A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1892: 1 nothing

Knight started to use the word request, and all of this was said. Is there any room for Gao Yang to refuse?

Gao Yang sighed helplessly, very helplessly said: "You want me to do the work that I am most bad at, but I have no room to refuse, I only have one request, if it is really irretrievable, I will decide what Power to end the fight. "

"I owe you a favor."

"No, you tell me how I accept command. This is the crux of the problem. If I just ran out and yelled at the soldiers who were fighting, that you would command me, this is unrealistic."

After being silent for a moment, Knight was very helpless and said: "It is really the only way. I have no contact with Harzisk now, because I only commanded to the battalion level, and the contact with the next one has been interrupted. However, some middle- and low-level officers should at least know my name. If you say you are sent by the headquarters, someone should believe ... "

Gao Yang was silent for a moment, then whispered: "That is, I have to gather those soldiers who don't know me at all, and I don't know them, and then temporarily set up a headquarters here, and then, I'm almost completely strange in this Place, leading a group of soldiers who do n’t know whether to listen to my command, and guarding Harzisk under the offensive of the 72 Brigade. This is the task given to me. "

After a short period of time, Nate Zhiwu whispered: "Yes, that's it."

"Farker Oil! Knight, Farker Oil!"

Knight whispered: "As long as you are willing to help."

With a sigh, he shouted loudly: "Immediately set up a smooth communication network, and tell me where the original headquarters of Harzisk was."

"There is no command post, no, people are dead, the command post is gone, they were directly bombed by the air strikes, their communication antennas are too obvious, which led to the air strikes. Although the commander was not in the command at the time, he personally was on the front line. When he was in command, he was killed. Now, it ’s all chaos, and I ca n’t reach anyone ... "

Gao Yangji rubbed the sun helplessly, and then he said bitterly: "I have nothing, I don't know the staffing configuration, I don't know the firepower configuration, I don't know who to go to, dude, I even have a Harzi There are no combat maps in Sk. "

Knight whispered: "Don't you ever play a war game, what about the map?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "Anyway, give Zhang a large-scale combat map! Do I use the Donetsk region map to command the battle of Harzisk? Don't think I am a mercenary and just fool people! I also learned military map operations. of!"

Nete ​​said in a deep voice: "If it's easy to handle, I won't beg you, man, this is already the case, what else can I do, I believe you are fine, and the reinforcements have arrived, you'd better I can put them in order to let them accept your command. You can come as you want. In fact, I have already lost to Harzisk, so do n’t put any pressure on it. "

Gao Yang said angrily: "Stress your sister! Forget it, I will solve the problem by myself. In short, you must quickly find a way to send someone to replace me. First declare, I will do my best. Also, I must keep the communication smooth, that's it!"

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang looked helplessly at the crowd around him, and then spread his hands and said: "You all heard."

Yake stretched out a finger, rubbing his eyebrows energetically, and said bitterly, "It's not so hard, I heard it."

Gao Yang exhaled and shrugged: "It is impossible not to help, it is impossible to say, but in this case, what should we do? What can we do?"

Acker said anxiously: "The personnel belonging to the angels must be recruited immediately to establish a preliminary command system. With these people, we can then receive those reinforcements and let them accept the command. After completing these two steps, we can consider the next step. If you do n’t have command power, nothing else will do. "

Grolev said loudly: "Yes, I want to establish command, and then think about the battle plan."

Gao Yang lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and said loudly: "The wounded stay here waiting for the people of Ulyanko to pick up, the others, follow me to the front line, can't drag on, drag on people again It ’s dead. Let ’s gather up the remaining troops. Let ’s talk about dressing up and protecting well. Let ’s do it. ”

Li Jinfang shouted: "Do you have any ideas on how to do it?"

Gao Yang nodded his head and said calmly: "Yes, at present it is to pass the command, gather the remnants, and then establish a basic investigation system. At least we have to figure out what is going on here, and understand the comparison and distribution of enemy forces. And then, like a blind man, there is no way to fight. "

Acker hurriedly said: "Do you want to establish a headquarters?"

Gao Yang thought for a moment, and after thinking about it for a moment, he smiled bitterly: "Now we are poor and white, what's the use of setting up a rear command, go, go to the front line, the mobile command, the front command, Fak, so come on."

Yake shook his head continuously, shouting: "Crazy, really crazy, how could there be such a war, I never thought that there would be a commander like you in the war, you and Knight are crazy."

It was said in the mouth that Yake quickly put himself on body armor, he usually doesn't wear it, but now, even the thirteenth is silently wearing a helmet, he is still waiting for what to do, his life matters what.

Gao Yang took the phone and dialed again. This time it was for Ulyanko. When Ulyanko was connected, Gao Yang quickly said: "Man, man, can you get the battle map of Harzisk? Please get me a copy, the more detailed the better, and also, can you give me some anti-tank missiles by the way when you come? I ’m in urgent need of this. "

Wuliyangke was startled and shouted: "What do you want these to do? What do you want to do ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ You are dead, you have something wrong!"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "I don't want to, but I can't go now, I have to fight. Well, don't talk nonsense, take it by the way. I'm in desperate need of anti-tank missiles. , It ’s easy to take our wounded people away from me, I ’ll pay for the arms and personnel, I ’ll pay for it, Faker, what ’s the matter! ”

Going out of his pocket to fight for the angels, Gao Yang felt that he was more an angel than an angel.

After making a phone call, Gao Yang turned his gun back and waved, "Go!"

A group of people opened the distance and ran towards the place where the fighting was fierce. Before they ran out, they saw four people carrying guns, escorting six stretchers, and running back with a group of civilians carrying the wounded. Gao Yang immediately shouted to those who escorted the wounded with guns: "Stop, don't run, say you, who is your commander, who is the officer!"

A young man with a gun stood on his feet and shouted: "We are standing behind, we are instructed to **** the wounded back."

Gao Yang shook his hand and shouted: "No more sending, now you listen to my command and take me to see your platoon leader, hurry!" (To be continued.)

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