A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1856: There are only warriors

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Looking at Lilia and her brother's back, Cui Bo suddenly turned around and grabbed the arm of the girl next to him, anxiously said: "Where were they taken?"

"I do not know."

"Who was taken away, who was taken to training!"

"Our platoon leader."

Swayed his hand, turned and walked, and hurriedly said on the intercom: "Toad, did you see the company commander of Doris? Ask him where the recruits are lined up!"

"Understood! I didn't find Lilia, Irene was still looking for it, but I didn't see a woman, I went to find the company commander!"

After Li Jinfang responded quickly, Gao Yang glanced back and found that the sick girl was standing and trembling, so he stopped and said sharply, "What's the matter with you!"

"serious cold!"

Yang Yang said anxiously: "I ask what you are going to do! Where did you come from?"

"The dormitory, I took the medicine and sleep alone in the dormitory, I don't know what to do, sir."

Sighed loudly, shouting: "I'm not your sir, forget it, come with us! Hurry up!"

Cui Bo slowed down and waited for a moment. After Gao Yang caught up with him, he panicked and said, "What should I do? Where can I find this?"

Said in a loud voice: "Don't worry, don't panic, panic is useless, we will look for it."

When they were high again, they came to the open space where the soldiers assembled, and it happened that Li Jinfang intercepted a person, and that person was the company commander of Doris.

"I found……"

Before Li Jin's dialect was finished, he saw Gao Yang and Cui Bo appear in front of him.

Hurriedly hurriedly pointed at the company commander of Dorothy: "What about the recruit platoon?"

The company commander wanted to leave, but how could he break free of Li Jinfang's hand, so he shouted: "I don't know."

Angered in a hurry, whispered angrily: "You are the company commander, why don't you know where your soldiers are!"

The company commander also looked very angry. He stretched his arms to face south, then waved his arms and said angrily: "Fighting everywhere! My superior ordered me to immediately reinforce. My deputy company commander took the recruits and The three rows on the night have already rushed to the place where the battle is fiercest! Now the communication is broken, I ca n’t reach anyone, I ’m fighting everywhere, and it ’s fierce everywhere, how do I know where they are, ca n’t you see it? Everywhere It ’s a mess, it ’s all messed up! I do n’t have the right to order you, so you either help to fight or make way for me, and I rush to fight! ”

Li Jinfang didn't let go of the company's long arm, Gao Yang anxiously said: "I'm sorry! But please tell me where the recruits went! This is always possible!"

The company commander took a look and shook his head: "I don't know! They are going to cross the city to the place where reinforcements are most needed! Communication is interrupted. I can't know where they are, and there are no recruits. The only one here Identity is a warrior! Warrior! Understand! Let go of me, jerk! "

Kang Yang didn't let go, Li Jinfang didn't let go. He held his two long arms and didn't let go, Gao Yang said angrily: "The last question, what time will it go!"

"Twenty-five minutes! Now you are delaying me for another two minutes! Damn, you can't let go!"

Waved his hands helplessly, Li Jinfang let go of the company commander. The company commander could not find their trouble at all. While running forward, he shouted: "Bring all our heavy weapons and bring more ammunition."

There were two recoilless cannons in Dorothy Company. Someone was rushing to move the shells into the car. The rest of the company had to form a system to go to the battlefield, so although the personnel were assembled, they could not start immediately, but it seemed that they were fast Can go now.

Li Jinfang said impatiently: "What **** command, how can it be so messy!"

Sighed and said: "It's good, it's good, the militia is armed, and most of them are recruits. This one is not scattered yet. It can also call people to fight. It's already good."

Cui Bo is the Six Gods without Lord: "What should I do, what can I do, brother Yang, what should I do?"

Elin hurried over and said solemnly: "No, some people say that the recruit platoon has already gone to the battlefield."

Gao Yang rubbed his forehead and looked at the night sky in the main combat area. The sound of guns became more and more dense, and there were explosions from time to time. The southern suburb of Harzisk was the road, and the location in the southeast corner was Gao Yang. A bifurcation is a zone that must be controlled by both parties, but the direction from which the gunfire started to come is not the location of the southeast corner of the city of Harzisk.

The entire southern front of Harzisk is a battlefield. From where the battle started, it will eventually evolve into a street battle, or the main army will surround the entire city of Harzisk. In that case, they will be held in the northwest corner. It will soon start a war.

Lilia ca n’t find it anymore. Those who have n’t experienced the war will not understand how difficult it is to find a disbanded unit in the battles, not to mention being alone, and it is still late at night.

Yang Yang lowered his head and said to Cui Bo very hard, "I'm sorry rabbit."

It ’s hard to find someone in the dark, but Gao Yang said that I ’m sorry that it ’s not because people are hard to find, but in this kind of battle situation is particularly fierce ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The danger is no less than the difficulty.

Lilia couldn't find it anymore, Gao Yang knew why, and Cui Bo knew why.

Cui Bo lowered his head and said: "This doesn't blame you again."

Cui Bo would not be selfish enough to say the words he was looking for, because Gao Yang would not let him go alone, he went, Gao Yang followed, Li Jinfang had to follow, and Irene had to follow, and finally all Satan could move He had to follow him to find Lilia, and there are three wounded people who need to take care of him. Plus he is four. He may not be able to find Lilia at the moment when it may start at any time.

Love on the battlefield is precious, but more helpless.

Cui Bo lowered his head and said: "Let's go back to avoid stray bullets."

The atmosphere was extremely dignified, Gao Yang wanted to comfort Cui Bo but could not speak, Irene whispered: "Do n’t be so frustrated, it ’s good for us to fight so many different battles, worry is inevitable, but be patient Maybe Lilia will be back tomorrow morning. "

Cui Bo nodded silently, and Gao Yang turned his head, but saw the girl he asked to follow.

Everyone came, he couldn't throw it away, so he whispered: "Come with us, Irene, you take care of her."

Elin glanced at the girl and whispered: "What's the matter?"

Sighed and said: "I'm sick, I didn't follow the new side-by-side training and stayed. Now no one can care for her. Let her come with us and be safe."

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