A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1282: Beautiful green

Chapter 1282 Beautiful green

Gao Yang and No. 13 sat on the cable car with Clooney. When the cable car was about to reach their destination this time, Gao Yang couldn't help but glance at the place he and Raphael had investigated.

Seeing the high eyes, Clooney couldn't help but say: "You wouldn't have arranged someone, would you like to start with Suharitan right here?"

Did n’t see anything. After hearing Clooney ’s doubts, he withdrew his eyes and smiled: “Of course not, I did n’t plan to kill Prince Suharitan immediately, so I would n’t arrange staff here now.”

Clooney said bitterly: "Hope you didn't lie to me, ram, if you attack Prince Suharitan here, then I'll be dead, although I do think you are unlikely to kill Suharitan here. Prince, but how to say, I always think you can do everything, so I would n’t be too surprised even if you ambush here. ”

Said with a high shrug: "Of course I did not arrange people."

Cluny exhaled and said, "Well, I believe you."

Gao Yang lied, Clooney guessed right, he did arrange staff here, before he and Clooney met, Raphael as the commander of this mountain warfare squad had already taken people to San Anton So, while he and Clooney made these remarks, according to the plan, Satan ’s unprofessional mountain warfare troops were already in place.

It's not Suharitan who defended the defense, but Clooney, so how could he be honest with Clooney.

Of course, Raphael and some of them may not be ambushed, because they silently took the cable car with guns during the day, and got off the cable car not far from the resort where Prince Suharitan stayed, and then wondered Moving to an ambush position without knowing it is too difficult. Besides, there are three people in this four-member team who have no mountain combat experience at all.

Gao Yang did not know if they had deployed Raphael in place, because the time was too tight, Raphael would not arrive much earlier than them, and if he wanted to see Suharitan, he would have to be searched no matter whether he could see him or not. No communication equipment can be brought, so Gao Yang simply did not bring any communication equipment on his body. Since he is playing a bodyguard, there must be no things beyond the bodyguard's duties.

Now Gao Yang can only hope that Raphael has indeed been deployed in place, but it does n’t matter if he ca n’t get close to the resort of Suharitan, because Gao Yangjue ’s danger is not very great. Arranging a few people is just in case. .

Got off the cable car, the 13th body that hadn't recovered yet walked steadily, and couldn't see the serious wounds.

Had been there once, and Clooney, who knew the road well, spoke with several people at the door, and was then taken to the room where he temporarily served as a porter for inspection.

Cluny also had to be searched, his briefcase and body were searched carefully, and the phone also needed to stay in the porter's place.

Gao Yang and No. 13 played Clooney's bodyguards, so they both had hand guns on their bodies. Of course, they were all charged with a hand gun, and they handed it in as soon as they entered the door. Then accept a careful body search.

It ’s been once. It ’s impossible for Gao Yangjue to see Suharitan. This time, it ’s secondary to accompany Clooney to get the money. Start with Suharitan.

Wait for all three to be examined, Clooney waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "The two of you are waiting for me here."

Cluny had just finished speaking, and Gao Yang had seen it last time, but a person who looked like a housekeeper laughed: "It's okay, you go together, so that they can help you get things."

Clooney froze for a moment, then looked puzzled: "What?"

The butler shrugged his shoulders and reached out for a twist of money. He smiled and said, "What else can I do."

Cluny smiled suddenly, and said, "Okay, let them go with me."

After the housekeeper shook his head, he walked in front, and Clooney, who was behind the housekeeper, turned his head to look up, shook his head, and made no sound, but said with his mouth: "No problem, cash."

Gao Yang nodded slightly, but his heart was covered with a layer of haze, because he felt wrong, and the situation was obviously wrong. When a big person meets a small person, what is the need to see the small person's bodyguard or his classmates together? Too.

Although I do n’t think it ’s right, he ca n’t do it right away. After all, the situation has n’t been figured out. Maybe he is too skeptical. Perhaps Suharitan has a lot of precedents in cash payment in previous transactions.

He exchanged an alert look with No. 13 and the two followed silently behind Clooney until the butler knocked on a heavy door of the house and said loudly, "His Royal Highness, Mr. Clooney is here. "

"Let him come in."

After a loud voice, the housekeeper reached out and opened the door, making a please gesture.

The room was large, with firewood burning in the fireplace, which made the whole room warm. An old man with a checkered turban, wearing a white robe, wearing slippers on his feet, covered with old age but looking very spiritual, was sitting on the sofa opposite the fireplace On the back, behind him stood two men in suits with plaid hoods on their heads ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After looking up at Clooney, the old man on the sofa said with a deep voice: "You're here , Everything is done this time? "

Cluny said with a smile on his face: "Yes, my esteemed lord, everything is done this time. The angel mercenary group has not ran away, and it is completely destroyed."

Speaking, Clooney took out the folder full of photos from his bag and held up to the old man: "His Royal Highness, please look around."

The old man waved his hand, and Clooney handed the photo album to the old man. The old man opened it and just glanced at it. Then he turned the folder together in disgust and dropped it on the sofa next to it. You have finally done everything you should do. "

After speaking, the old man turned his head toward the person behind him, and said lazily: "Go, get the money."

The man behind the old man went out immediately, and the muscles of his whole body were tense. As soon as the situation was wrong, he would immediately pounce on Prince Suharitan, who was only four meters away.

After two minutes, the door opened again, and a team of people carried two large bags of fish through them, and then placed the large bag on the ground in front of Clooney, then unzipped the bag and stepped back to the side. .

'S eyes are straight, and every big bag is full of banknotes, green, beautiful green, beautiful green, dazzling green, representing the green of the dollar.

Suharitan waved his hand and continued in a casual tone: "Cash, 150 million US dollars, now it is yours." (To be continued) 【】

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