A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1257: Turtle

The two men in jackets walked in front of Gao Yang. They were both tall and strong. They were in their thirties, and they looked like they were not good people.

What makes Gao Yang strange is that he is not nervous, and the two of them who came to pick them up on their own site looked nervous.

"follow me."

Throwing a word hard, the two strong men turned and left.

"It seems like two people were deliberately picked to scare us."

Gao Yang couldn't help grunting, and when Downey Jr. heard his words, he chuckled and said, "I feel the same way."

Hearing a low voice of laughter and chatting between the two, a strong man walking in the front could not help but glance back, and after seeing three relaxed faces, the strong man seemed more nervous.

Not far away, they were taken to a dilapidated building outside.

It looks shabby on the outside, and it's not new on the inside. A clean room with no large windows even is clean. There are a few old but complete billiard tables. There are also six or seven large oil drums. There was a fire in the stove, a large and complete leather sofa, sitting in a thirties, wearing a mink coat, wearing a bowler hat on his head, wearing sunglasses, and a large gold chain hanging around his neck Man.

The man sitting on the sofa looks at most in his thirties, but unfortunately, his dressing and style are not only unpretentious, but also very local.

The only thing that makes Gao Yang feel good is that the two women with arms around the left and right are pretty, but the scenery is that the two women are wearing a little less, and Kiev in February is not yet It was warm, and although there was a very hot stove not far away, the two women were still shaking.

This place in Ukraine, poor is a bit poor. But there is absolutely no shortage of beauties, and no shortage of beauties, that is, arms.

Another place that makes Gao Yang feel uncomfortable. It was after he entered the door that there were more than thirty people scattered around with his rifle around. All the ak74, although he did not point the gun at him, Gao Yang still felt a little uncomfortable.

Despite seeing Gao Yang, the turtle on the sofa was motionless, and his hands stiffly hugged the beautiful women sitting on both sides of him. This school was originally like that, except that the furnace near them was burning. Wood, so a woman close to the stove occasionally had to sweep the ash that floated to her head to the side a bit.

"Boss. They are here."

Gao Yang stood at less than two meters in front of the turtle. The strong man who brought them in still reported to the turtle on the sofa.

After hearing the report from the strong man, the turtle pulled out his right hand, waved to Gao Yang in front of the station, and pointed to the sofa beside Gao Yang.

"The arrogant wife of the Queen's rebirth!"

Gao Yang chuckled and sat submissively on a two-seater sofa, while Li Jinfang and then stood on the left side of his sofa with a blank face, while Little Downey, carrying a suitcase, stood on Gao Yang's right.

"You are Mike?"

Downey Jr. raised his hand: "Sorry, this is Mike."

Turtle looked at Little Downey sideways. Then he focused his eyes on the only sitting Gao Yang, and said in English, "I am Shawar."

After reporting his name, the turtle named Shawa was changed to Russian. Slowly said: "We are trading for the first time, I know you are mercenaries, mercenaries usually do not follow rules, but here, no matter who you are, you better abide by the trading rules."

After talking, Shava patted the beautiful woman on the left and whispered: "Translate to them."

Gao Yang has a feeling, that is the turtle in front of him. No, Shawa in front of him deliberately slowed down to reflect his majesty. It's just that his slightly trembling voice revealed his nervous state.

The voice of the beautiful woman sitting by Shawa's legs also trembles, and she said loudly in English: "Shawa said ..."

"Thank you. But no translation, I speak Russian."

After being interrupted by Gao Yang's translation of the beauty, Shavalo said with surprise: "Do you speak Russian? Very good, then let me talk about my rules. First, you must pay half of the deposit first, I saw After the money, I will give you the goods, you are satisfied, pay the final payment, but you can rest assured that you will be satisfied with my goods, and will also be handed over to you. "

Gao Yang was suddenly impatient. Where was the trouble in buying arms? For Wuliyangke, he had to settle the payment in person, or he would get the goods directly, or he would get the money directly. What could be the trouble of having half of the deposit and half of the final payment? As a matter of fact, no one would dare not pay for Wuliyangke's first delivery. After receiving the full amount, he will definitely deliver the goods. That is the dispatch of the arms dealers.

And these local turtle gangsters are even nervous about buying and selling arms, which is too humiliating to arms dealers.

Gao Yang was suddenly impatient. After snapping his fingers, he stretched out his hand to Little Downey, who immediately took out a piece of paper from his pocket and put it in Gao Yang's hand.

There is a glass coffee table between Gao Yang and Turtle. Gao Yang patted the paper on the coffee table and pushed forward, shouting: "List."

When the translator looked at Shawar, she reached up and picked up the list. After seeing that the note was written in English, she said something softly, and then began to read it in a low voice.

"One hundred directional anti-infantry mines with ymk remote control detonation device, 20 rpg-27 rocket launchers, 20 rpg-26 rocket launchers ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ One machine gun, 10,000 rounds of bullets, all boxes The chain is loaded with new bullets, one rpk machine gun, ten drums, six hundred kilograms c4, one ton of steel **** or any material that can be used as prefabricated fragments, one hundred 60-mm mortar shells. "

After waiting for the beauty to read the list, Shawar subconsciously said, "So many c4?"

Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "Can it be done?"

After being silent for a moment, Shawar nodded and said, "Yes, I can give you the goods tomorrow. You have to pay the deposit first. I will calculate how much money I need."

After Gao Yang snapped his fingers again, Downey immediately lifted the box in his hand and put it on the coffee table in front of Gao Yang. After the snap was opened, he stood back again, and Gao Yang closed the box. When it was lifted, the box was pushed over once.

"One million dollars, the full amount is for you. The extra money will be used as a gift. Will you deliver anything before noon tomorrow?"

The banknotes in the box were green, and a shade of green was reflected in Shava's sunglasses. Shawa straightened up, reached for a stack of banknotes in the box, turned it over with his hands, swallowed, and swallowed. : "No problem! No problem!" (To be continued)

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