A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1865: Persuade him with a gun

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Gao Yang and Rebrov came outside, listening to the sound of the cannon.

"how far?"

Rebrov listened intently, held out his hand to Gao Yang, and waved him, begging him not to speak. After a while, Rebrov said nervously: "The point of artillery drop is very close to us, no more than three Kilometers, this is the sound of a 122mm shell. "

After listening again, Rebrov suddenly said: "152! This is the 152 cannon!"

Gao Yang did not dare to speak, fearing that it would interfere with Rebrov. At this time, a sudden intensive explosion sounded continuously, as if it was a single sound. When the explosion passed, Rebrov immediately said: "122 mm rocket artillery, salvo ! Otherwise, this density cannot be reached. "

After listening attentively for a moment, Rebrov nodded to Gao Yang and said: "There is nothing else, these three guns, the firing distance is ten kilometers away, but it will not be too far, we can still hear the faint The sound of firing, listen! Did you hear? The dull sound, this is the sound of the 152 artillery launch. The Zhengfu Army has not many large caliber guns, there should be only three. "

Swallowed and snorted: "So god? How do you hear it?"

Rebrov laughed: "It's very simple, you can always hear the sound of 152 shells exploding. At most, only three explosions occur at the same time, and then the continuous shooting is the normal speed of the three cannons when they fire quickly. , Easy to tell. "

Gao Yang stretched out his thumbs and then anxiously said: "What about the 122 guns?"

"I can't hear how many doors, about ten or so. About six rockets. From this configuration and the number of artillery, it is a mixed artillery battalion with nine 122 guns. Three 152 cannons and six 122 rockets. The Ukrainian artillery unit has this kind of interim battalion. It should not be wrong. "

Heartily said: "Strong! I didn't expect you to be able to hear these, I can only tell what kind of gun is probably, the distance can not be heard, it is even more impossible to hear the number of artillery."

Rebrov wiped his nose and listened to the gunfire with his ears. "This is a plain. Plain areas are easier to distinguish these. If it is a mountainous area, or if the building is particularly tall, it won't work. First, the sound can't be transmitted so far. Then there is interference like echoes, then it won't work. "

After speaking, Rebrov suddenly looked up and shouted, "There is trouble, this is artillery preparation."

Of course, Gao Yang knows what artillery preparation is. Before launching an attack, concentrate on using artillery, blow through the enemy, and implement an organized and targeted artillery strike. This is artillery preparation. Since it is preparation, the preparation ends naturally. Attacked.

"Are you sure you are preparing for artillery?"

Rybrov said confidently: "Of course, this artillery density and firing speed are just textbook artillery preparations. This is what I learned. It is impossible to hear it wrong. This cannot be regarded as large-scale artillery preparation. , But it must be artillery preparation, which will soon prove that the artillery preparation is over and the next shot should be extended. "

Gao Yang immediately said: "According to your tutorial, how long is the artillery preparation?"

"There is no fixed time limit, but it must be at a certain level of artillery density and intensity before the artillery preparation is over. Well, the opposing artillery has observers. They will make judgments based on the damage effect. Now it is the stage of intensive bombardment At the beginning of the artillery preparation, I estimate that at least a few more minutes, destroy the militia ’s defense line and conduct an extended shot, the Zhengfu Army ’s tanks and infantry should be charged. "

Gao Yang said with some nervousness: "The Zhengfu Army has already occupied the highway, it is already on the edge of the city, the artillery is extended, and the steps are coordinated to charge, then you have to fight in the urban area.

Lebrov looked at Gao Yang, then shouted: "Boss."


"We are on the edge of the city, we are in the northwest corner. The extension of government artillery and the coordinated assault of the troops are not necessarily flying to the city. They may have to complete the siege of Harzisk."

This small-scale special operations background is different from the officers trained in large-scale operations of the regular army. He has specialization in the art industry and has a fixed mindset. Gao Yang and Rebrov have different starting points.

Gao Yang thought about how to smash the Huanglong, and cleanly and cleanly completed a beheading battle to knock down the enemy's headquarters, so when he substituted himself into the combat mode of the Zhengfu Army, he always thought that since the artillery was ready, then Then how to completely occupy this city.

Rebrov, he did n’t want to take down Harzisk in one fell swoop, he was thinking about how to use artillery to clear the defense lines outside the city, and then how to let the tanks and infantry surround the city, as long as it surrounded Hal Qisk, let the militia lose its fixed fire point, and lose the heavy weapons against the tank. Harzisk can be completely unmoved. If there is enough reinforcements, it will be a street fight. If there is not enough troops, then complete the battle against Harzi. The cutting of Sksk is good ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ As long as Harzisk is surrounded, it has already achieved its tactical purpose.

Rebrov said this, and the cold sweat quickly came down, and he immediately shouted on the intercom: "Panda! You two will come back quickly, and, tell the people of Dorez to make them fast Evacuation! The wounded must be transferred immediately! The enemy is about to bombard, and the answer is received, it is done! "

"Panda received, the wounded soldiers have been transferred, and the remains have been buried. We have been transferring the wounded soldiers immediately after the rescue. There are only a dozen minor wounded people and the notification is completed."

Exhaled with a loud voice, then said anxiously: "No matter what you are doing, put it down and come back into the basement immediately. After the enemy's artillery preparations are over, it is likely to attack. We are probably the target here and can't wait any longer."

"Understood, but this is now a field hospital. I can't tell the person in charge here. He refused to evacuate. He insisted on receiving an evacuation order before leaving."

"Fak! Is he wrong? This is a war, why is there such a rigid guy?"

"Yes, the sense of responsibility is too strong, he insisted on keeping his position, as long as there are wounded soldiers may be sent to him, he can not leave."

Knight could not know everything that happened on the front line, and the commander of Harzisk may not have realized the opponent's intentions, or have not taken care of this field hospital.

Do n’t want to take care of him, but he could n’t watch the field hospital being destroyed by artillery fire. He took out the phone and dialed Net while shouting: “For this idiot, use a gun to persuade him!” (To be continued.)

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