A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2092: What does this mean?

? "Walviksky, I can provide you with a job with an annual salary of 200,000 US dollars. This is the money you work for a year, and it is also the money for a day of work. There is no tax, or I will pay you first."

No other conditions could be proposed to entice Walviksky, and Gao Yang was too lazy to turn around and stand in front of Walviksky, and set out his own conditions.

In fact, Gao Yang's approach is also very risky, because he does not know what kind of person Walviksky is, what kind of officer, but since the angel attaches great importance to him, it is right to grab it.

Gao Yang's words made Walviksky very stunned. He looked at Gao Yang and looked puzzled: "Work? Annual salary of 200,000? What job?"

"Cough, um, still fighting, to put it plainly means to fight with money."

Walviksky widened his eyes and said, "Use money to fight?"

"Just mercenaries."

The wizard added a sentence next to him, and then he looked at Gao Yang and thought about it, but he didn't go on.

"Mercenary? Sounds good. Where do you work?"

Gao Yang was taken aback, because Walviksky seemed to agree.

"You agreed?"

"Yes, where can I find a job with an annual salary of 200,000?"

With a loud snap, after snapping his fingers, he said to Walwicksky: "Where to go is not easy to say, it is possible in all corners of the world, guarantee excitement!"

The wizard whispered: "It's easy to die ..."

Walviksky laughed: "It's okay to die easily, 200,000! What currency?"


"An annual salary of two hundred thousand dollars, our professor can't get it, I was so surprised, Lieutenant Colonel, are you kidding me?"

Things went so well that the smooth high Yang was about to cry, so he shook his head again and again: "Absolutely not a joke! I will give you 200,000 US dollars in cash immediately."

"Immediately? Sorry, not immediately, isn't it what happens after the war ends here?"

Gao Yang, who was still in ecstasy, immediately petrified, and the wizard smiled.

"Are you kidding me, wait for the war to end? When will the war end, how could it be so long, I mean now, immediately, immediately!"

Looking at the determined Gao Yang, Walviksky apparently began to hesitate. Gao Yang and the wizard stared at each other, warning each other with their eyes, not talking, and no one was allowed to demolish the other party.

"No, no."

Walviksky shook his head in annoyance, and then said in distress: "Two hundred thousand dollars a year, or dollars, but not okay, here are my brothers, relatives, my family, me My hometown is fighting, how can I leave my brothers away. "

It turned out that 200,000 US dollars was a huge sum of money for Gaoyang. Now 200,000 US dollars is a pocket money for Gaoyang, but for Walwicksky, 200,000 US dollars is still a sum of money. huge sum of money.

With a sad look on his face, Walwicks said with great pain: "I can't leave, I can't really leave unless the war is over, two hundred thousand dollars, two hundred thousand!"

It can be seen that Walwicksky is not a particularly simple person, but he can withstand the temptation, raised his head, looked at Gao Yang, with a sad face, Walwicksky sighed: "I There is no way to work for you now, no way. "

The wizard nodded and said with relief: "Very well, you made the right choice."

Gao Yang regretted his hand, and at this time Walviksky said cautiously: "Lieutenant Colonel, wait for the battle here to end. I mean, wait for the battle in Donetsk to end, and wait for the situation to stabilize. Can I still get that job when I need it so much? "



"Really, I can wait for you for a few months!"

Walviksky immediately exulted, and said, "That's great, do I still have a chance?"

"Finally, when Donetsk's battle is over, you go to me and I will work for you."

Walviksky said excitedly: "Okay, great, maybe it will not take a few months. Just now the enemy attacked us with ballistic missiles. What does this mean? This shows that the war may not end soon. , But the large-scale battle is definitely not going to continue, so, I think, if it is fast, I may go to you within a month. "

Gao Yang and the wizard glanced at each other, and then the wizard was surprised at Walviksky: "Why do you think that?"

Walviksky laughed: "Because neither the Zhengfu Army nor us can support it."

The wizard seemed annoyed, but Yang Yang felt a sense of happiness when he found the treasure.

Wars and battles. For laymen, the first thing they pay attention to is how much troops they have, what equipment they have, what is the historical record of the fighting forces between the two sides, and so on.

However, for insiders, they are more concerned about logistics, after a round of high-intensity battle, when cannon **** and bullets can be sent, how far is the supply route, whether the supply is easy, can soldiers eat Hot rice, what kind of hot rice can be eaten, can soldiers get injured if they can be healed in time, after being healed, how many soldiers can be sent back to the front line, etc.

Gao Yang and the wizard can make judgments on the fighting situation, because they have the most core intelligence, know the power comparison between the enemy and the enemy, and how much resources are in their hands, but the grass-roots officers like Walviksky do not You may know too much information that only senior management can grasp.

Therefore, Walviksky is either talking nonsense ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ or he is really aware of some signs that make him think that the battle will not last too long.

The wizard said solemnly: "Why did you make such a judgment."

Walwicksky was very happy and said: "What does it mean to use ballistic missiles? Let's not talk about it for the first time. From the signs I have found, we have problems with our logistics. Ammunition supplements are sufficient, but living supplies, but Is it less and less, what does this mean? It means that we are unable to support the new war. "

After speaking, Walviksky seemed calmer and said, "We often catch the enemy's captives. I learned from the questioning of the captives that the daily food supply was 200 grams of beef a month ago. , Fruit candy, black tea, a box of cigarettes, two breads, vegetable soup. Twenty days ago, they had no beef in their ration supply. Canned American meat replaced beef. Seven days ago, we caught a captive and learned that Their rations are no longer fixed, but what they eat. Occasionally they will eat field rations provided by the United States, but they are rare and not complete. "

After speaking, Walviksky rubbed his hands and laughed: "The enemy's food supply level has been declining. I built a mathematical model and concluded that the enemy's food supply consumed one hundred per soldier day. The level of sixty hryvnia has fallen to the current consumption of seventy hryvnia per day. What does that mean? "(Unfinished.)

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