A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1913: Can't afford


With the Shimir cloud bombs, the infantry who continued to resist in the houses were no longer difficult to deal with.

When Ulyanko departed to Harzisk, Gao Yang did not know that he would encounter this situation, so he let Ulyanko do his best to carry some of the most urgently needed things. Large combat equipment cannot be shipped, and the whole The most urgently needed in the battlefield of Harzisk is definitely anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.

But as an arms dealer, an arms dealer who played the role of a winner in many wars, Ulyanko was simply too powerful, or that he had n’t been in contact with Ulyanko for too long. Li Yangke became a friend, not the queen of war in Africa. Gao Yang had forgotten Wuliyangke's best skill.

Ulyanko worked for Great Ivan, and the arms market has been sluggish in previous years. You are the head of Great Ivan's entire Africa. Ulyanko can drive a truck to the battlefield of Libya to do some scattered. Small businesses can also take Mi-24 to rescue mercenaries trapped on the battlefield.

Therefore, in addition to being a vampire asking for money, Wuliyangke is also a war-monger with an extremely keen sense and an extremely accurate vision.

It ’s amazing to have such a friend as Wuliyangke.

Returning to the house with enthusiasm, Gao Yang waved at the captive: "Take him out and take good care of it."

Looking at the soaring spring breeze, Irene couldn't help but say: "Boss, there must be good news."

Gao Yang pointed to Irene and smiled: "Correct!"

Without selling the key, Gao Yang immediately shouted: "Uri is here, he takes what we need most, missiles, and Shimir!"



With a burst of cheers, Peter said excitedly: "Great! The infantry outside are no longer a problem."

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Yes, with cloud bombs, those enemies who are still fighting will no longer be a problem, and the enemy's tanks and armored vehicles will no longer be too threatening. In the city, that is death. That ’s why the street fighting part of this battle has stabilized. "

With decisive weapons, the changes in the battle situation are very large.

Gao Yang exhaled and shouted: "Next, what we have to do is to send away the wounded, so that we will have no worries at all, and the stubborn infantry outside can certainly be solved, we do n’t have to worry about the enemy will bloom in the center, this time , We only need to destroy the enemy ’s most advantageous part, and that ’s it, so, the next step is to solve the regiment of the 15 Artillery Regiment, let ’s go personally! ”

After speaking, the Gao Yang people were excited, and said loudly: "The enemy has the advantage, which will make them careless and underestimate the enemy. An unprotected artillery position and command headquarters have less than one company of strength. This is simply It ’s a piece of fat on the plate, just wait for us to eat it! "

Li Jinfang shouted: "Yes! This can be done, our old business."

Gao Yangji resolutely said: "Just tonight, we dealt with the matter clearly and went to solve the enemy artillery!"

Irene excitedly said: "Boss, the sound of the guns outside has stopped."

Gao Yang didn't notice that the shelling stopped. He listened for a moment and immediately said: "Very good, we will act now. Let's take the wounded away first, everyone be careful."

The battle outside was not over yet. When he left the house and hurried out, Gao Yang hurriedly said on the intercom: "All the attacks are suspended, the ministries report the damage. In addition, I sent someone to my designated place to pick up the weapon. . "

Bupasnov shouted: "A few of the captives under our care have died. Three of the guarded soldiers were killed, sir. What weapon do you receive?"

Gao Yang excitedly said: "The Shimir cloud bombs are not many, but they are definitely enough tonight. The commanders of the ministries will report to me according to the required quantity and send someone to collect them, it is done!"

Trotting all the way, arranging all the way, waiting for Gao Yang to arrange things almost, and then went to the small hotel where the wounded were. When he saw Wuliyangke, Gao Yang immediately opened his arms and shouted: "Man, you are so handsome. ! "

Ulyanko laughed and hugged with Gao Yang, shouting: "Aren't you going to Donetsk to help the angels, why did you fight again here?"

Gao Yang sighed, but said helplessly: "No way, Knight came up, I'm sorry to not help, buddy, thanks, I won't say much about other things, you quickly take our wounded to leave, it's still too dangerous , In addition, leave me the people you brought with me, I am short of staff now. "

Inside and outside of the small hotel are people wearing casual clothes but armed with teeth. Wuliyangke looked around but whispered: "There is a problem. These people are mercenaries, although they have worked with us for a long time. Yes, but they are still mercenaries who use money to fight. "

Needless to say, Yang Yangke also understands that mercenaries understand that mercenaries are fighting to make money. If it is a mortal task, then it is naturally unacceptable. If it is a particularly risky task, then it must naturally raise the asking price.

For example, here is definitely a place where the risk is particularly high.

Gao Yang whispered: "How much do I have to pay?"

"Hundreds of thousands! One person! Guys, it's good to call these people for **** missions. Even if you fight, it's low intensity. You can let them protect you. You can even fight against the Iron Madonna, but let them go The regular army battles, braving such artillery fire, fighting like an ordinary infantry, man, that is impossible, so it is necessary to increase the money. "

Gao Yang said helplessly: "It's time to add money, but one hundred thousand people is too ridiculous. How many people do you need to take away?"

Uliyanke thought about it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "Thirty, at least, someone needs to drive and take care of the wounded. Although the possibility of fighting on the road is not high, I can't do it at all. Be prepared, so there are at least 30 people. "

For Gao Yang, nothing in Harzisk is as important as the safety of a few wounded people, and there are 20 people left. Although it is indeed a good man, but in the battlefield of Harzisk, also There wasn't much breaking waves, even if they went to raid the 15 Artillery Regiment with them, it didn't make much sense.

What is more important in this kind of surprise attack is lurking and approaching, rather than adding more than 20 people, not to mention that the asking price of these 20 people is particularly high, one person is one hundred thousand, and twenty people is two million a day.

Looking at the high expression, Wuliyangke whispered: "Have you thought about it? I want to use them and I will announce that when the next batch comes again, it will definitely not be so expensive."

Gao Yang waved his hand and whispered: "Forget it, I can't afford it, and it's not necessary to say anything, you should take them all back, the road is also safer, this is more important to me."

After talking, looking at his watch, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Okay, I have another big action to take right away. Hurry up and go. It's more convenient to leave while I'm here."

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