A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1281: Disgusting is right

Gao Yang never worried that Suharitan would do something. In his opinion, Suharitan was synonymous with money and stupidity. As an intelligence leader, he was led by a mercenary agent. As a fool, it fools over and over again. Such a person seems to be a fool ...

So everything Yang Yang did was to prevent Clooney, he really couldn't have even a little trust in Clooney.

When he saw Clooney again in Vienna, Clooney looked a little haggard, and his spirit was very weak.

"What's the matter, you don't seem to have enough sleep."

Clooney and Gao Yang shook hands, then smiled bitterly: "I did not sleep well, and the Iron Madonna died twenty-nine people, and they are completing the task they took from me, so I must bear the anger from the Iron Madonna. "

Gao Yang laughed: "It's a good thing to endure anger, it's better than aroused suspicion. It's even more terrible if the Madonna of Steel is silent, because that means they are going to kill you."

Clooney reluctantly said: "I dare not think so, don't forget how you did it. You collected Tomler's money from the front foot and wiped him off from the back foot, so I must be vigilant enough. Well, it seems that the people of Our Lady of Iron are angry, but they should really have no doubt about me, because the chain of evidence is complete, and all the evidence shows that this was just an accident. "

After speaking, Clooney opened his briefcase, pulled out a folder from the briefcase and handed it to Yang Yang, said with a deep voice: "I got the things you want, please believe me. It is the most complete piece of information in the world. "

Gao Yang took the folder, glanced at it, and then said, "White people, gray hair clips with white hair. Green eyes, a small depression on the bridge of the nose, about six feet tall. Age 45 to 50 Between five, speak English and French. Common names Jimmy Nelson, Jean Merlo Le Pen, John Corgi, nicknamed Crow, how do you pronounce this word? What do you mean? "

Clooney raised his head and looked at a word pointed by Gao Yang, then said with a deep voice: "Xudra, a nine-headed snake monster in Greek mythology, each one will grow back after being cut off. The middle head will never die, Xu You may be relatively new to the word Della, but you must know the name Hydra. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I don't like someone called Hydra, because the guy with this nickname must be difficult to kill, am I understanding it?"

Clooney said in a deep voice: "It is completely correct, he is really difficult to kill, and the former head of the Iron Madonna, there is no one to kill."

Gao Yang shrugged and turned backwards. Then said: "No photos?"

Clooney shook his head: "No photos, I have never seen him alone, only to accompany Tomler once. It was still in the dark night, so although I tried my best, but the information written according to the memory is very good There may be errors. "

Gao Yang turned back and found that the information about the head of the Iron Madonna was only a few short pages. He raised the folder and said, "That's all?"

"Yes, that's all, but believe me, this is the most complete information. Because I give you the information of the real head of the Iron Madonna, not their deputy head. Trust me, the only one in the world who knows steel Who is the head of the Virgin Mary. Only me is left, and there is one more you now. "

Gao Yang frowned: "That is to say, the original information about the head of the Iron Madonna is wrong?"

Clooney said in a deep voice: "Yes, the person who led the battle of Our Lady of Steel is Orlando Dancy, nicknamed the Butterfly. Everyone thinks he is the head of the Iron Lady, but in fact not, the real head of the Iron Lady is just now. The person you mentioned is now on a boat with you. Since the complete demise of Our Lady of Steel is in your best interests, you better know who is your greatest enemy. "

Gao Yang nodded and said with a smile: "Very well, now we know at least some things that others don't know, so what is this crow or Hydra guy in front of you and Tomler?"

Clooney said in a deep voice: "Tomler called him Jimmy Nelson, nicknamed Crow. He didn't like being called Hudela very much. I don't like it very much. I don't know what the reason is, but Tomler has been in Speaking of the nickname Xudra in front of me, I also asked Tomler before I realized what Xudra meant, so the nickname Xudra might have special meaning to him. "

Gao Yang looked back, and the rest are some of the more important personal data of the Madonna of Steel, but most of them are very simple, not as clear and complete as the information given by Justin, but this is no wonder. At the highest level, I do n’t know much about the specific situation of the members of the Iron Madonna.

Gao Yang put the information together and said in a deep voice: "So, let's talk about some things on our trip. Is there anything wrong with our injustice?"

Clooney smiled and said, "There is no problem. I said that Our Lady of Steel has completed the mission. Although they have suffered heavy casualties, they have annihilated the Angel Mercenary Corps in Crimea. His Royal Highness is very happy, very Happy! So I came here today to collect the remaining balance, man, you are going to get rich. "

150 million US dollars. After Gao Yang took a deep breath, he couldn't help but also laughed. If the money is available, he will start the company without saying a word.

After a few laughs, Gao Yang smiled and said, "His Royal Highness has no doubts? This is 150 million US dollars, not 1,500 yuan. Does he not let you provide some evidence to prove that the angel is indeed Was it killed? "

Clooney shrugged: "Of course, of course I need, otherwise I don't have to come again, just transfer the money directly, so I made some preparations, hey, for you to see."

Clooney pulled out a folder from his briefcase. After Yang took it and opened it, he found all the photos in it.

Although I saw more scenes of flesh and blood, but after seeing the photos ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "It's disgusting!"

The green flowers are the intestines, the white flowers are the brains, and the red ones are blood, and the corpses are reflected in the most disgusting way. Photo taken at a disgusting angle.

Clooney laughed: "It's right to disgust, let the Prince His Highness take a look at it and close it, and after leaving the album aside, he ordered to pay for it. This is the effect."

Gao Yang laughed: "It's pure curiosity, can't he give it to his men to verify it? Our prince His Highness is leading a national intelligence agency, there must be a few people who do practical things?"

Clooney pursed his lips and said: "It's a pity, it really isn't, there is no one who can do anything, okay, I probably shouldn't draw this conclusion to a national intelligence agency, so I narrowed the scope, at least There is no one close to the Prince ’s Royal Highness. What he needs is a servant and a simple thug with developed limbs, not an intelligence officer. "

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and smiled: "Very good, very good, I like your answer. Wait for me for five minutes, I will go after explaining something, let's go quickly to His Royal Highness where to take the rest of the money I can't wait to get it. "(To be continued)

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