A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1848: Stay

The place on the thirteenth made everyone else frown, and Yake was very dissatisfied: "Please, even if this is just a game, you should still be serious, otherwise we will say that we are not so serious Is n’t it embarrassing to understand something.> Eight> One Chinese> Net ≦ ﹤ ≦≦ <”

Gao Yang shouted: "That is, you have to give me a reason even if you slap your fingers."

On the thirteenth, he shrugged and said with a cool expression: "Killer's intuition!"

Gao Yang exclaimed angrily: "Damn! This reason doesn't count!"

On the thirteenth, I sighed and said helplessly: "It's intuition, and it's a killer intuition. If you have to tell me something, then okay, this shop is the front of the 72nd brigade, right? Okay, we We all know that 72 Brigade has done a lot of unreasonable things. Since they have made a lot of preparations, they certainly have to use them, otherwise what are they going to prepare? "

The place on the 13th refers to Donetsk, which means that he believes that the 72 Brigade will attack Donetsk, and this is the main direction of the Zhengfu Army.

The 72 brigade did increase its strength. This is highly regarded by both Yang and Knight, but the front line of the 72 brigade is too long, and the team is too long. Even if the strength is enhanced, it still seems impossible to complete. A large-scale offensive, unless the 72 Brigade can pull the front line and travel all the way, or shrink the force and tighten it into a fist, but then the front line laid out by the Zhengfu Army can be pulled out. Big mouth.

Gao Yang and several of them watched for a long time, and Irene stared: "But it seems that the 72 brigade is still not the main direction of attack."

Sigh on the thirteenth: "Well, I don't know anything about fighting at all, so you all know it, so I just talked about it nonsense, just talking nonsense, I'm just familiar with the name of 72 brigade, so I just pointed it out. , Please do n’t let me analyze. "

Gao Yang looked at the thirteenth for a long time and finally discouraged: "Forget it, our ability is not enough to master the battle in the entire Donetsk region. We still stand on the stand of the angel mercenary team to play this game. Well, it is almost the strength of the two regiments, we should be able to get it. "

Feeling the lack of their own abilities, they promoted them to narrow down the scope of the deduction, tried to play the role of angel mercenary group on the map, according to the distribution of troops, the deployment of enemy forces, to infer that the angel mercenary group controlled the site may appear What is the situation and how to respond and command if there is a battle.

When they were still immersed in the war chess game, they suddenly shouted, "Gentlemen, it's time for dinner."

All the people who were playing the role of command and staff were scattered and swarmed out.

Gao Yang ran to the restaurant as quickly as possible, grabbed his chopsticks, but after seeing what Jerry launched, he scolded, and then shouted, "Who has knife and fork! Who has knife and fork?" Give me a pair! "

Jerry wore a white chef hat and a white apron. After stopping the cart, he picked up a large kitchen knife and a large fork and shouted: "Gentlemen, French black pepper roast beef, The side dish is baked potatoes with herbs. "

The roast beef is large. After shouting, Jerry began to cut the beef into pieces. Irene stretched the plate forward and shouted: "Gentlemen! Pay attention to your qualities, you should know that ladies have priority." Hey Jerry, thank you, no, no more, a few more pieces, oh man, this is not a restaurant, I covered my plate with roasted meat, got it? "

Dozens of pounds of beef were roasted all at once, and you do n’t have to worry about not eating enough. After Irene filled his plate, it was too late to cut the meat into small pieces and put a piece in his mouth directly. Oh delicious! Guys, it ’s wonderful! "

Because the beef is very large, the outside is slightly burnt, but the inside is still red, and there is even a little blood in the center. You ca n’t measure the barbecue by the standard of steak, but now do n’t say about five mature beef, even if it is The three mature and even slightly overheated beef are still eaten correctly.

After eating a piece of roasted meat, Yang Yang breathed out a long, delicious, really delicious.

Gao Yang pointed to Jerry, who was still cutting meat, with a fork in his hand and shouted, "Hi! Jerry, Jerry! Welcome to Satan!"

Fry's mouth was bulging, and he said to Gao Gao vaguely, "Thank you, thank you."

"Why thank me?"

"Thank you for finding a good chef. I feel so happy now, really, it feels great."

After Grovev put a potato in his mouth, he whispered to Li Jinfang around him: "I think, no matter whether Jerry will fight, he has to stay, he has to stay, do you think?"

Li Jinfang didn't look up, he didn't care to speak, just muttered: "Um, uh, uh, that's right."

For the food, Yake and No. 13 did not feel very deep, and Gao Yang was actually okay, but the wounded after a few months of feeding and eating a nutritious meal were not the same. Tommy ate tears when eating barbecue Stayed, he shouted: "This is what people eat, this is the life people live, guys!"

Cui Bo looked down at Mengchi and shouted loudly: "Rabbit! Didn't you invite that girl to dinner, man!"

Cui Bo didn't raise his head: "Yeah, people won't come, just let her, I can't take care of it at this moment."

I have to say ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Jerry really can afford the title of chef, the taste of the things it makes is different, don't care if it can be a cooking soldier, and rely on this cooking skill. Under him, after all, Satan did not spend every day on the battlefield. Strictly speaking, most of the time they still stayed at home, so the problem of not cooking on the battlefield is not intolerable.

Finally, a group of people ate a full meal, and then Jerry finally shouted: "Boss, what should I do now, according to common sense, should I test my skills?"

Gao Yang panicked a little, he was too lazy to move, so he shouted: "Take a break and then take you to the shooting range to shoot and see what your combat skills are."

After speaking, Gao Yang said to Yake: "We don't have time to do a military chess game in the afternoon, where the battle map is not suitable to hang. You will put it away and put it away later. After all, this is also an important military secret. "

Cui Bo shouted: "I'm not going, I'll go find Lilia later."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said in disapproval: "Go, go, get it as soon as possible. If you can't come back, tell me that the brothers will help you." (To be continued.)

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