A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1867: 1 cut smoothly

readx (); extended bombardment, which is where the bomb should be exploded, began to turn the muzzle and fired into the depths.

The shells will not fall directly to them, because the extended shelling is also gradual, and generally will not be beaten by a hammer and a hammer.

It does n’t matter if they come over immediately, they are hurrying and hid in the basement. In case a large-caliber cannonball happened to hit it, it would be a big deal. On the battlefield, what a coincidence can be a coincidence. The person who was hit by a stray bullet or even normally hit by a bullet was not killed by coincidence. It happened to be hit by a bullet and it was unlucky.

Several people entered the basement, and after five minutes of waiting, they all felt violent shaking in the basement.

Lebrov raised his head and shouted, "The shelling is coming!"

Even in the basement, you can hear the violent explosion sound, even if the sound is a bit veiled, Gao Yang looked at his watch and raised the volume.

"So fast, the extended shooting should not come here so quickly, right?"

Rebrov said patiently: "No, the main areas for artillery preparation and extended shooting are strictly in accordance with operational deployment. It is reasonable to say that after artillery preparation, turn to deep shots to cut off the enemy and the front. The contact of the position, after the infantry advances to occupy the position, it is necessary to continue to extend the artillery forward and let the infantry capture the next position. If you fight street fighting, you will choose another place. Now it seems that we are also the targets that the government army wants to capture. "

Nodded and said: "I understand."

Rebrov shouted: "Now our area should be an area where firepower is being prepared. The frequency of shells falling is too high. That is to say, it will not take long for the infantry to occupy when the artillery preparations are over!"

The girl named Valenina was terrified and trembling, but the others felt nothing. Yang Yang shouted at Rebrov, "Is there anything wrong with our place?"

Lebrov laughed and shouted, "No, our basement is deep enough, and the shells will never pose any threat to us. Even if shells fall on our heads, it will be a shock at most." "

Valenina was obviously relieved. After looking around in the basement, she picked up a bottle of mineral water in the corner, went to Cui Bo's side, unscrewed the bottle cap, and handed it to Cui Bo, whispering. : "Take some saliva."

Cui Bo took a look at Vallenina, and took the mineral water.

Albert said loudly, "Boss, that doctor should not be dead. The time just now was enough for them to evacuate."

Nodded his head loudly and said loudly: "Someone owes me a field hospital, shouldn't it be too much for me to ask him personally?"

A few people who knew what was inside laughed and then Andy Ho and they began to explain to others what happened. After knowing that Gao Yang broke the doctor ’s leg with a shot, Irene laughed: "Boy, I want to say you did Beautiful. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "I have a decent shot, the bullet just scratched his leg, and I can move for two days."

Frye said regretfully: "It's too cheap for him."

"Leave a doctor for Knight, doctors are scarce resources now."

A group of people didn't care about the shelling on the head. They were talking and laughing. Only Cui Bo leaned against the corner, holding the water with a thoughtful look, and that Valenina leaned on him. Beside, the same thoughtful look.

Suddenly, the sense of vibration disappeared, and the explosion stopped, and the spirit was lifted, and he looked at his watch and shouted: "Okay, the artillery preparations are over, the people of the Zhengfu Army are coming, I will go up. , Waiting for someone to come and get in touch with them. "

The arrival of the Zhengfu Army is not a bad thing for Satan. Once the Zhengfu Army completely occupies the periphery of Harzisk, Satan can leave, but now it does not matter whose site Satan is, as long as the exchange of fire is stopped, it is safe zone.

Yake stood up and said with a smile: "I'll go, but I'm an intelligence officer, and I should have done things with people."

"Your mouth is too stinky, if you negotiate or negotiate with others, we are afraid that you will be beaten."

Spoke Raphael. Raphael was badly injured. He is recovering well now, but he has not been able to perform too many activities. However, there is no problem with going to the ground for a short time. Of course, his speech is not affected.

Was damaged by Raphael, and Yake sighed his hand in front of his mouth, and then shouted: "It smells smelly, smelly, smells like a skunk."

A group of people laughed, and Yake stretched his **** towards Raphael and said lazily: "I'm going up, guys."

Li Jinfang stood up and said loudly: "I'll cover you behind you, in case you really want to be beaten by others, I can save you."

The cover is natural, Gao Yang took his rifle and shouted: "The fox goes out himself, toad, tyrannosaurus, big dog, you follow me to protect the fox."

Yack said lazily: "I almost forgot that the fox is the nickname you gave me. Honestly, this nickname is really not very good."

Stood up on the thirteenth, and said indifferently, "I will go too."

Although the shelling stopped and there was no danger of leaving the basement, there were certainly fewer people going up and better. Gao Yang brought a few people who were most suitable for cover to protect Yake. It was useless to go up on the 13th.

"What are you doing, don't go, stay here."

Booth No. 13 said: "I can read lips."

"Uh, take it away."

Several people left the basement, Yake and Li Jinfang and Irene were on the first floor, Gao Yang and Grolev and the thirteenth were in the attic. Use the telescope to check the surroundings ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ You can see the tanks and armored vehicles covering the infantry approaching them, moving very quickly.

"Two tanks, three armored vehicles, about one hundred infantry, came in a line of scattered soldiers."

Grolev looked at it and said, "What about the militia?"

"I didn't see it, it was estimated that it had already been withdrawn, but I didn't know where it had been withdrawn, but it must have been withdrawn, otherwise this distance should have been fought."

Retracted and shrank, Gao Yang shouted on the intercom: "They are here, but don't worry, now they are too nervous, and wait for the 72 brigade soldiers to completely control the area, relax and then contact them."

After raising the telescope again, Gao Yang observed for a moment, then shouted: "Aha, the field hospital was blown up, but there were no corpses. The soldiers of the 72 Brigade had already crossed the field fortification zone. , Everything went well. "(To be continued.)

PS: Today is five more, but there is no way to send it out, ask for monthly tickets, everything.

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