A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1868: contact

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The soldiers of the 72 Brigade crossed the defensive line that the militia had abandoned. The tanks and armored vehicles did not rush into the construction area, but stopped a little further outside. Then the infantry began to touch in slowly with a small group of vanguards.

They are located in the suburbs of the most northwestern corner of Harzisk, and the farmland is one step away. Although the houses are much sparse relative to the city center, and they are common single-family houses in the countryside, they are connected. In this kind of terrain, it is difficult for tanks and armored vehicles to exert their due power, but they are more vulnerable to attack. Therefore, the tank does not come in temporarily, but let the infantry explore the terrain in advance, which is more normal.

Watching the infantry soldiers come in slowly and start a house-by-house search, Gao Yang lowered his voice in the intercom and said: "The 72 Brigade's goal should be to occupy the outer periphery of the city, not to go deeper, they want to occupy here The house prevents the militia from leaving the city, and someone will soon search us, fox, you are ready, pay attention to safety. "

People of the Zhengfu Army must search for any militiamen hiding in nearby houses. At this time, the soldiers on the search task must have been very nervous and contacted rashly. They may be misjudged and then fire. You must be careful.

Seeing that the soldiers came in one by one, they began to search along the houses. As a result, the soldiers stopped after searching for less than ten houses. When there were a few houses away from the place where they lived, they did not check. Too.

Exhaled, whispered: "Well, you can determine the tactical purpose of the Zhengfu Army, occupy the four corners of the city as a stronghold, and pull the line in the middle, focusing on monitoring and control instead of defensive defense."

Yake ’s position could not see the movements of the Zhengfu soldiers. He said on the intercom: "Can I go out and make contact?"

"Yes, don't bring a gun and go out slowly. Toad and Tyrannosaurus are ready to go out to respond at any time. I have a good shooting range here and can improve protection. But be aware that I am vulnerable to attacks by tanks and armored vehicles. Hold on for a minute and finish. "

"Understood, the fox started to go out."

Yack did not bring a gun, but he wore a body armor and flashed out of the door of the yard. Waiting for the road, he raised his hand and slowly came out from behind the courtyard wall. On the road.

"Don't shoot, I have something to tell you! Don't shoot!"

Yack shouted loudly, raised his hand, and stood on the spot, so as to avoid being misunderstood to the greatest extent, and Yack was soon discovered by the soldiers, and then two people immediately pointed the gun at him.

The two soldiers shouted loudly, and the two sides were separated by a distance of more than 200 meters. The sound of the shout was not very clear, but one soldier started beckoning to Yake, beckoning him to pass.

Yake started to move forward slowly, then he whispered quickly: "Some troubles, they speak Ukrainian."

Yak can speak Russian, but he does not speak Ukrainian. Although the vocabulary of Ukrainian and Russian is mostly the same, but there are some differences. Ukrainians use Ukrainian for school, Russian for daily life, there is no problem with it. In other words, Ukrainian and Russian are a dialect, but Ukrainians and some Russians may not have a big problem, but foreigners like Yake and Koyang are not particularly proficient in Russian. Listening to Ukrainian similar to dialect is more difficult.

At critical moments, poor communication may cause big problems, Gao Yang immediately said on the intercom: "Lebrov! Prepare to come out as an interpreter and listen to my command."

Yake slowly continued to move forward, a dozen soldiers nervously arranged a line of defense towards him, to prevent Yake's purpose.

When he was about thirty meters away from the soldiers, Yake was ordered to stop, and then Yack immediately shouted: "I have a special mission here. I am a friend of your brigade commander Baskov. Yevgeny's friend, please call your sir, or I will see him in the past. "

A soldier shouted aloud, and Yake immediately said: "Please speak Russian with me, I don't understand Ukrainian very well."

"who are you!"

"I am a businessman, we are certainly not enemies, believe me, you should know that I am not a militia, right? I have important things to say to your commander, are you asking him to come, or I can meet him. "

Gao Yang immediately said: "Fox! If you go to see their commander, you will be free from our protection!"

Yake whispered on the intercom: "No problem, don't worry."

Soon, the two soldiers searched Yake. The body armor and walkie-talkie on Yake's body caused their suspicion and nervousness. They wanted to take the walkie-talkie on Yake's body. The intention of the two soldiers was dispelled.

Soon, a man dressed in soldiers' clothes, but clearly acting as the commander, ran over the corner.

Gao Yang was very surprised and said: "I thought that Yake would be taken to meet the commander. Unexpectedly, this commander was so brave that he dared to come and meet him ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Are you brave enough? "

Grolev said coldly: "Inexperienced, or just a fool, look at him, wearing a soldier's clothes but still like an officer, eat the sniper's gun sooner or later, this is in Grozny, he can't live for a day . "

Yake was brought in front of the officer, then Yake said nothing nonsense, and said directly with a smile: "Salute to Yevgeny, you must have received an order to know what I am talking about, right?"

"Yes, I know. Say, what do you want to do."

"Leave, the people who took us leave safely. Now that the battle is over and the militia has run away, we can safely leave."

"Sorry, you can go back, but I can't tell if your people can leave. You have to wait. Someone will see you before you can decide whether to let you go. I have no problem here, but you leave without permission. It ’s none of my business to be attacked. "

"I think you should report it to your chief."

"No need, the orders I got are very clear. You have to wait for the inspection of those people before you can leave."

"those people?"

The young commander in soldier clothes waved impatiently and shouted: "Go back, where to go and wait a moment, stay away from us."

Gao Yang couldn't see Yake, but he could hear him. Then he frowned: "Accept those people's examination? Who? Americans?"

No. 13 whispered: "It is possible, is it just looking for us?" (To be continued.)

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