A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1928: Destructive idiot

Schultz had to give an explanation anyway, although he was an acquaintance of Irene, but who made him take a very inappropriate approach to recognize it.

When the wizard pointed his gun at his head, Schultz finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"I used to be the chief inspector's subordinate. I have witnessed the quarrel between Irene and the inspector. Although only once, I know that Irene disappeared after retiring from the army. Lin, I have been looking for it. If Irene is a mercenary, this is unimaginable. The Inspector General is better to know this, he must know it, otherwise he will be ruined by Irene ’s willfulness, but the most important thing is that Ai Lynn, she cannot be a mercenary! "

Gao Yang frowned and whispered: "First of all, the information you have about Irene ’s father is outdated. Secondly, you have no right to interfere in Irene ’s choice. You have no right to make decisions for anyone. Can the farce end? "

Schultz immediately said: "The Inspector General already knows?"

"Enough! You idiot!"

The wizard couldn't help but scolded, and a newcomer next to Schultz frowned: "Schultz, you are a little outrageous."

Gao Yang is also very helpless, but Schultz, after all, is out of good intentions for Irene, it is not appropriate to remove him as a threat. After all, a person who desperately wants to protect the old daughter, although idiot, but the starting point It must be good.

So Gao Yang pointed to Schultz and whispered: "Don't talk anymore, I will let Eileen talk to you. Before that, you don't want to say anything, do nothing, okay, you Go out and find a place to be quiet. "

Sirte immediately pushed Schultz, holding his arm, shouting: "Go, I will accompany you, OK, shut up idiot, let's go."

Surt left with Schultz. After Schultz left, the wizard looked crying and tearless. After inserting the pistol into his holster, he said to Gao Gao: "Sorry, It's my mistake. I will give you a satisfactory account of this matter. "

Gao Yang sighed and said helplessly: "This kind of thing, how to say, is really inexplicable enough, wizard, we have known each other for a long time, everyone has been very happy with each other, so you have to give me a satisfactory explanation , You have to make sure that this person will not be our risk factor. "

The wizard seemed extremely painful. He looked at several of his companions and said with a sullen face: "I understand!"

The mercenary team must protect the short row, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, it has to be directed to their own people, but the problem is that the relationship between angels and Satan is now too subtle. A new member of the angel idiotly challenged the bottom line of any mercenary group, even if the relationship between Satan and the angel was good, but this thing should not have happened.

Gao Yang understood the suffering of the wizard, how to say, although Schultz is a newcomer, he is also his own.

To kill one's own person for another mercenary corps, this kind of thing, Gao Yang will not kill it, but fortunately, his people will not do such stupid things, will not let He encountered this problem.

As for Knight, it is estimated that he will definitely not do it, but if it is not dealt with, let Satan and the angel break up like this, or even fight hard, Knight can make such a decision, but let the wizard as Knight's deputy do It's hard to make such a decision.

In fact, this matter was not so serious, at least the wizard did not need to draw a gun on the spot to make a look like to kill Schultz, as long as Schultz shut up, even if this thing is turned back slowly, high and again It's not the kind of person who holds on to the wrong place and can easily end, and the wizard will be in a much better position.

It's a pity that Schultz is too arrogant, too stupid, and doesn't talk about life or death.

The sorcerer is also more important. If he fails, he will really kill Schultz. The most important thing is that Schultz ’s approach puts the interests of angels behind and puts his affairs above the collective interests. This is a taboo in any mercenary regiment. This is not only a stubborn temper, but a stupid problem. This is selfish.

To be honest, even if the wizard killed Schultz, Schultz was not wronged, but the wizard was ruined. A deputy leader who killed his own person without protecting the short, even if the reason is sufficient, he can't serve The crowd is destroyed.

The wizard, who is Knight ’s adjutant, has been silent around Knight, with a low sense of presence, but Gao Yang now knows that the wizard is not a character who only puts coffee on the table and pours coffee. He is the successor of Knight. It is the future that Knight vigorously cultivates, the future of the Angel Mercenary Corps, Knight is dead, or can no longer continue to lead the angels in the future, the wizard is the head of the angels.

Now the wizard, the successor of the angel, was driven to the dead by the fool Schulz. He was put in the middle and was roasted by fire. To be honest, if Gao Yang thought that the wizard would destroy himself when he opened the gun. He really wanted to kill Schultz altogether. This kind of thing that has no vision, no brain and no sense of advancement and retreat. What is left?

Several angels are also very dissatisfied ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But what can they say, things that normal people can't do, Schultz is hard-working, which shows what, this Explain that Schultz is a dumbass.

So, do n’t look for an idiot to be a mercenary. If you do n’t know what to do, you will poke out some big leaks. The most annoying thing is that this big poke can be avoided.

Calm down and look back at what happened just now. Gao Yang suddenly felt very tempted to laugh. The particularity of the mercenary profession makes the mercenaries naturally lack trust. The two top mercenary groups trust and support each other. How difficult this is, and it is extremely rare for the two mercenary regiments to nearly destroy an idiot when they are collaborating on a major event. This is ridiculous.

Can't help but laugh at himself, Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "Forget it, let's continue to talk about the business, the things just now have passed, I am a generous person, I don't care about these with you."

The wizard is also a man, but he is not stupid. Of course, he gave the donkey a half-joking and half-serious step. Of course, he hurried down the donkey, but he really felt very shameful today.

With a hard smile, the wizard shouted: "Yes, we continue to talk about business, I hope to see Rosta tonight, this person is too important for us." (To be continued.)

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