A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1791: Unissued assembly order

? In the battle with the butter knife, although Gao Yang was the final victory, to be honest, the psychological shadow left by Gao Yang was not small, because that was the only thing he saw in his life, and he was powerful. Extreme team.

There is currently no suitable place for Gao Yang as a shelter, so he can only change his footing a few times for the time being, but he is indeed trying to find a stronger fortress to hide. "

An apartment in the city center, and Gao Yang split up with Yalebin and Talta after makeup, and now he can only hide himself by this means.

After sitting on the uncomfortable sofa, Gao Yang shouted to the Yalebin and Talta who had just entered the door: "Why don't we just stay in the hotel at night, and we have just a few feet in Kiev Do it all sooner or later, "

Yalebin stood at the window and looked outside. He nodded and said, "This place is not bad. I don't have to leave until this evening."

Gao Yang shook his phone and shouted, "Yalepin, I seriously thought about it. I decided not to send the soldiers over. Now the manpower I can use is the mercenaries of Iwan. I need to send them Gather together, and then let them go to Kiev to protect me, but think about Andre ’s encounter. Although these people of Gruu or the signal flag are indeed quite powerful, but I ca n’t use them as the strongest barrier. On the contrary, mobilizing a large number of people to come over, it is easy to expose my position. "

Yalebin nodded, sitting beside Gao Yang, smiling: "You will think, I am very happy."

Gao Yang said angrily: "Please, I always think, but I prefer to play the role of a student in front of you."

Yalebin said with a smile: "Then change it. You will also play the role of commander in front of me. I hope to see you become a commander. Well, since you don't plan to mobilize staff, what do you want? Have you improved your safety? "

Gao Yang scratched his head and said: "There is no good way. But I am thinking."

Just then, Gao Yang's phone rang. He looked at the number and shouted: "Hi, James."

"Boss, I'm going back to the team. I heard that you are now very tight."

Gao Yang smiled and shouted, "It's quite nervous, but it's useless for you to come by yourself, why. Is it hurt?"

"Completely healed, it will not affect the activity at all, don't forget that my nickname is cockroach, it is not easy to die, and the recovery ability is super strong, haha."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said loudly: "Then return to the team, but don't come to Kiev, go directly to the other brothers, they also need someone to protect them. You come back with more strength, yes, you Is your baby girl all right? Please greet her for me. "

"It's okay. The operation was very successful, there was no rejection reaction, um, boss, I don't know what to say, you know that I am not good at expressing emotions in words, but I always wanted to say, thank you Son, I love you. "

Gao Yang said with disgust: "Bah. I don't like men, don't tell me such nasty words. Just like that, bye."

James laughed. Shouted: "Thank you for giving me such a long holiday, love you, bye."

Gao Yang hung up the phone and even said: "The learning is broken. This group of **** don't know who they learned from. They all learned badly. They are very nasty ."

The phone that just hung up rang again, this time from Yake, and Gao Yang connected the phone and did not speak, Yack said lazily: "I thought I could continue to enjoy a leisurely holiday, I did not expect I have to go back so quickly. Okay, I can run and jump now. The wounds are recovering very well. Do you want me to come to you or what?

Gao Yang puzzled: "I said you made an appointment? Why are you healed?"

"I can move long ago, I just want to be lazy, well, you should say something important, where do I go?"

Gao Yang exhaled and shouted: "Are you sure you are okay? Well, you return to the team, I don't need too many people here, you are back to the team."

The conversation with Yake was simply neat and ended the conversation with Yake. Gao Yang shouted at Yalebin: "My people made an appointment to join the team together, ha, but I don't plan to let them come to me now, I think They have not reached the point where they can fight even if they can move. "

Yalebin said indifferently: "Of course, they are afraid you are dead."

Gao Yang pouted, when the third call came, on the 13th.

"I ’m having a good time now, but I ’m going back, because I have no reason to be lazy anymore, yes, I am healed, I often want to be injured a little bit or recover slowly, but it ’s a pity I ’m fine now, you know I ’m there, so, where are you going to arrange me? "

Gao Yang rubbed his head and shouted, "You just made an appointment first, right?"

After a moment of silence on the 13th, he smiled and said, "Does it make any sense to say this?"

Gao Yang sighed: "Well, you are back in the team, I can't use you here, uh, I want to know, how is your girlfriend of Stockholm syndrome? Have you cut her neck?"

"This, this one is a bit complicated. She is thinking about getting married, so I have to go back anyway. Boss, you should n’t care about my private affairs. In addition, in your current situation, I seem to be by your side. Lest you be caught alive by others?

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Relax, I have arrangements, you can return to the team, when you let you come you just reappear, now, let me obediently roll back."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang smiled at Yalebin: "They did make an appointment, I haven't issued a rally order yet ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang thought the call was over, but the call did not end, this time it was connected Later, he found that the call was from Jensen.

Gao Yangluo was very excited and said: "Big bird, tell me how are you?"

Jensen was shot in the head and the brain sap came out, so Gao Yang has always been worried about his sequelae.

"I'm fine, but I can't go back, but I want to call you, boss, I'm going back soon, waiting for me, and, have you bought me my drone? Now A new wide-angle lens is very good, you better get it for me. "

Gao Yang laughed and scolded: "Go away, you lie down for half a year, do n’t think I do n’t know, your injury will take at least half a year to reply, tell you, I ’m fine, I ’m safe, and wait until I know which **** notified you , I ca n’t kill him, listen, your job is to heal, now I ’m busy and hang up. ”

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang looked down and silenced for a long time, then suddenly looked up and said: "I can't die, I can't have an accident, so I must have a very good way to protect myself." (To be continued.)

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