A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1864: Come again

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It is now the busiest time for communication. There is no signal in the basement and Gao Yang does not go down to the basement, so he continues to make calls outside.

Is there any information that will tell Nete? Since Gao Yang received a very important information from Poronesko, he must naturally notify him.

"Night, very important information, there are people in the brigade that the Ukrainian military cannot control, you know what this means."

"It's not surprising that Americans will have to participate in the war in person sooner or later, this kind of thing Americans do much more."

Although it is not strange to say, Knight still smiled bitterly, and then he was quite helpless: "It ’s just that Americans put people directly on the front line. This matter can have too many meanings. The worst thing is that they played Donetsk. This is even more troublesome. Is the news reliable? "

Gao Yang thought about it and turned the information he had just received from Poronesko to the militia. It seemed a bit unreasonable, but at best he and Poronesko used each other's relationship, and still He has the control of Poronezhenko and uses each other in a half-coercion, but his relationship with Nete, he ca n’t tell the truth, it is not a comrade in life and death, but at least he is also a friend. When intelligence changed hands to Nete, there was no psychological burden.

"This information comes from Poroneshenko, he refused to say what the origin of those people he can't control, but I guess you can have anyone but Americans."

Night sighed, quite helplessly said: "The United States shot, in fact, is not bad news, because the United States shot Russia will inevitably follow up, but depends on whether the support from Russia can arrive in time."

Gao Yang laughed: "Russian shot, your pressure will be much less."

Nete ​​said listlessly: "No, on the contrary, but if the United States does not move, Russia will maintain restraint, but the United States will send troops to Russia, and it will inevitably take action. Man, Russia is too close to here, and as long as Russia takes action, here is nothing There is no doubt that it will become the sphere of influence controlled by the Russians. I am not afraid of fighting hard battles. I am not worried about too much loss. However, I am worried that I can no longer get what I want from the Russians. You know what I want. As soon as the Russians shot, it was more difficult for me to get the results I wanted. "

What Nete wants to do is not to seize a site in Ukraine and set up a country among the nations, or to become a country by itself. This goal, Gao Yang finds it difficult to achieve, but if the enemy is the Ukrainian government, it may really be achieved. It is possible, but once Russia has taken action, Russia will become Knight's competitor, and the Angel Mercenary Corps is only a few pounds, fighting with Russia. Isn't that nonsense.

Ended the call, Gao Yang went down to the basement, summoned the people, and tried to tell them the new situation that needed attention, but found that the girl he picked up was also there.

There are outsiders, some words can't be said naturally, Gao Yang and Yan Yue said to the nervous girl: "What's your name?"


"How old are you?"


That girl looks pretty.

Looks pretty a bit too much, but Eastern Ukraine is really rich in beautiful women who are very in line with the Chinese people's aesthetics, so a girl who is in the cardamom years always has a bit of a flash on her body.

Jian Yang thought for a while and scratched his head, then he said to Valenina, who was a little nervous: "Varenina, nice name, do you feel better now?"

"Yes, I feel much better, sir."

"That's good, this is the case. Now the situation outside is relatively calm. Do you want to go back to the army, or do you want to do?"

After hesitating for a while, the girl bowed her head in a slightly inaudible voice and said, "I, I want to go home."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Alright, this is actually the right choice. You don't have to feel guilty or feel embarrassed. You shouldn't be on the battlefield. We will take you back when we leave. You don't have to worry about anything. , I want you to go outside the basement to stand for us for a while. It ’s quite calm outside now, but I need a sentry. If you find something abnormal, just tell me, oh, do n’t leave the house above, okay? "

Valenina nodded and whispered: "Sir, I'm going."

Valenina left the basement, at this time Irene was very disdainful: "If you want this little girl to leave, just say it, you have to ask so much and say so much nonsense."

Gao Yang coughed and said: "Beauty always has to receive some preferential treatment. Well, I'm right. We can't go for the time being. There are a lot of people outside the Ukrainian army here. It should be American, but We will not be attacked. If we meet any brigade, we will say that we are businessmen. We are here to do business. We have a very good relationship with the brigade commander Baskov, and then there is a code word. To pay tribute to Yevgeny, they will understand. One more thing, Yevgeny is the commander who was ordered to attack Harzisk. Has a commander remembered it? "



Even when Taylor and Jessie Lee said that they heard the words of Yang Yang and remembered them, Cui Bo said nothing, and said helplessly: "Rabbit, rabbit!"

Cui Bo woke up in his dream: "Ah ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Hmm?"

"Did you hear what I said just now?"


Gao Yang waved his hands helplessly and said to everyone: "Forget it, everyone watch him, and the Valenina outside, as well as our nutritionist, everyone is also thinking about it, well, now we Just wait for the news, you can rest, I guess the next attack of the Zhengfu Army and the counterattack of the militia will not be too early, Knight told me ... "

Before Yang Yang finished speaking, he heard the rumbling of the guns, and soon the lid of the basement was opened. Valenina screamed nervously underneath: "The guns are firing! The guns are firing again, very close ,So close!"

Now only Andy Ho and Albert are still out, Gao Yang immediately shouted on the intercom: "Panda, fat cat! Go back to the basement immediately!"

"Come again! Why is it so fast, don't play cards according to the routine."

Grumbled helplessly, Gao Yang waved at Valenina: "You come down! I go up to see the situation, Rebrov, you come with me!"

The latter sentence was said to others. The attack was much earlier than expected. He came to see what happened, and he did n’t have to go out to investigate. Judging exactly what the fighting was like, Lebrov was called, of course, because of his familiarity with artillery. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse w to read, a better reading experience.

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