A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1847: War game deduction

Gao Yang habitually hung up the phone, but before he said goodbye, his mind flashed aloud, shouting: "Wait, Knight, do you now understand the situation on the battlefield? Can you put your current fronts on both sides?" Give me the distribution? "

Knight said very strangely: "I am now one of the main forces on the battlefield, if the battlefield situation is not mastered, then what battle do I fight?"

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and smiled: "Great, man, can you tell me the battlefield situation, it is better to have a map or something, you send me a copy, okay. Bayi Novel Network <≤ <﹤ ≦ ﹤ ≦≦≦≦ ﹤﹤ ”

"What do you want this for?"

"This is a big scene, man, this is a real war, a big scene with a total of 10,000 troops on both sides of the war. Do you think a person like me who can learn so much can give up this opportunity?"

There is another reason why Gao Yang didn't say that he is going to create a big situation soon. If he doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to practice his hands, then he is not dedicated.

After thinking about it for a moment, Nett whispered: "Well, I will give you an electronic drawing. The power distribution on both sides is very detailed. Ram, if you want to participate in this high-quality war that is rare in recent years, I can Bring you a team, I can even give you a battalion, the opportunity is rare, think about it. "

Gao Yang thought for a moment, and said very firmly: "No, I will never go to the muddy waters of Ukraine, so I only need to know your battlefield situation. Well, I just want to play a game of chess on the map."

"I will give you an electronic map, and then I will give you timely information, that's it."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang snapped his fingers, and then shouted: "Guys, there is still some time for dinner. Now go find me a military map of the nearby terrain. The proportions are both large and small. We are going to play a military game. . "

Now that Satan ’s position in the mercenary regiment cannot be considered low, his track record is good, and he has done a lot of big things, but after all, Satan is just a small mercenary regiment. Satan ’s members are all small soldiers without a commander, even a company. No one above the level of length.

Although Gao Yang holds the rank of Major General of Honor, that is the rank of honor, does it mean that Gao Yang really has the ability of Major General, and that all Gao Yang and Satan have a deep understanding of special operations and powerful capabilities, but command a unit When playing a regular game, unfortunately, they do not have this ability.

Although he has commanded the Skeleton Gang of Somalia, the level of battle is too low. Satan has also commanded many people in Syria, but that can only be regarded as an expanded special operation. Therefore, no one in the Satan Mercenary Corps can really command A large-scale conventional war, one or two companies may be okay, but given a regiment, the entire Satan will inevitably be unable to command, and modern warfare is not so easy to fight.

Strictly speaking, these people in Satan may have the deepest understanding of conventional warfare, because he is a graduate of a senior artillery command school.

At some point on the battlefield, Satan is a very powerful existence, but to control the entire battlefield, no one in Satan has this ability.

The military map was found, and Yake drew the battlefield situation on the tablet to the military map on the wall in the original scale.

Looking at the gradually clear military map of the enemy and the enemy, Grolev murmured to himself: "Who will play this game?"

According to the combat map to issue combat commands, this must be something that reaches the level of the regimental commander and above. They are highly praised. Unfortunately, they have not been trained in this area. The map can be understood, and the game will not be played.

The war chess deduction is a very complicated and rigorous thing. It is a group of topics that the combat staff has been studying all day. Satan and a large group of soldiers are doing this, it is difficult for them.

Gao Yang rubbed his head and shouted, "Let's try to come, it's a game if it's a big deal. It doesn't matter whether the deduction is correct or not. We don't really command the army to fight. Come, it's a game."

On the thirteenth, he shook his head hard, and then he shouted: "Please, I am a killer, I am just a killer, I can't understand military maps, I don't know how to look at the contour line, you let me participate in a Field war chess deduction? Forget it, guys wish you a lot of fun. "

Gao Yang said fiercely: "Don't go! How can you not be so aggressive? What's wrong with the killer, you are now a mercenary, so you are likely to change to become a general, so you can't go, man, you have to be a little bit Pursuit. "

The map has been painted with red and blue marks, red represents the militia, blue represents the main government army, the smallest unit is the company, covering the battlefield situation of the entire Donetsk region.

Irene cautiously said: "Is this battlefield situation too big for us? It is crowded with nearly 40,000 people in the six brigades of the Zhengfu Army, and the militias have more than 30,000 troops. This is a battle level battlefield. , I think, should we play a smaller battle? For example, play two regiments? "

Gao Yang muttered to himself: "No, we have a higher vision. Let's command a regiment. It's too boring. If you want to fight, you can fight a big battle. Guys, come on. First, judge the main attack direction of the Zhengfu Army. . "

After speaking, Gao Yang coughed softly and shouted: "Everyone express their views, I will come first."

Gao Yang wanted to find a stick, but he did not find a suitable one. Then Li Jinfang stepped on the wooden handle broom placed in the corner and took a wooden pole. "Use this."

Gao Yang picked up the wooden pole ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ pointed to a point on the map: "I think that the main direction of the main army is here, and the area between Slavyansk and Kramatorsk will be The main direction of operations, for my reasons, there are a tank brigade, an armored brigade, an infantry brigade, two artillery regiments and an engineering battalion. The standard assault forces are two strategic points. Land, and after winning these two cities, the gates to Lugansk and Donetsk opened, whether it was convenient to hit Lugansk east or south to Donetsk, and the militia side 'S strategic posture will become very passive all at once, and the most important thing is that there has been a war here. "

Grolev nodded and said loudly: "The other places are all parallel-arranged forces, which come down a line. Well, it seems that the main direction of the Zhengfu Army can only be here."

Everyone is in line with Gao Yang's argument that it is not that they want to flatter, but that their knowledge is here. The distribution of the enemy's troops is already obvious, and there can only be such a main point of attack.

Silent on the 13th, he exclaimed loudly: "Hi, on the 13th, let's get involved."

On the 13th, a boring finger pointed on the map, pointing to a place far away from them and loudly shouting: "Here is the main direction of attack." (To be continued.)

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