A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1861: Not the result of the result


Love on the battlefield is very precious, and in such a special environment of the battlefield, it often bursts out particularly fiercely.

Is fierce, which means that it comes quickly, and it may also go quickly.

Friendships formed during battles are often long-lasting and will occupy a special place in the heart for life. They are not family members or loved ones, but they are beyond the relationship between family members and relatives. In battle, one can replace them without hesitation. The other is going to die.

In an era when communication was still underdeveloped, how many friendships were born and died together, and may not have the opportunity to say the last sentence after returning home, but this does not prevent the two men who are far away from the horizon, silently thinking about that for the rest of their lives Another man who is willing to give his life to him, or many men.

Friendship developed only on the battlefield. This special friendship is usually summarized by comrades in arms.

But the love on the battlefield is different. Love is love. It should not be mixed with anything else. When it is mixed with iron and blood, it can face life and death at any time, that is, it can be forced at any time. When this love ends forever, such love will inevitably become more enthusiastic.

War is like fire, which can refine the impurities in all emotions. The refined friendship is more appropriate than Jin Jian.

The love that has been tempered by the war is also purer than gold, but love should not be accompanied by iron and blood, love should be before the moon, it should be the same as raising the eyebrows, it should be accompanied by flowers and tenderness.

Love should be sweet and should not appear on the cruel battlefield. Therefore, love often cannot withstand the test of the battlefield. When the battle is over, a fierce love will almost disappear.

Of course, if love has withstood the test, and it has withstood the cruelest and most tragic test, such love can really only be described by the wild.

Cui Bo and Lilia have only known each other for a few days. He has n’t even pulled Lilia ’s hand. They are just two ordinary soldiers on the battlefield. From the first side of seeing each other, they face the separation at any time. Then there will be no further results, but this does not prevent Cui Bo from experiencing the pain of tearing the heart.

Cui Bo leaned on the flatbed. When he first saw Lilia, the flatbed where Lilia was sitting, and now she was pulling the flatbed of Lilia ’s body, so she was lying on the ground, motionless, feeling her heart. The pain of being torn slowly.

Cui Bo is qualified to suffer?

He didn't even pull Lilia's hand.

Lilia is not Cui Bo's girlfriend, not even a comrade-in-arms. He just saw a beautiful girl who wanted to spend time with others. Now that he hasn't, it's a beautiful girl who died, and he has half a cent Does it matter?

Cui Bo is really not eligible for pain, but he is very painful.

A relationship has not yet had the chance to be the most precious love, but this relationship is really hot enough for Cui Bo, but his feelings are so taken away from life forever by war, and this is not the result of the result, This is the source of Cui Bo's suffering.

Even more painful is that if you want to take revenge, you do n’t know who to look for. If you want to hate, hate this **** war.

Cui Bo covered his ears and closed his eyes. He did n’t want to hear anything, did n’t want to see anything, he did n’t want to see the light, he just wanted to hide.

Cui Bo lay motionless on the ground, and many people stood there looking at him silently. The driver was carrying a mass of plastic cloth used to cover the body, and silently looked at the painful Cui Bo, a few were called The aunt who came to sort out the remains of the female soldiers was crying silently, but holding up a few of them was helpless.

Li Jinfang's teeth were very tight, his hands clenched his fists, looking at the sky, standing there motionless, the whole person was like a silent statue.

Cui Bo's feelings haven't had time to become love, but Li Jinfang has experienced a more painful past.

Finally, Cui Bo's tightly closed mouth opened, and after a quick breath, he finally shouted!

"Ah! Ah! Ah ..."

Cried, and Cui Bo cried. Although his eyes were closed, he cried involuntarily.

Desperate, desolate.

Gaoyang and Grolev were involuntarily relieved.

"Okay, okay, just cry out."

"Wait, let him cry for a while."

Looked so uncomfortable that Jerry was shocked.

Gao Yang was surprised without knowing why Jerry, but he thought about it and didn't ask.

The driver holding the plastic cloth sighed, lowered the plastic cloth in his hand, and squatted down in front of Cui Bo, patting him on the shoulder gently, and whispered slowly: "Get up ..."

No one knows what to say. The aunts started weeping and wiping their tears at this time. The images of too much grief can always resonate with them. This is human nature, and especially the woman who is old, The world is the same.

Cui Bo did not stand up, but he finally started crying loudly.

Gao Yang took out his ears uncomfortably, and then he whispered: "Work hard."

Grolyov and Gao Yang began to move the body down from the flatbed, then Gao Yang said to Li Jinfang and Jerry: "Don't be stunned, move ~ Jerry pointed at Cui Bo, Gao Yang shook his head : "Don't care about him, do your own thing. "

Jerry began silently with Li Jinfang to put the body away, and soon, when he carried it to Lilia, Gao Yang stopped his hand, walked to the other side of the flatbed, and squatted in front of Cui Bo. Tao: "Get up and see her for the last time, then we will bury her."

I don't want to listen, but how can I isolate all sounds.

Cui Bo opened his eyes, sighed for a long time, stunned for a moment, tilted his head, then stretched out the two crutches that were thrown to his side, pulled away the hand that Yang was going to help him up, and slowly stood Got up.

Watching Lilia's no longer pretty face, Cui Bo took a deep breath and then said to the somber tractor driver standing next to him: "How do you deal with these bodies?"

"We will bury these bodies and mark them well. We will treat these dead soldiers well, and they will be buried in a public cemetery."

After Cui Bo turned his head and looked at Lilia deeply, he whispered: "I will not bury her, let her be buried with her comrades, so that if someone comes to find her in the future, it will be easy for someone to find her. When we found her cemetery, let ’s bury it. After we left, we could n’t find her for a long time. ”

The voice was low and hoarse. After slowly speaking, Cui Bo framed his canes, swayed step by step, lowered his head, and walked slowly towards the basement. He had found Lilia, so he did n’t have to wait any longer. . (To be continued.)

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