A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1504: Big dogs are angry

In the airport terminal, Gao Yang didn't want to shout too loudly, but he couldn't help but clap his hands and whispered to the crowd around him: "Guys, we have something to do."

Grolyov knew that Gao Yang was calling Yelena, and when Gao Yang hung up the phone, he announced that he had something to do. After a bit of hum, he whispered, "What happened?"

Gao Yang waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Do n’t worry, Yelena is fine. It ’s Adele. She was harassed by her boss today, but you know Adele, she does n’t know how normal people should deal with it, so we When going to the UK, by the way, the **** who harassed him, well, a famous host. "

Grolev looked angry and shouted, "You must not let that **** go!"

Taylor said suspiciously: "I don't know how to deal with this matter like a normal person? What does it mean? Isn't this simple? Complain, sue."

Grolev said angrily: "Don't interrupt! I want Adele to watch and watch me kill the **** who bullied her!"

Adele has a very low EQ and high IQ, which is the type of genius plus idiot. When someone tells her what to do, she can do things well, but if others do n’t tell her what to do, then Adele She didn't really know how to deal with it. She was slapped by harassment and she could learn it from the film and TV. But what to do next, she really didn't know.

Adele does n’t know, but Yelena knows, they know more about Koyang and Grolev, and Yelena has a dad like Grolev, a fierce mom like Natalia, and a man like Gaoyang. Friends, to be honest, Yelena still looks like a lady, which is really rare. So Yelena can't guess what kind of idea she can come up with.

And Grolev seemed very angry, for good reason. He was just like Yelena, a baby girl, and Yeliana was facing a crisis of death. Adele said nothing and jumped into the cold water to save her.

Although Catherine was more seriously injured, she almost hung up, and Adele's situation was much better, at least there was no life threatening, but Adele jumped into the sea after all, right?

For Grolyov, who is both serious and righteous, but also has a clear sense of grievance, is it still personal for him to take Adele's business?

Put it high. He would usually avoid Adele when he switched to it, but when he encountered this kind of exhalation, Gao Yang definitely absolutely wanted to give Adele a hard breath.

The old man of Satan knows what happened to Adele, and also knows the entanglement between Gao Yang, Adele, Yelena and Catherine, but many people who join later do n’t know, like Taylor, they do n’t know, so he will Feeling curious.

Cui Bo stabbed Taylor and smiled: "Don't ask, just wait for the good show. It's fun for us to go to Britain this time. Really, this time is absolutely fun and interesting."

Yack looked puzzled: "No, I find it very strange. Famous hosts, shouldn't they only be interested in little boys?"

Aileen shoved Yake with a smile, scolding: "Go away, you old pervert, they are also interested in little girls."

Yake spread his hands and said: "I know more about you than you. The victims are really many little boys, and they will cover up for them. Anyway, the lawsuit won't win, okay. It's better for you to do justice."

Gao Yang quite surprised: "Why don't you go?"

Yake smiled bitterly: "I can go anywhere in the world except Britain. But I can't go to Britain, I don't know how many people want to kill me. There is no need, I still want to go."

After speaking, Yak quickly sighed: "No, I'll go, the big dogs are angry. It's too rare. It's a pity to think about such an interesting thing. If I'm not present, it's the most hidden. Better, then leave quickly, it should be fine. "

Grolyv was not good-tempered. He just experienced too many things. General things couldn't make him angry. Now that Groryov is angry, Nayak really has to see how he will vent his anger.

The interest of a group of people quickly shifted, from how to find the military attaché of the British embassy abroad who had retired, to how to ventilate Adele.

But after dawn, when they really arrived in London, Yang Yang ’s energy was still focused on looking for the military officer who had retired and did not know whether he was still alive. She had to wait for Yelena to arrive, and let Yeliana watch how to vent Adele.

When I arrived in London, I first found a place to settle down, followed by the military officer.

A person with a name and a surname who also knows the position is actually quite easy to find, especially when the Internet is so developed today.

Several people are looking for information on the Internet, and it is really a bit of a harvest.

Not only did he find it himself, Gao Yang also asked Justin to help him find it too. This kind of information is not in the category of intelligence, because it's too easy to find, and it's easy to find, which means it won't cost a few dollars.

Professional is professional, even though the methods used are to collect information from public channels, professional intelligence dealers are also faster, Yake's speed is no longer slow, but he is only a person, and he has to learn from a lot of information. Screening out useful ones will definitely take longer, and Justin has just found all the information after half an hour here.

"Ram ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The person you are looking for is Gary Thompson, alive, 73 years old, near the British Railway Museum in York, and he is not far from the a19 highway in northern York There is a farmhouse. Go to these two places and you will definitely find him. "

Listening to Justin slightly talking about intelligence with impatience, Gao Yang smiled and said: "Very good, is this person a collector of antique shotguns?"

"I really like antique shotguns, but I do n’t know if his collection is rich, so I do n’t know if he ’s just a hobbyist or a big collector. Okay, that ’s all. For the sake of our big business I wo n’t charge you any more time, but man, do n’t ask me for such simple things in the future? "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Thank you, I'm so glad you have time to collect money, goodbye."

Justin ’s job is definitely not going to be done in person. There are a lot of people working for him. Although most of them work part-time, looking for an old man with sufficient information can easily do it. Because it is too simple, Justin is extremely rare and does not want money.

Gao Yang hung up the phone and smiled: "Okay, we know where the people are. Let's get this thing done today, shadow. Walk with me. I found that you are particularly powerful against old ladies." To be continued.)

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