A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1860: Reunion

Jerry is a chef, and Gao Yang let him join Satan on this point, but for Jerry, he joins Satan or joins other mercenary groups, just to find excitement.

But war is not only about the passion brought by blood and fire, but also the sentiment between comrades in life and death. First of all, war will bring death, so war will inevitably mean life and death.

Some people idealize and romanticize such things as war. They know that war will die, but they do n’t think they will be the one who died. Maybe some people think they will die, but they think they will die very bravely. , Very strong and romantic, but they do n’t know that death is not connected with these good words in most cases.

Jerry is thinking of fighting for the war he imagined, and now Gao Yang will let his illusion break, let Jerry most intuitively see what the consequences of the war are.

Faced with the problem of high-spiritedness, Jerry hesitated before whispering: "I never get used to doing things halfway."

Gao Yang didn't speak anymore, Jerry seemed calm, but Cui Bo suddenly felt a little bored, and just then, another car drove over, so he said loudly, "Here's the car again, let me go and see!" "

Cui Bo greeted him, not actually a car, but a tractor, dragging a long body with a sudden approach.

Cui Bo wanted to continue to inquire about Lilia's whereabouts, but when he got there, he saw that the tractor didn't stop at all, but pointed to the past toward the morgue, but the tractor did The driver shouted: "Come a few women! Hurry up and clean up these children!"

The driver, Cui Bo, knew that he lived nearby. He usually gave Doris even help cooking, and even knew the flatbed truck dragged behind the tractor. When she first saw Lilia, she was sitting on the flatbed truck. on.

Many residents nearby are helping in the field hospital, there are men and women, they are willing to contribute to the rescue of the wounded, but no one is willing to deal with the body, after all, the wounded still have hope, and the remains of the dead are desperate. .

The old man who drove the tractor looked very fierce. A few people carrying stretchers looked at me. I saw yours. After waiting for a while, two aunts followed.

Cui Bo ran up, and when he heard that the driver asked to go to two women, he had a bad feeling in his heart. Only the body of the female soldier needed to let the woman clean up, otherwise there would be no such requirement. .

The tractor ran very slowly. When Cui Bo ran to the morgue, the tractor stopped.

Before he reached the tractor, Cui Bo was very nervous and shouted to the driver: "Is there a person of Doris?"

The driver turned his head and glanced at the flatbed truck dragging behind, shouting: "All."

Cui Bo didn't dare to look at the body pulled on the flatbed. After moving a few steps forward, he shivered again: "Are there any recruits? Are there ... women?"

The old man gasped for a long time, reaching for the flatbed truck behind him, but said nothing.

Cui Bo's heartbeat was very strong. He was close to the flatbed. The flatboard of the flatbed was very short, and everything could be seen at a glance, but all the bodies on the flatbed were covered with plastic cloth.

Took a long breath, and Cui Bo slowly pulled up the plastic cloth from a corner, and then he saw the body of a girl at first glance.

Cui Bo immediately put down the plastic cloth and covered his mouth with his hands and gasped for a few breaths. That was not Lilia, but the girl was a platoon of Doris Lien recruits. Cui Bo knew her and said many words to her. And taught her to shoot.

The old man jumped off the front of the tractor, looked at Cui Bo with a complex expression, grabbed the plastic cloth from Cui Bo's side, and then pulled the plastic cloth off the flatbed truck and began to roll.

Cui Bo looked at the dead body on the flatbed.

The corpses need to be recognized. Some corpses are very complete and clean, but most of the corpses are covered with blood, especially when many corpses are put together, you need to carefully identify them.

But Cui Bo saw the pair of bullet-proof glasses at a glance, the yellow one, once belonged to Gao Yang. He asked him from Gao Yang to transfer it to Lilia.

In fact, the body was next to Cui Bo. Just now he just opened the plastic cloth a little more and saw it.

Cui Bo stood quietly, using both hands to squeeze the skin around his neck, because he felt out of breath.

A corpse, hair wet with blood and then dried to form a disgusting color, the body was covered with mud, a bullet hit her face, almost shattered the entire jaw, only a small part remained from under the nose It came down, but the bulletproof glasses were still on his head, and Cui Bo was used as a gift for Lilia's glasses.

"Um, uh, uh, ah, uh, ah ..."

Cui Bo looked at Lilia's body motionlessly, and made a meaningless whisper in his mouth. Although he dragged his neck a piece of purple, he still felt out of breath.

The old man who drove the tractor looked at Cui Bo in silence, and Gao Yang had jumped from the car next to him. Gao Yang hurriedly walked towards Cui Bo, but after being grabbed by Grolev, he whispered. Tao: "Don't go, let him stay for a while!"

Cui Bo let go of his neck-pulling hands ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He looked up at the sky, then slowly lowered his head, and then, after looking at Lilia's incomplete face for a moment, He shivered and reached out, trying to take off Lilia's glasses.

But Cui Bo quickly stopped his hand, his hand trembling violently over his eyes, but finally he took his hand back.

If it were n’t for the glasses, Cui Bo could not recognize Lilia ’s face. Now he wanted to let Lilia wear glasses. In this case, when he thinks of Lilia again many years later, he still has to Remember what Lilia looked like, instead of a blood-stained face that shattered to an unrecognizable face, in that case, he would soon forget what Lilia looked like.

No need to take down the glasses to recognize it, that is the goggles that Satan will use, high-end goods, very expensive and expensive, basically no one else in the militia will use this, and Dorothy certainly does not.

Cui Bo stopped his hands, put his hands back, and then he turned around and threw away his crutches, turned his back to Lilia's head, and sat down slowly on the scooter. After sitting on the ground, he thought it was still Without strength to support his body, he lay down to the side, covering his ears with both hands, closing his eyes, and lying sideways on the ground motionless. (To be continued.)

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