A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1857: Stalemate

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The house where Satan lives is an old house, built during the Cold War. In that era, every day in the Soviet Union was preparing for the Third World War. After the bitter World War II, the Ukrainians not only had a basement when they repaired the house, but also This basement was originally opened as a refuge during the war. It is very strong and of course very safe.

No one wears military uniforms. During wartime, if it is not either of the warring parties, it is best not to wear camouflage or other clothes that are likely to cause misunderstandings, so Gao Yang is wearing a suit. Negotiation.

The phone has been called a lot, the plane will not come to Donetsk again, but will land to Kiev and wait. Koyan also called Poroneshenko and Arseny and told them to do business in Harzisk No matter who led the Zhengfu Army, as long as you do n’t hit him.

But even if Poroneshenko can provide asylum, it must be after the battle is over, because the front line is fighting with soldiers and low-level commanders, and the orders from Kiev will not be communicated to them in any way. Now the warring parties have become a mess, and they can only talk about leaving after the battle is over.

The atmosphere in the basement is very dignified. No one makes any sound. Everyone is holding a gun and sleeping in a comfortable position. Even if they can't sleep, they will close their eyes and relax.

Only Cui Bo was sitting in a daze sitting in the corner chair.

Satan will not intervene in the battle anyway, this is very clear, and Cui Bo can't find Lilia now, which makes him very worried and very painful, but it is fierce for the brothers to fight with themselves. In the battlefield, braving guns and rain and shells falling from time to time, to find a girl who had just met for three days, Cui Bo couldn't do it.

The biggest movement came from the girl who picked them up. She had a bad cold. She was lying on a mat on the ground. After taking the medicine given by Andy Ho, she fell asleep again, and after falling asleep , Which girl will grunt from time to time.

In the basement, the sound of guns outside was much weaker, but it was still audible, and the sound of guns outside gradually weakened.

Li Jinfang suddenly opened his eyes and whispered into the sky: "The outside is quieter, I will go out and see."

Looked at his watch and whispered: "It's six o'clock forty, the sky is already dawning. The battle should gradually calm down. No one is coming now. It should be in the phase of stalemate."

Li Jinfang whispered: "Let's go check it out, I'm sure."

"Okay, let's check the situation together."

Gao Yang stood up, took his rifle, and left the basement with Li Jinfang, but when the lid of the basement was opened, the sound of the guns became clearer, but the intensity was indeed much lower than in the early morning hours.

Walked out of the yard and looked at the road for two times. Li Jinfang whispered: "The battle has not spread here. I don't know if the Zhengfu army has enough strength, or the militia beat them back."

Walked a few steps, looked at the other side, and then shook his head: "No, no one has strength on both sides. Look over there. It has become a field hospital."

Peter followed the unit that was withdrawn from Kramatorsk and went into battle again, but the wounded people they brought were left behind, and the doctors and nurses who took care of those wounded were accepting the wounded people just now.

"There are a lot of wounded people. Most of the nearby residents are taking care of the wounded people. It seems that the frontline soldiers have not been withdrawn, but since there is time to send the wounded people down, it is really that the intensity of the battle is weakening."

Looking at the mess, he nodded his head and whispered: "Yes, let's go and ask the situation, it looks like nothing will happen for a while, well, call the rabbit and the big dog."

Li Jinfang nodded and returned to the basement. After a while, three people came out of the house.

Cui Bo held a double crutches and looked anxiously at the place where the wounded were placed. Gao Yang waved his hand and said to Cui Bo: "It's dawn, and the wounded began to send back one after another. You go to inquire and ask if anyone knows Lily. As for Ya ’s whereabouts, all three of you will go. I will go to the wounded soldier and ask what is going on. ”

Grolev whispered: "Can't let Peter come up, he knows many people."

The unit of Dorells and Peter had long been mixed. Many people here were still comrades with Peter yesterday. It was not easy for him to meet Peter.

Gao Yang nodded, pointed to the place where the wounded soldiers were treated, and whispered to Grolev: "Should we let Andy and Albert help? You have more experience with this chaotic situation, I think Listen to you."

Grolev thought for a moment and nodded, "Help me anyway. The battle seems to be calmed down. The battle has fought all night. Both sides need to rest. It is still not sure what will happen next. It is not a bad thing to maintain friendship with these soldiers. And, besides, they are angels after all, we ca n’t stand idly by. ”

Li Jinfang immediately said: "Then I will call them two."

Grolev hurriedly said: "Let them not bring our own medicine! After the war, the medicine will be very valuable!"

People, you still have to take care of yourself first ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Satan was supposed to stand by and watch. Now the two doctors are very helpful to help, and then take out his own medicine, what really happened. It ’s useless. It ’s a life-saving thing.

Andy Ho and Albert soon came out from the basement. After the group came together, they hurried to the place where the wounded soldiers gathered.

The two military doctors have already helped. They will be familiar with their journey again. After a few words, the two will be involved in the rescue of the wounded.

Highly four of them observed the situation first. Soon, Grolev whispered: "There are at least fifty wounded people. This is really the rear field hospital."

Gao Yang lowered his voice and said: "It's disturbed. These wounded people can't be all the people of Doris. Ask them to see what happened. Rabbit, you go find someone yourself. We'll be done later. You look for."

Cui Bo nodded and couldn't wait to find a soldier who was not seriously injured. When he came to the others, he whispered: "Brother, you look pretty good, don't worry, it will be fine soon, I think Ask, are you from Dorisian? "


"Did you see a few female soldiers?"

"Female soldier, no, I didn't see it."

"Okay, you will be fine soon."

After comforting the wounded soldier casually, Cui Bo stood up confused, but then the wounded soldier lying on the ground suddenly turned his head to another wounded soldier beside him: "Did you see a few Female soldier? "(To be continued.)

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