A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1912: The best arms dealer

? It is necessary to bombard the enemy, and as a result, people's artillery is more fierce.

Worried, uneasy, but still calm, but listening to the gunfire outside, Gao Yang really didn't know how to fight this battle.

Originally, the strength in all aspects was not dominant, so Gao Yang laid down a heart to take the initiative to fight street fighting, but why suddenly came a 15 artillery regiment, this balance of strength is even more slanted, not to mention, also Obliquely outrageous.

The atmosphere was very dull. At this time Chilayev suddenly said: "The enemy artillery positions must be destroyed. The key to the victory and defeat now is not the 72 brigade, but the 15 artillery regiment."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said helplessly: "How to kill the enemy's artillery positions?"

Chelayev pursed his lips and whispered: "Of course, we used our guns to hit the enemy's guns."

After talking, Chelayev pointed at the seized map and said loudly: "Look, the enemy arrived in the afternoon and launched an attack at night. Why? We do n’t think about the reason, we just start from As a result, the reason to reverse the enemy's actions was obvious, and the enemy was very anxious. "

Chelayev clicked heavily on the map and said loudly: "Now we only need to know that the enemy is in a hurry. We arrived in the afternoon and immediately sent observers to the frontline to observe. Then the bombardment began shortly. It means that the enemy ’s artillery positions will not be too scattered, they are all together in a regiment, and we know the approximate position of the enemy! "

Gao Yang nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, but we don't know the specific coordinates of the enemy's position, and we don't know the specific coordinates. The shelling is a waste of shells, which may have a certain nuisance effect on the enemy, but it will not affect the enemy. With substantive killing, the best result is to force the enemy to shift positions. "

Chelayev immediately said: "But we can send observers! The enemy has an absolute advantage, the enemy is very proud, we will now investigate the enemy's position! Find out their specific location, and then, a fierce shelling, the biggest To kill the enemy to a certain degree, this is feasible! "

After thinking carefully, Gao Yang suddenly looked around. After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly said: "So, take this plan a step further and be bolder. How about we send a team to attack the enemy artillery positions directly?"

Chelayev immediately said: "If it only plays a role of harassment, it is entirely possible. This tactic itself is the specialty of the special forces, even if it is only to prevent the enemy from firing smoothly.

Gao Yang immediately said: "Bring the captive and ask him."

On the thirteenth, the captive was pushed in.

Since the companion became a hero, the artillery reconnaissance platoon leader had been in a low mood, and after being pushed into the room where they were, the captive lowered his head and made no sound, and stood at the door.

"How many guards does your artillery regiment have, and how many infantry are responsible for protecting positions?"

The platoon leader still did not speak, nor did he urge him on the 13th.

For captives, after seeing the courageous behavior of their companions and going to death, some people will learn from their companions, while others will go further in the opposite direction, that is, to better meet all the requirements of the enemy, and this row Long, obviously belongs to the latter.

After hesitating for a moment, the captive whispered: "Our regiment has always been in a state of dissatisfaction. After the war began, we urgently added technical arms and full-scale artillery, but the security force did not add much. Put us on the front line, we have only one guard company that is still not full, and at most there are two platoons of soldiers, mainly responsible for protecting the regiment headquarters. As for the main vigilance task of our regiment, it is needed by the neighboring troops. , Such as protecting artillery positions. "

Gao Yang was shocked, and then there was extreme joy.

"Who is responsible for protecting the artillery positions, how many troops are there!"

The captive shook his head and whispered: "When I set off, our regiment had not been protected by infantry. As for now, I don't know, maybe not, because everyone thinks that this is not necessary, and the 72 brigade's strength Tight, this is what our head said, he said it himself. "

Gao Yang reached out his hand and snapped his fingers, then shouted: "Mark the location of your regiment."

At this moment, Gao Yang's phone rang and looked at the telephone number. Gao Yang said to Grolev: "You take over and ask, I'll answer the phone."

There was a rumble of gunfire outside, and it was impossible for Gao Yang to leave the house. He came out of the strongest and most intimate house, stood at the door, and shouted, "Where have you been?"

Calling Wuliyangke, he shouted on the phone: "You sound noisy over there, man, I'm already in the city, and now the fighting is fierce, we are coming in from the west, you guys Blocked, you have to let them give way. "

"Why didn't you come here in a hurry without making a phone call in advance, and you're not afraid of being injured accidentally."

"Nonsense! I can't get through calling you! What are you doing?"

"I'm commanding operations and spending a lot of time in the basement. How many people have you brought me, do you have the weapons I need?"

"I brought fifty people. In addition, I brought you anti-tank missiles and portable anti-aircraft missiles, as well as some rocket launchers. Man, I can't bring heavy equipment, only these!"

"Very good. I will let people let go and take you to a safe place immediately. Wait for me. I will see you after the shelling on my side."

After I finished speaking, ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang suddenly remembered something, so he hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, there is a rocket launcher in the weapon you sent, so is there a thermobaric bomb?"

"Yes! Of course there is, I know you don't lack ordinary rocket launchers here, so of course I have to choose some powerful guys, all of them are Shimir single-person cloud bombs, 60, I found it in a short time. so much."

Gao Yang threw his fist in excitement and said sincerely: "Uri! I knew you would never let me down, and I knew that you would always give people what you need most, man, you are so great!"

Ulyanko said very calmly: "Man, I have been in this business for many, many years. Of course I know what you need. Never forget, I am the best arms dealer in the world."

Let the troops responsible for the security on the periphery of the Western Line put Ulyanko in and take them to a safe place to wait. Gao Yang then said on the intercom: "Rabbit, Ulyanko is here, you are ready to evacuate, I will go over of."

Informed the wounded that they were about to evacuate. They were in a good mood. With indescribable joy, Gao Yang returned to the house and shouted: "Guys, now we have anti-tank missiles, portable air defense missiles, and Shimir!" (To be continued.)

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