A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1792: Something finally happened

Gao Yang is now a command center. He doesn't do any specific things. The only thing to do is to issue orders.

If you want to issue an order, you have to make a call, and the calls made by Gao Yang are likely to be monitored. There are many reasons. First of all, the identity of the people that Gao Yang can use is exposed, and his phone can be guaranteed to be fine. Children, but the other party of the conversation is afraid to guarantee safety.

Dudayev, the gangster of Chechnya, escaped several chasing and killings in Russia, and was ultimately locked in position because of the use of satellite phone calls already owned by Russia. Russia was killed with two air-to-surface missiles. Dudayev.

There is also Basayev, who was also successfully beheaded by Russia after using his mobile phone to reveal his location.

Now Gao Yang can only make two calls, then immediately destroy the used mobile phone, only to keep him in contact with others, but others can not reach his one-way contact mode, and as long as they have been contacted by someone who may be monitored The phone immediately transfers the foothold and never goes back.

It ’s really hard to hide in Tibet. Gao Yang is like playing a cat and mouse game, except that he plays a mouse. The worst thing is that he ca n’t hide in a mouse hole. In addition to making some movements from time to time. Just let the cat scratching him know where he is. It also commands a huge system to keep running.

The day of hiding in Tibet has been going on for a few days, and Gao Yang ’s concerns are progressing well. He often needs to find a convoy to pull away and save the results of the black devil staying outside. Mobilize all the power he can use to build a protective net for yourself.

In the afternoon, it was time to call again, Gao Yang looked at his watch. Very annoyingly said: "It's time, let's go out and call."

Tarta stood up, and Gao Yang picked up a metal suitcase from his side. The small metal suitcase was full of mobile phones. These mobile phones were bought by him, Yalebin, and Tarta all over Kiev. Do n’t worry. It has been monitored, and even if it has been monitored, there is no fear that the signal will be detected.

Yalebin also stood up, and Gao Yang whispered to Yalebin: "You still don't go, you don't have to run with it every time."

Yalebin waved his hand. Going straight to the car, so Yang Yang no longer need to talk nonsense. Carrying the suitcase on board.

After the car drove out for a while, Gao Yang flipped out the phone recorded in the notebook, opened the tin box, took out a mobile phone from the inside and re-covered the tin box, turned on the phone, made a call, and waited for the other party to connect , He immediately whispered: "What happened to the things you prepared, did you find it?".

"I found four 152mm self-propelled artillery, 2S3M1, in good condition, there are also nine self-propelled artillery of the same model, but it takes time to mobilize it, and it will certainly be completed within about three days."

Gao Yang threw a fist in excitement, then whispered: "Very good, you did a good job, send the cannon to the designated place, someone will receive it, waiting for the remaining cannon to be sent to you, your task has been completed. ,So be it."

Hanging up the phone, talking off the phone, Gao Yang opened the car window and threw the phone into the Dnieper River by the road. Then he took out his second phone and watched the phone book make the second call.

"Have you found what you were looking for."

"Sorry, it is difficult to mobilize tanks quickly. Only one T-72 and one T-64 are available. It is still far from the target of ten. I can only continue to find available tanks."

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "Take the tank to the designated location first and hand it over to the person taking over. Continue to search for the tank, hurry up."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang smoothly threw the second phone into the river and took out the third phone.

"Go to receive artillery and tanks, deliver them to your designated location, and wait for the next command."

Throw the phone, take it again, and call again.

Gao Yang is working on a very complicated plan. This plan was proposed by him. After a small modification by Yalebin, Gao Yang transferred people he had never wanted to use from Russia, and from all over Ukraine he thought he could use all All the people on the scene were mobilized to Kiev.

If the quality of the soldiers is inferior to that of the opponents, it will be compensated by more powerful firepower. If the United States wants to capture the high-flying by the special forces beheading, it needs to break through the defense line composed of heavy firepower such as tanks and armored vehicles.

Of course, not only tanks and armored vehicles, Gao Yang is mobilizing all the armored forces he can use, so he must also use self-propelled artillery. At least in the face of special forces with only light weapons, the armor of self-propelled artillery is not something they can deal with, except for armor. In addition to firepower, Gao Yang also needs anti-aircraft missiles, not only the shoulder-resistant portable anti-aircraft missiles, but everything he can find.

