A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1256: Helpless

When the hotel arrived, Nikolai helped Gaoyang and Grolev to lift the box out and whispered: "I'll just wait for you in the car at the door."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "It's dangerous outside, besides staying in the car, if someone wants to take the car, they have to explain, come with me."

Entering the lobby, Little Downey sitting on the sofa greeted him, whispering in a loud voice: "Everyone is here, you are the last."

Gao Yang nodded and pointed to Nikolay behind him, whispering: "The driver I asked, let him take us out later."

After speaking, Gao Yang said to Nikolay, "Mr. Yashkov, you are here to wait for us, you will have to go out with me later."

Let Nicholas wait in the lobby. Gao Yang and Downey Jr. took the elevator back to his room. After entering the room, he put the box, and Gao Yang immediately said: "Go and call everyone, we will go out after we have settled down. "

Downey Jr. went to call someone, Gao Yang took off his jacket, opened the box, took out a bulletproof vest with no flaps, put it on, put on an underarm holster, and put his pistol in a full magazine Put it in the holster and pat the pistol hanging on the left rib lightly, then let out a long breath.

You can only feel at ease when you have a gun on your body. This is already a high problem. Put on your coat again, and then put a few full magazines in a convenient pocket, move around, and do a few quick shots. Make sure there is no problem with the movement, and then do a few quick actions to change the magazine. If you feel that the position of the magazine is not good, adjust it again until you have adjusted several spare magazines to the most convenient location. , This set of processes is considered to be over.

Wait for Gao Yang to put on the clothes, and the people are here. Gao Yang claps his hands and yells: "Guys. Let me distribute the tasks. I'm going to meet with Donnie Jr. this time, if anyone has any plans Needs outside. Tell me now. "

Grolev said in a deep voice: "Yes, in addition to pkm. Help me buy another rpk, don't need 75 rounds of drums for the magazine. If you play drums, there are more than a dozen."

After waiting for Downey to take a small book and write down Grolev's request, Raphael frowned: "Help me get more c4, nothing else, just c4, based on the original basis Let ’s add another 500 kilograms. Even if the detonator is detonated, I bring a lot. "

Several people turned their heads to look at Raphael, and Fry shouted: "Add another 500 kilograms? Fak, what are you going to do? Turn the whole Kiev over?"

Raphael laughed: "I just think that fifty kilograms is not too much. For traps like this, excess power is always better than insufficient power. What do you think?"

Raphael only needed fifty kilograms of c4, which is good, he directly added 500 kilograms, and overturning the whole Kiev must be a joke. It is absolutely more than enough to overturn a building.

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Yes, excess power is always better than insufficient power. Who needs to add?"

The rest of them are shaking their heads. Gao Yang snapped his fingers and whispered: "Okay, Downey Jr. and I are going out now. Toads are going with us. The others are here, ready to go at any time. We are almost completely strange to this place. , Oh. And, remind you. The tap water is not drinkable. The tap water in Kiev comes from the Dnieper River. Chernobyl is just upstream. People here will not drink tap water unless they have no choice. "

After speaking, Gao Yang looked at Li Jinfang and said, "Do you still need to prepare?"

Li Jinfang shook his head and said, "No, you are all ready."

"Get ready when you are ready."

Little Donny picked up a briefcase, followed Gao Yang and Li Jinfang out of the door, and went to the lobby. Gao Yang gestured to Nikolai, and the four of them got together in a taxi.

Li Jinfang sat in the passenger seat, and Downey took out a note from his pocket and said in crappy Russian: "Go to a place called Abento, Apinto."

The big tongue vibrato in Russian is really hard to make. After Downey Jr. murmured continuously, Gao Yang took the note and yelled, "It should be the place for Apielto."

Nikolay turned helplessly: "Gentlemen, could you please give me the note?"

Gao Yang gave Nikolay a note, and after glancing at Nikolay, he shouted: "Oh, Apinta Industrial Zone, where is the suburb, we can't come back before dark, and it has always been very Are you sure you want to go to the dangerous area? "

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, we have something to do with it, oh, I will give you a danger allowance, let's go."

Nikolay started, and said anxiously: "No, it's not a question of danger allowance, but where is the comparison ... Well, let's go now."

The taxi drove up and circulated around the city, and there were barricades on the road from time to time, but there were very few people, and even occasionally people in the street were in a hurry.

Soviet-style buildings are everywhere in the city of Kiev, but all buildings look as old as the disappearing Soviet Union and are full of ruin.

