A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1814: entrust

Ever since Wuliyenko and Ivan came back at the same time, Gao Yang seemed to have taken a pill. He could already put down the burden and concentrate on his own affairs.

Of course, the handover will last for several days, and it is impossible to say that letting go will not matter.

For Gao Yang, after he let go of everything, the only thing he cared about was the help of the white shark. He had to have a beginning and a end in his life. Shava also helped him out.

After driving to the road, they took Ulyanko and his party to the base of Shawa and walked back to the second floor, where Shawa was already waiting.

Gao Yang and Shava gave a hug, and then he looked at Shava and smiled, "How are you, are you better?"

Shava laughed loudly: "No problem, it doesn't matter what you do now."

Gao Yang nodded, looking back to introduce Uliyenko and Ivan, but they saw that the two men and women staring at the dance floor below were all flushed, and their eyes were about to burst into flames.

Gao Yang shook his hand, and then shouted: "Hi, hi guys, do the business first!"

Wuliyanke suddenly withdrew his gaze, then said to Shava: "Oh, hello brother."

Shava looked at Uliyenko and Ivan, who looked like a dumpling, and shook hands with them, then shouted, "Go talk inside, it's too noisy here."

After reluctantly following Gao Yang and Shava to a room completely insulated from noise, Yi Fan suddenly exhaled a long breath and then said excitedly: "I love this flower world, I am back!"

Shawar raised her hand and smiled at Gao Yang: "Brother, these two are ..."

Gao Yang pointed to Shawar and shouted to Ulyanko and Ivan: "Shawar, I met after I came to Ukraine, my brother."

Ulyanko and Shava shook hands and shouted, "Call me Ulyanko."

Ivan pointed to himself and smiled, "Ivan. We will be our own."

Gao Yang exhaled and said to Shava: "I might be leaving Ukraine soon, maybe I won't leave for now, but I won't care about Ukraine anymore. In the future, if you encounter any unsolvable problems, find them Two, they will help you. "

Shava looked surprised: "Brother, what do you mean?"

Gao Yang laughed: "I always have to leave Ukraine. And the two of them will stay here in the future. With them in, it won't be a problem even if you turn Ukraine over."

Uliyenko raised his hand and said to Shava: "The ram is my brother, and you are the ram's brother. We are counted as ourselves, so we can just say a few words. What is your main business? "

Shawar whispered: "Uh, do everything, what to do to make money."

Ulyanko said firmly: "Don't do arms business. You don't want to do arms business. In addition, you can do everything you want. In Ukraine, if you can't cover it, find me, and I will solve it for you, We owe him. "

Stretching his fingers and pointing high, Wuliyangke suddenly turned his head and said, "What did he call you?"

Gao Yang laughed: "It doesn't matter, he knows my name."

Ulyanko nodded, then said with great momentum: "The ram used the power in Ukraine is ours. He is leaving, but we are still there, so you can be like before."

Ivan also said loudly: "Generally speaking, we will not have too close relationship with a gang. Because for us all gangs can be our business partners, but you are different, you are a ram Brother, that Ukraine is your own world, and we will be completely on your side. "

Shawar whispered: "Sorry, I don't quite understand what happened."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "You just know they can help you. In short, you can find them if you can't solve them, just like me before."

Wuliyangke laughed: "Yes, that's it, but you can't do arms business. If you want to buy arms and find me, I will sell you at the lowest price. If you want to sell arms, you can also find me, business. After that, I will give you the share you deserve, but you cannot do the arms business yourself, because that is our business scope. "

Shava looked at Gao Yang and said with a smile: "You will do some arms business before, but don't do it in the future, because they are the biggest arms dealers in the world. It is dangerous to rob them."

Shawar nodded and smiled, "Okay, I see."

Ivan said very seriously: "I can assure you that no matter who is here in the end, it is absolutely the same as when you were here. This is our commitment."

Gao Yang laughed: "Thank you, I still have some friends. They are in Donetsk. Oh, you know, Angel Mercenary Corps. They fight in Donetsk. They often need some arms or something. I ’m here. At that time, the arms given to them were half-sold and half-sent. I hope you will continue to help in the future. The angel mercenaries are now very poor. "

Ivan laughed and shouted, "Angels, old acquaintances, they are not free when they save me, but no problem, everything is the same as when you were there, and their arms supply will never be affected."

Shava laughed: "I think maybe you want a drink."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "Don't drink anymore, go play and be happy."

Ivan pointed his finger up and smiled, "Do you really come together?"

Shava immediately laughed and said, "Oh, wait a minute, I'll arrange for someone to bring you some fun."

Shawar stood up and opened the door. At this moment, Uliyenko ’s phone rang. He glanced at the phone and then said solemnly, "Great Ivan."

With a word, Ulyanko answered the phone, and he quickly hung up.

Ivanji said nervously: "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Section Chief Wuliyang relieved his breath ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said with a happy face: "It's okay, it won't affect our plan tonight."

Yi Fan took a sigh of relief and smiled: "That's good, then that's good."

Uliyenko said in a positive way: "Ivan really came out, he is in Brazil, he hopes to meet you."

Gao Yang sighed and smiled, "So soon, when will you meet?"

Ulyanko shrugged: "Of course, the sooner the better if possible, Ivan is waiting for you in Brazil. After meeting you, he will go to South Africa."

Gao Yang thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes, I will go to meet Iwan. Well, private jets are not suitable. I will take a civil flight. I will book tickets tonight. It shouldn't be too slow. "

Ulyanko nodded and said: "Very good, Big Ivan is in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where will he wait for you." (To be continued.)

PS: Write less in these two days, and it broke out on the 19th.

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