A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1503: Nothing wrong

After losing his gun once, Gao Yang no longer dared to give his gun to anyone for transport.

After personally putting all his guns on the plane, Gao Yang found Pavlovich and whispered: "You go back to Kiev with our guns, you don't have to do anything for a few days, if something serious happens, please notify I will do it. "

Gao Yang ’s plane can only seat up to 20 people, and after transporting a large amount of weapons and equipment, 20 people ca n’t sit down anymore and are overweight, so Gao Yang let the twelve people of the Black Devil go back to Kiev first.

As for the people of Satan, Gao Yang will take them to England.

Actually, it ’s not a big deal to go to the UK, just to get some news, but Kiev is now in the eyes of the storm, and Gao Yang is afraid to separate the Satanic people and let some people go to Kiev first. It ’s better to go to the UK together.

In fact, Paris is not too far away from London, many transportation options are available, but since they have all arrived at the airport, they simply go by air, but they have to wait a few hours for the flight.

I have n’t fought any particularly fierce battles this time, nor experienced too dangerous times, but these days the pressure is extremely great, everyone ’s pressure is very great, it ’s just a fight, the moment when the arrow is drawn on the string, but it is not It's the most stressful time.

The situation in Kiev is far from clear, so the time in the UK will not be too long. These few days can be regarded as a rare opportunity to rest after leaving the eye of the storm.

The reason why Gao Yang has to take time to go to the UK at extremely tense moments is of course just to find Morgan's gun.

Gao Yang has been thinking about helping Morgan find a gun, but the gun Morgan is looking for is never a matter of particular importance, at least not as important as Satan is facing a life-and-death situation, but now, Gao Yang intends to quickly It's enough to find out the gun. Nothing else, just borrowing the power of Morgan for the peace of mind can allow Satan to fly around the world with a gun.

It stands to reason. Gao Yang has given Morgan a big enough benefit and helped him a lot. And he also sent him several good guns that could not be met. Since all of his family's life was entrusted to Morgan, it wouldn't be too much to take Morgan's way.

But for Gao Yang, since he has already entrusted all the members of Satan to Morgan, and Morgan has agreed to it in one fell swoop, then the human relations he had accumulated in Morgan can no longer be used indiscriminately.

Morgan just said a word lightly, and promised Gao Yang to protect the family of all Satan, but this sentence has to pay the price. But it is far from a diamond mine, or a few rare antique guns can pay off, because as long as Morgan agreed, he had to be ready to turn his face with Djo, or even prepare for direct battle.

It is almost impossible for two top gangsters in different industries to turn their heads for a group of mercenaries, and it is even more impossible for two gangsters to fight for the family of a group of mercenaries. Cannon fodder is cannon fodder. The big brother is in charge of the death of a cannon fodder, not to mention his family.

But Morgan just agreed, and put it into practice. This sentiment was remembered by Gao Yang, and there was a chance to pay it back, because if Satan really wiped out the whole army, he really could only count on Morgan. Morgan not only protected Yelena from their lives, but also promised them a bright future .

Without Morgan's help, Gao Yang really didn't dare to die, and didn't dare to think about what would happen when Satan's identity was recognized by Djo. Not even dare to think about the end of Satan's identity and then the whole army will be destroyed, but with Morgan. Satan can at least die and he can die with peace of mind.

It is also because Morgan ’s commitment is too precious, so Gao Yang is embarrassed to trouble Morgan again with any trivial matters. This kind of relationship can't always be used no matter how good the relationship is, and it will become thinner. At present, he can make Morgan willing, and even grateful to the sadness to help Satan do the big and small things, that is, the gun.

Gao Yang wanted to find the gun as soon as possible, so he couldn't let go of any clues, and now he is in Paris, very close to Britain, and taking a moment to check the British line is also a smooth matter. child.

It was still dark, and there were more than four hours before the flight took off. Gao Yang had nothing to do and wanted to sleep for a while, but finally he had some leisure. After thinking about the threat of Djokova, he couldn't help but miss it Ye Lina.

Couples in love, who have not seen each other for a long time, naturally want to miss them. When they were in Kiev, the high and dark places were very stressed. How could they have time to call Yelena.

After looking at the time, Ye Lanna's time was night, but it was not too late. Gao Yang took out the phone and adjusted her mood, and dialed Ye Lenna.

When Yelena answered the phone, Gao Yang smiled and said, "Baby, miss me?"

