A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1891: Ominous hunch

Knight looked particularly messy, and the sound of guns almost completely drowned out the sound of speech. He couldn't hear it without shouting.

Gao Yang took a breath, and then shouted, "You listen! Our Lady of Steel is here, and the goal is you! We and the Iron Lady have encountered and met each other, and all the members of the Iron Lady were sent to avenge you. They seem to have been determined. Your position, everyone has gone to your side, be careful, we are rushing over, tell me your position, let's meet and make Our Lady of Steel together! "

Knight waited for a moment before replying, and then he shouted: "I know, I'll say later, Faker! I'm in a mess here!"

Listening to Nete's meaning, he was about to hang up again, and said in a hurry: "Falker! No phone calls, bastards, what are you talking about?"

Knight breathed heavily and shouted: "I'm completely disrupted here, the enemy's offensive is extremely fierce, listen! You leave here quickly, my **** mother doesn't care about you, but you just come here and use it. It will disturb me! This is a regular battle, a big scene, not a special battle you are good at! "

Gao Yang said angrily: "Don't you worry that the Madonna of Steel will fight you for a beheading? There are nearly two hundred people! Two hundred people! They are all elites. They just came out from Shah for a few months and came out to seek revenge. , You have to pay attention, pay attention! "

Knight gasped and said loudly: "I see, I will mobilize everyone together, I am now the command post, and I won't be easily pulled out, don't come, you and your people are not It ’s useless for regular games. "

Gao Yang said depressedly: "What do you think I want? I went to target the Madonna of Steel or exist as a special force. Why do you add chaos? You really don't worry about the Madonna of Steel."

"Our Lady of Steel is not a big threat, it is the Zhengfu Army. I have to focus all of my attention on this battle. Also, I do n’t know why Harzisk has attracted a lot of troops. The fight is now very miserable. My commander is almost dead, and the enemy is still adding troops. I have a big head now. I have no time to take care of you. Hurry up, hurry up! "

Gao Yang exhaled and shouted, "I don't need you to tell me, I almost couldn't come back after the investigation. I'll leave as soon as possible. Also, what's wrong with your intelligence officer, why can't you contact me?"

Knight sighed and shouted, "I was shot, injured, a rocket exploded at close range, and it was not dead but I couldn't reach it. I just knew it."

Gao Yang said anxiously: "Then don't shut down again, otherwise I will contact you if I have an urgent matter."

"I know, I won't cut off the communication anymore, but there is no important thing. Don't disturb me, the call is over."

Netka hung up the phone, holding the phone in a high spirit and just wanted to throw it. Grolev said with a concerned expression: "What do you mean by the angel?"

Gao Yang said angrily: "The angel's intelligence officer was injured, not dead, and Knight refused to help us. He played very badly over there. Let us quickly withdraw and notify him of the news of the Iron Madonna, but this guy I do n’t know how much I can pay attention, Fak! Let ’s withdraw, how can we withdraw, and the Zhengfu Army is still adding troops here, and it seems that Harzisk has become the main battlefield. "

After hurriedly speaking, Gao Yang looked at Grolev and said helplessly: "What do you say we do?"

Grolyov looked embarrassed, and after looking down for a moment, he looked up and said: "This, can't be withdrawn, angel is interesting, we can't really withdraw at this time."

Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "No matter, go to a safe place first, and then find a safe passage. After leaving with the wounded, decide whether to go to Donetsk or simply leave Ukraine, Fak, fight here It ’s a real war. Where is the fight in the Middle East? Play!

The same is the battlefield, but no matter how dangerous or strong it is, it ’s heaven and earth. On the Syrian side, as long as you hide, you do n’t have to worry about any heavy fire. At the Ukrainian side, it ’s not safe to hide. Both the militia and the militia play hard and fast, as long as they are within the battlefield, there is no safe zone.

After making a decision, Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and join the wounded first."

The wounded had settled in the downtown area, and they were still looking for a hotel, but it was impossible to stay too long, just to find a sturdy building and stop.

Sitting in the lobby of the hotel, breathing, drinking some water, eating something, going to the toilet or something, preparing for the upcoming exercise, and also contacting Wuliyangke by the way to see how to leave.

When Gao Yang was in contact, he heard the gunfire in the suburbs becoming denser. Although he could not see anything, he looked involuntarily to the east and whispered: "The intensity is still increasing. I really convinced."

Grolev shrugged: "It's nothing. Grozny's fire density is greater than here. I have seen 87 craters in a corner of less than 100 square meters."

Gao Yang said loudly in his mouth, and whispered: "So we just have to go, this is not for us."

Ai Lin said with a serious face: "This is called war."

Andy Ho said happily: "Fortunately we don't have to fight this kind of battle."

Several people nodded silently, just then ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang's phone rang, looking at the caller number, Yang Yang whispered: "Nate, I have an ominous hunch."

Connected to the phone, hurriedly said: "Are you in trouble?"

Neteji said tiredly: "No, I'm fine, but my situation is very bad. Our commander in Harzisk is dead, just now, the last battalion in charge of full command. Long, next, I can only use the company commander and even the platoon commander to take over the duties of the commander-in-chief, and I do n’t know how many company commanders are alive ... "

The ominous premonition in Gao Yang's heart was even stronger. He whispered: "What do you mean?"

Knight exhaled and said helplessly: "Will you help me take over Harzisk? Can't I? I really can't find a suitable candidate. Harzisk is very important to us. Where is the traffic? Tao, not only my lifeline, but also the lifeline of Donetsk at the moment. I have the right to speak in Donetsk in Hartsik. Also, if I do n’t have the best manpower to preside over the big picture, the site I ’ll be snatched away by other factions, but if I have the help of the right people, I can recruit the scattered militias that come to support nearby, so if you want to help me, help me keep Harzisk down, OK? , Until I go in person or let someone take over you, I know this request is excessive, but I really have no other way. "(To be continued.)

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