A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1813: I am decent

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Finally, when Wuliyangke and Ivan filled their stomachs, Gao Yang finally had the opportunity to ask the question he was most concerned about.

"You guys, I mean, what exactly did Ivan do before he could finally yield to the United States?"

Uliyenko and Ivan glanced at each other, and then they both smiled slightly, and then Uliyenko waved his hand and smiled, "When you see Da Yiwan, ask this question again, he will detail Explain to you. "

Gao Yang tilted his head in disappointment and smiled, "We still have to sell the pass, then okay, when will I see Da Yiwan?"

Ivan spread his hands and said: "Soon, but you might have to wait, you have to wait until the big Ivan jungle comes out before you see him, unless you want to see him in the Amazon rainforest, of course, even if you want to find him in the rainforest I do n’t have the patience to wait any longer. It ’s not just us who are maddening, but there must be some risks in meeting you in South Africa, so you should meet in South America, Brazil, or Colombia. Soon, negotiation As a result, Ivan will come out as soon as possible. "

Uliyanke laughed: "As long as you have time, you can see him at any time, I think Big Iwan may come out now."

Gao Yang pointed to Ulyanko and Ivan, and then said with a serious face: "Which of you controls Ukraine? Who will be the person in charge of Europe in the future? I don't think you can all come."

Ulyanko and Ivan looked at each other, and then Ivan shrugged: "It may be me, Ulyanko has two places to be responsible, so I am more likely to come to Europe, but this also says no Yes, maybe Ivan will let others control Europe. Our channel in South America has been severely damaged, and I am most familiar with the situation there. So, I should have to return to South America. The most important thing is my hatred. I have n’t reported it yet. I have to get back to South America, but it needs to wait until Ukraine ’s situation stabilizes. "

Gao Yangji said in surprise: "No, you haven't avenged yet?"

Ivan was assassinated in South America. Almost hung up, and the bodyguard shield that followed him for many years was killed on the spot. Unexpectedly, after such a long time, he has not avenged his revenge.

Ivan said helplessly: "Without time, I hid in the rainforest before I recovered, how can I get revenge."

Gao Yang sighed and whispered: "Okay, then I will explain to you two together, um. I supported some people in Kiev, and a gang has a very good relationship with me. After I leave, you have to take care of it. Come on, guys, just like when I was there, is it okay? "

Wuliyangke waved his hand and said dismissively: "This is all nonsense. Believe me, we will do better than when you were. Tell us who we are."

Ivan smiled: "Which gang?"

Gao Yang shouted: "The White Shark Gang, their leader is called Shawar, I will let him meet you, guys, after I leave, the White Shark Gang will ask you."

Ulyanko waved his hand: "No need to say more. No need to say more."

Gao Yang nodded, then said in a deep voice: "There is another thing, Polovic, um, his situation. You must know that it is very complicated, how to say, Polovic wants to go back, he helped After I was so busy, I promised him to help and intercede. Uh, this matter is really difficult to talk about, but how to say, Polovic hopes to work even under your hands, Ulyanko. "

Uliyenko and Ivan both have embarrassed expressions, soaring their hands: "How to say, Polovic did well this time. I doubted his reliability for some time, but he was criticized by the United States. The man almost died when he hit him. I think he should not have turned to the Americans. "

Ulyanko was silent, and Ivan really said with embarrassment: "Man, have you ever thought about the possibility that the Americans were actually led by Polovic, but the Americans planned to take him smoothly Also kill it, just an informant, Americans can't do it. "

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "I thought about it, but I don't think so. The reason is very simple. If Polovic really surrendered to the Americans, then the Americans would not always think that Big Ivan was in Ukraine, that is, if Polovic really turned to the Americans, and the Americans would never mistake me for Great Ivan. "

Ivan said softly: "It makes sense."

Uliyenko nodded gently, and then he was a little embarrassed: "Me and Polovic have known each other for many years, and our friendship has been very good, but because of this, I am not good at speaking, the two of us None of them can call the shots, and I ca n’t even take the initiative to mention this, so it ’s better to ask Da Yiwan directly. ”

Gao Yang thought for a moment, then whispered: "Alright, anyway, I will see Da Yiwan soon."

Ivan breathed out, smiled slightly, and then said to Wuliyangke: "Fulfilled?"

"I am full."

"Then we should proceed to the second item?"

Uliyenko nodded again and again, and then raised his eyebrows and said: "The business is going back and forth, anyway, you have managed Ukraine well, and we have been in the rain forest for a long time, so, um, we want to go ..., do you understand? "

Gao Yang frowned: "What are you doing?"

Yi Fan said disdainfully: "It's all men. What are you serious about? You said that we have been holding back in the rain forest for so long, what is missing besides starving?"

Wuliyangke stretched out his hands and drew a curve in the air, then said impatiently: "Our first thing is a big meal, the second thing ..., hehe."

Gao Yang waved his hands helplessly, and then shouted: "I understand, um, well, I understand, just right, there is nothing missing for friends who need you to take care of me in the future ~ Send it over, just for you to know. "

It is legal to open a casino in Ukraine, so Kiev has large and small casinos, and the casino is an important source of money for the White Shark Gang. Another important source of money is the entertainment venue.

Ivan stood up and shouted to several equally hungry and thin bodyguards sitting next to him: "Hurry, hurry, we are going to do the right thing! Guys, we said yes, from where the **** rainforest came It ’s time to enjoy! "

Gao Yang shook his head helplessly, and then took out the phone to call Shawa. After Shawa connected the phone, he immediately said: "Where are you? Don't care where we are, we meet to introduce you Two friends. "

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang smiled at Ulyanko and Ivan: "Come on, Fak! Don't let me arrange this for you in the future."

Wuli Yangke frowned, "Man, big dog is not here, pretend, let's go together!"

Gao Yang said very seriously: "Go! I am a decent person!" (To be continued.)

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