The road was smooth, and he whispered: "Mr. Yashkov, how long will it take us?"

"It's a long distance. Although there are no people, we still have to walk for at least an hour and a half. We get the southernmost suburb of Kiev and have to cross the bridge."

It was still very early, when Downey Jr. pointed out the window and pouted: “You know, I ca n’t think of any reason why Ukraine has fallen to this point. Land, location, resources, population, education, Ukraine The conditions are very good, but after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, it has become a forgotten corner. "

Gao Yang also had some emotions. He smiled and whispered: "It's quite strange, but I just want to say that the Soviet Union is still a good disintegration. As long as the Soviet Union exists for one day, it is China's biggest threat. A disintegrated Soviet Union is A good Soviet Union, a weak Russia is a good Russia. For Chinese people, you can miss the Soviet Union and express some emotions, but the Soviet Union will never come again. "

Downey Jr. nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, haha, except for the Russians themselves, probably no one in the world wants Russia to be stronger again."

Gao Yang and Downey Jr. are talking in English. Gao Yang feels that Nikolay should not speak English, but it does n’t matter if he can speak English. Compared with Chinese and Americans, Eastern European countries like Ukraine are the most afraid of Russia again. Strong.

Along the way, the closer to the suburbs, the more ruined the two sides of the road, and Nikolay was already a little uneasy. Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "Mr. Yashkov, has the public security here always been bad?"

"Yes, public security has always been bad here, gentlemen, I don't know why you are here, but to give you a piece of advice, be careful!"

Gao Yang laughed: "It's okay, Mr. Yaskov, you don't have to worry about any danger at all, relax."

If the public security is not good, it is right, because the arms dealer that the little Downey looked for was not a professional arms dealer this time, just a gang.

Buying arms from a gang is helpless. The reason why buying arms from a gang instead of an arms dealer is a little more complicated. Since the disappearance of Iwan and Ulyanko, Satan has lost the most convenience. The source of arms, and in this place in Ukraine, is the basic plate of the great Ivan, and the absolute sphere of influence of the great Ivan.

If you ca n’t get in touch with Ivan, it ’s okay to be able to contact his head of Europe, but the problem is that Gao Yang ca n’t even contact his head of Europe.

This place in Ukraine used to be stable after all. Large-scale arms trade is common, but those small-scale arms trades are very few, so unlike Africa or the Middle East where there are many small arms dealers, even if Ukraine is already in chaos, After all, it hasn't been fought yet, so things like arms are not easy to buy for a while.

Some people who are at the top of the pyramid in the industry have long known that Ukraine will be in trouble. Businesses such as mercenaries, arms dealers, and intelligence agents know what will happen in Ukraine very early, so some well-informed people will enter in advance. And those destined to be the bottom of the cannon fodder, only to wait for the Ukrainian chaos to flock.

Sooner or later, Ukraine will be a good place for mercenaries, and it will also spawn a large number of small arms dealers, but it is not yet possible, because it has not been completely fought.

Industry elites who have received news in advance, such as the Iron Madonna and Angel Mercenary Corps, and intelligence agents such as Justin, have all begun to work early, but only arms dealers, although they know what will happen in Ukraine, they dare not dare Enter hastily.

Why are arms dealers afraid to enter Ukraine? Just because Ukraine is the site of Great Ivan, where is the name of the shadow man of the tree, where is the name of Great Ivan poked, which one in the arms dealer ’s circle dare not take things seriously ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yes, now Great Yiwan Wan disappeared, but only disappeared. As long as Da Yiwan was not confirmed dead, his underground empire collapsed completely, otherwise no one would dare to fish on his plate.

But then again, the great name of Iwan is so strong that it is impossible for Gao Yang to find a professional arms dealer in Ukraine. The big arms dealers dare not come, and the hawker market has no itinerary. child.

Finally, Nikolai stopped the car in a dilapidated neighborhood, and then whispered: "This is the Apinta Industrial Zone."

After looking around in the car, Little Downey nodded to Gao Yang, so Gao Yang said to Nikolay: "It will be fine to wait for us in the car."

The three of them got out of the car. Downey took them a few steps and whispered: "Here, I saw the building that was agreed to meet. Now I call the trader, it should be quick. "

Downey took the phone and dialed it out. After a short wait, he whispered: "Hello, we are here, three people."

Soon after he hung up the phone again, Downey Jr. snapped his fingers and smiled: "Contacted, someone will come to pick us up right away, just wait here." (To be continued)

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