Ye Lanna said very excitedly: "I miss you, I miss you very much!"

Gao Yang didn't know how to interface. After a short moment of silence, Ye Lina whispered: "My dear, are you, how are you doing now?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "It's very good. It's because the business is too busy during this time. I don't have time to call you. Now I'm in Paris. I will be in London in a few hours. Go, trouble is dead. "

Ye Lanna is very smart, but she is more willing to make Gao Yang think she is stupid, so that she will be deceived by these bad lies.

Ye Lina knows what kind of environment her boyfriend is facing, but she ca n’t do anything, so she will pretend that Gao Yang and her father are really safe, every time, because she breaks the boyfriend ’s lies in addition to letting the other person increase. There is no benefit beyond stress and annoyance.

But this time, Ye Lanna couldn't help being smart again.

"Dear, this time, this time, this time is your situation very dangerous?"

Gao Yang coughed slightly and smiled: "Why do you say that if it is dangerous, I won't go to London."

Ye Lina whispered: "Because Morgan sent several bodyguards by my side, in addition to two female bodyguards taking me to school every day, there are at least six people who follow me secretly. , Not to send so much. "

Gao Yang sighed, and after organizing the language, he thought it might be better to let Yelena also be more alert, so he chuckled: "Sorry, we are indeed more dangerous this time than before, but this is really not what it is. It ’s a particularly dangerous situation. I just think it ’s better to strengthen your protection before we retire. You know, I do n’t want to put you in danger, but now, I ’m sorry ... ”

Ye Lina whispered: "Dear, don't apologize, otherwise I will be really angry, I want to be with you, no matter what you do, if you kill someone, I will set you on fire, but I know you can't agree, so I have to stay Waiting for you to come back here, you only have to deal with the things in front of you, don't worry about me, okay? If my presence will distract you and make you worry, then I will be really sad, you should understand , I am not actually that kind of very weak girl, really not. "

This is Ye Lanna, this is a fiancee of a mercenary, Gao Yang smiled and whispered: "Okay, actually I will not be particularly worried about you, because I know someone will guarantee your safety."

Ye Lina said with a chuckle: "I know you must be dangerous now, otherwise Morgan will not send so many people to protect me, and I often call to ask if I have encountered any special circumstances, strange things, dear, tell me you are in Where, I just want to know where you are, you are my man, I believe in your ability, and I believe you will have nothing, so, you still tell me the truth, this way, my heart is more stable . "

Gao Yang chuckled: "I'm really in Paris, at Charles de Gaulle Airport, and I'm going to London soon."

Ye Lanna wondered: "Really? I really thought you were lying to me, um, dear, if you really want to go to London, you might be able to do something for your friends."

Gao Yang curiously said: "What's the matter?"

Ye Lanna said excitedly and angrily: "Go help Adele to teach a jerk!"

Gao Yang wondered: "What do you mean?"

Ye Lanna said very cheerfully: "My dear, you are a good person, but you are a mercenary, I understand you must like to use your fists to solve trouble, right? Actually, I like it too, but I am too far from Adele, yes This way, just this afternoon, Adele called to tell me that she was harassed by her boss, a famous host. "

Gao Yang said in surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

"Yeah, you know Adele, she actually doesn't know how to solve this kind of problem. She slapped her boss and then left. Adele was not very angry, but she wanted to know what to do with a normal person. For this kind of problem, Catherine suggested that she immediately sue her boss, and I suggest that she severely teach her boss. "

Gao Yang immediately said: "Understood ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ I will teach Adele normal people how to solve this problem."

Ye Lina said with a chuckle: "Is the mercenary considered a normal person? But I think it is better to use a fist to teach a **** than Adele uses her legal knowledge to sue her boss because the lawsuit will fight for many years. It may not be possible to win, you know, they always defend their perverted host, always. "

Gao Yang laughed: "Who said that mercenaries are not normal people? I am not only a normal person, but also a good person. Well, I am definitely not a good person. However, I will teach Adele what a big fist is truth."

Ye Lina sighed softly: "Ah, I really want to see you, and I really want to kick the **** fiercely. You taught me your skills, but I haven't had the opportunity to use it until now. Now. "

Gao Yang thought carefully and said loudly: "Then come, we will meet in London, and now it is to book a ticket. It will delay you up to three days, please take a leave." (To be continued.)

ps: Speaking of it, this is a matter of principle and character, so I no longer promise that this kind of thing will be added for many days, and I will never do it again.

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