A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1929: Emergency collection


Gao Yang quickly arranged for Irene and Schultz to meet, because doing so seemed to be the only way to cut the root of the trouble.

Until late at night, Irene was forced to be transferred back from the front line. At the beginning, Irene seemed very puzzled, but after knowing why she was transferred back, she seemed very angry.

Although I'm really annoyed by Schulz's dumbfounding, Gao Yang let Eileen and Schultz meet and talk alone, regardless of how Schulz is flustered, but the starting point is finally good. It is better to let Erin and Schultz talk first.

The conversation lasted for about twenty minutes, and when Irene appeared to be tangled back to the front, Schultz was lost.

There is more than one to wait for the news. The wizard is arrogant and refusing to go. He just wants to know what result Irene and Schultz have talked about.

The wizard who was grilled on the fire was more concerned about the result of the two people talking than the high, so when he saw the expressions of the two, the wizard's expression was even more ugly.

The wizard who had been pitted by Schultz was smart, and when he saw that Schultz's face was wrong, he immediately shouted: "Dissolve, go rest, there are many things tomorrow."

Nothing could be pitted by Schultz anymore, so the wizard quickly sent Schultz away. If Schulz could say anything that should not be said, everyone who was engaged in the face of Irene If you can't come to Taiwan, then there is really little room for a round.

Gao Yang was quite relaxed, looking at a tangled Irene, shouting: "What did you talk about?"

Irene spread her hands and said with a distressed face: "Oh, nothing, Schultz just confessed to me, he said he loves me ..."

Like Knight's hobby, the wizard also likes to drink coffee, but he is not as sugar-loving as Knight. Of course, if the wizard himself does not like coffee, he will not be responsible for making coffee for Knight.

The instant coffee the wizard drank, although the coffee was not very good, it was a wasteful act to spout the coffee.

With a puff, the wizard holding the cup sprayed the coffee all over the room, and then he looked at Irene with a stunned face, completely stunned.

Irene carried the wizard and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing?"

The wizard really opened his mouth slightly, but Gao Yang grew his mouth and looked at Irene innocently.

Aileen sighed and said helplessly: "Schultz said he liked me, and he liked it the first time he saw it. He was confessing to me. Although this feeling is very strange, but ... but, how do you guys Alright? "

The shady face of the wizard put the cup on the table, his hand involuntarily touched the pistol, muttered to himself: "This bastard!"

Gao Yang said nothing, he just felt very unhappy.

Although there is no reason to be unhappy about knowing yourself completely, Gao Yang is very, very unhappy.

Looking at the silent high, and the stunned wizard, Irene frowned: "Should I not say this."

The wizard looked at Yang Yang in despair, then lowered his head.

Fighting, this Schultz ran and confessed to Irene. For the wizard, Schultz ran to talk to other members of the mercenary group to say love. That ’s all. The key is that Schultz is an idiot. He meant that he wouldn't finish without killing him.

The sorcerer's nose is almost crooked. This is him. If it is high, it is probably a direct curse.

As for Gao Yang, he now has no interest in swearing.

Except for the feelings of his comrades-in-arms, he has no other superfluous relationship with him, but Gao Yang is particularly uncomfortable and wants to kill Schultz. At this point, he has something in common with the wizard.

But no matter how uncomfortable, Gao Yang can say anything, so he tried his best to behave normally, but just said lightly: "Oh, it shouldn't be said, what do you think?"

Elin shrugged and said lightly: "Me? I just think he is an idiot, but it's been loved, and it's still good for many years."

Gao Yang didn't know what to say. Thinking about Schultz, he suddenly felt that Schultz really looked handsome.

At the age of thirty-five or six, although he is older than Irene, Schultz is not old anyway, and he is very handsome.

Gao Yang was extremely upset again. He really wanted to kill Schultz now.

Irene sighed and said helplessly: "Schultz, I don't really have any impression of him. Well, he was a staff member of my dad and I have seen it a few times, but I really don't I know he has a crush on me. "

The wizard felt that it was a mistake to leave, and it was even more terrible to bring Schultz, but now it seems that it is too late to say anything.

Gao Yang, he does not know how to express his position, because he has a girlfriend.

Try not to make yourself look different, but unfortunately Gao Yang is really not good at covering his emotions, so the expression on his face is very very wonderful.

Looking at the brilliant look of his face, Irene suddenly smiled and said with a smile: "You just asked me what I thought wrong? Well, how could I like the idiot Schultz, so hurry and get rid of that idiot Well, this kind of guy is too bad. "

The wizard agreed with Erin very much. Schultz is an idiot.

At this moment, Gao Yang's phone rang, and the wizard's phone rang, almost in no particular order.

The two looked at each other subconsciously, then took out the phone, and after a glance, they immediately connected the phone.

When I connected the phone, my relaxed, high-spirited expression immediately froze, which was almost a panic look, but the wizard, although his face changed a lot, looked much calmer than Gao Yang, although they received the call It should be the same content, and the wizard should be the more anxious one ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The angel was attacked and the headquarters was taken over.

"Sorcerer, you are now the head of the Angel Mercenary Corps, leading the surviving brothers to rebuild the Angel Mercenary Corps."

Knight is using two phones while talking to Gao Yang and the wizard.

"Twelve minutes ago, we encountered an attack, the situation was very bad, we are very likely to be wiped out by the army, rams, if my army is really wiped out here, please help the wizard to revive the angel mercenary regiment, thank you . "

Knight's voice sounded very calm, as he had always been so cold, even if it was a matter of confession, it was well-ordered, and on the phone, the sound of guns and guns sounded very intense.

Gao Yang said angrily: "Your position and current situation!"

No response, Knight hung up the phone, he only had a few words to say,

Gao Yang shouted twice, and after confirming that Net had hung up, the green muscle on his forehead was beating, picked up the intercom, and shouted: "Urgent assembly!" (Unfinished.)

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