Gao Yang poses with a decisive battle in Kiev, but basically all the combatants he mobilized are suspects.

As for what he transferred and has already been deployed in place, a huge force of about 300 people, all of them are suspects, they are defending a false target, and that false target is absolutely not close to Yang.

A butter knife, torn off Andrea's heavy defense line and directly killed him. This lesson is high, but I remember very clearly. Now he can strengthen his own security forces, but the problem is that the United States can increase the strength of its offensive countless times.

Gao Yang believes that his trail is the safest without being discovered by the enemy, so he is only surrounded by Yalebin and Talta. As for those who are arranged by his suspicion, how can I say that for the people who do not know and have no friendship, Gao Yang actually does not mind really using them as cannon fodder.

Change, starting with James and the 13th, they forcibly returned to the team regardless of everything.

Gao Yang now refuses to stay with the people of Satan because that wherever he goes means danger. Staying away from Satan will keep everyone from Satan away from danger. If he has something wrong, Satan will finally be the biggest The degree of retention of strength, leaving seeds.

Gao Yang has always known that Satan is a whole. He also knows that if he dies, other people will go mad and will avenge him desperately, but he always thought that these people of Satan could take some reasonable methods to avenge, for example , Plan and move.

But now Gao Yang finds that his thoughts are wishful thinking. Now that he is dead, he will not be implicated in Satan, but Satan will revenge for him at all costs. There is nothing sensible about him. If he is going to die, Satan will not be able to think Even if someone keeps reason, it ca n’t affect other people who have been burnt by hatred. They ca n’t control the overall situation. In the end, they are dragged to death by other people who have lost reason and revenge.

Gao Yang is the core of Satan and the spiritual pillar of Satan. The most important thing is that he is the soul of Satan. The soul is gone, and only a pair of shells will remain in Satan.

Bruce is dead, and Gao Yang can take Satan to revenge in the most violent but still rational way. However, if Gao Yang is dead, the predictable result is that Satan will also immediately die, in the form of moths extinguishing the fire.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Downey Jr. ’s way of informing others about his situation, Gao Yang also understood that even if he told Jr. Downey Jr., Downey Jr. would n’t listen to his orders. There is no way, all people with normal IQ In order not to save his body, he will not see his head being cut off.

So Gao Yang knew that he couldn't die, and then he raised his alertness to the limit of what he could do.

Of course, the most trustworthy person is the Satan, but most of them ca n’t move because of injuries. Therefore, Gao Yang chose to bring only two people with him. If there are more people, he is more likely to be exposed.

After calling all the calls that should be made, Gao Yang took out a mobile phone and called Shawa the last call.

Shava is a person whom Yang can trust, but he is worried that Shava will be targeted by intentional people, so he also added Shava's phone to the list of anti-monitoring.

This time Shawa's phone was not connected, and no one answered it at all. He frowned, and dialed the phone for the second time.

"There may be situations where Shawar's phone will never be lost once."

When Yang Yang frowned and talked, the phone was connected, and a woman panted ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ panicked: "Shava told me that if someone called the phone, let me tell you, he I was taken away. Today, at 9 o'clock this morning, someone started a raid on the entire White Shark Gang. All, all important people were arrested. I do n’t know who caught them. Some people died. White Shark Gang. Unable to resist, I forgot to say that the arrests were initiated at the same time. When someone covered Shawa and fled, he gave me the phone and taught me what to say. "

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "What happened?"

"I don't know. I ran. I don't know where to go now. I'm on the street. I saw the police just now. I was scared, so I'm still running."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Don't run, immediately find a place with a lot of people to stay quiet, no one will catch you, no one will hurt you, if they want to catch you, you can't run at all, listen, stay quiet, I Will solve all this. "

Hanging up the phone and throwing the phone away, Gao Yang immediately said: "Finally, something went wrong, and it's Shawar!" (To be continued.)

PS: Ask for monthly tickets. Today is three more times. Double monthly tickets are finally at the end. Plus more monthly tickets. Please ask the brothers who still have the tickets to vote.

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