strong man.

One person and one dog walked over slowly. After seeing Walviksky, the strong man put down the car and slowly said, "Commander, your meal is here."

"Thank you, Yuri, what is lunch today."

The strong man turned slowly, waved his hand at the white puppy beside him, and said with a smile: "Sit down, sit down."

The white dog sat on the ground with its tail still shaking. The strong man named Yuri wiped his hands with a dirty apron, picked up the lid of an iron bucket, and used the spoon inside After stirring it, Han Han smiled and said: "No surprises, still bread and beetroot soup, I hope you will not mind." (To be continued.)

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