A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1254: Old driver

"War of the Mercenaries" premiered in Chinese

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Kiev, Boryspil Airport.

Boryspil Airport is the largest airport in Ukraine. There are always a lot of people here, and it is very busy. When Kiev is completely mired in chaos, it is even busier. But most of it, it should be said that most of the people are Waiting for the flight leaving Ukraine.

The immigration clearance procedures are quite fast. They are so high that they almost just show their passports and put a stamp on them, and they are released directly, thus officially embarking on the land of Ukraine.

All the preparations previously prepared did not come in handy. The high-flying weapons in the big bags and small bags are extremely surprising.

A group of people left the terminal, and there were large and small vehicles parked outside. The parking lot was messy. The bus, full of rough cars, pulled people to the airport, and then drove back to the downtown area of ​​Kiev or whatever.

No matter where it is, as long as it is in chaos, the airport, pier, and train station are definitely the busiest places as long as they are still running. Foreigners who can return home will definitely leave in time, and then The rich people will also go abroad to take refuge. These people must have left the first group.

The time may last for a long time, but as the situation deteriorates, as long as those who are able to leave will definitely choose to flee, they are arrogant and they see the chaotic crowd outside the terminal building, and Grolev suddenly burst out a word.

"It was not like this before ..."

Grolev looked a little sad. Although he was a Russian, he seemed to be a little bit unacceptable when a former Soviet Union member suddenly fell into crisis.

"What's this? It looks pretty good here. When is the civil war waiting to start, it's just as miserable as Libya Syria. It's just chaos now, it's not too bad, it's nothing."

Cui Bo, careless and heartless, took the sentence and couldn't say anything about Grolev.

Li Jinfang pushed Cui Bo in the back and whispered: "Don't stimulate Lao Maozi, you see his face has changed."

Cui Bo said disapprovingly: "Ah? Are you okay? This is not his hometown. Besides, what scene has Lao Maozi never seen before and can he be stimulated by this little scene?"

At this time, Downey Jr. stood next to Gao Yang and whispered: "We have to go by ourselves. How do we go? There are a lot of buses here. If we give some money, we can let the bus send us to the place."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and whispered: "I'm not familiar with the situation here. It's better to walk away. Take a taxi."

Entering a country with a lot of arms. Although this country is in chaos, it is better to be careful. Kiev is in chaos, but it is not completely out of control. Sitting on a bus, in case It was found that this group of people was carrying a lot of arms, unless it was intended to fight in the capital of others. Otherwise, it will only be the end of the pot, and if you take a taxi separately, even if you encounter any accidents, you will not be wiped out by the net.

A dozen people arrived in the taxi waiting area, but waited a few minutes, but no taxi came.

After standing for a while, Downey Jr. shook his head and said helplessly: "Damn, aren't even taxis working now? I'll call a few taxis."

Downey walked towards the parking lot where taxis stopped from time to time. And he beckoned the taxi loudly, shaking his head with a high smile. I shouted to the people around me: "We are in the same car, the postman. Villains, you two are in a group with the Dragon Knight. Remember, our hotel is called the Fairmont Hotel. If you have any accidents on the road, contact me immediately. Downey has already booked a room with the fake passport in your hand and will return to his room when he arrives. "

Everyone knows how to allocate it, and after a brief arrangement, the first car has already driven towards them.

There was no taxi coming, just because there was no one in the waiting area and no one could pull it. Downey walked for a distance. After he beckoned to attract the attention of the taxi driver, the car came quickly.

The first car parked in front of them, and the taxi driver got out of the car and held out a finger, shouting at them: "One hundred dollars! One hundred dollars went to the downtown area of ​​Kiev. ? "

One hundred dollars is a sky-high price, but it is normal for taxi drivers to ask for a high price during the chaotic period. Gao Yang is too lazy to say anything, just waving: "Two people, get on the bus and leave."

Soon Gao Yang found that the first car was a polite one hundred dollars. Erin and Fry boarded the car and left, and the second car stopped before them, and the driver didn't get off, just in the car Shouted: "Two hundred dollars, go anywhere in the city, two hundred dollars!"

Two people left, and Albert smiled: "Fak, will the third car cost us three hundred?"

It turned out that the one hundred dollars was the normal price. It was three people who were about to leave soon. When only Gaoyang and Grolev were left, another taxi stopped in front of them.

An old man in his sixties got off the car. After parking the car in front of Gao Yang and Grolev, the old man opened the trunk and reached out to ask Gao Yang for luggage.

Gao Yang smiled and said in Russian: "Thank you, I will do it myself."

The old man shook his head and whispered: "Sir, I can help you."

Gao Yang dragged the handle of the trolley case, and the driver couldn't help but hold the suitcase from below. After putting the suitcase in the trunk with Gao Yang, the old man whispered: "Something is loaded on both sides, so heavy."

Gao Yang laughed: "Uh, it's a camera or something, really heavy."

The old man sighed and said, "I guess you are also journalists, and now you are willing to come to Kiev, and only journalists are left."

After putting the trolley case in the trunk, the gun box of Gaoyang could not be put in. The machine gun of Groyov can be disassembled, but the gun of Gaoyang was put in the gun box in a complete state, and the gun box was too long. , So Gao Yang can only hold his gun case and sit in the back seat.

When the car drove up, he exclaimed: "Go to the Fairmont Hotel, and by the way, how much is it?"

After thinking for a moment, the old man shouted: "Are you paying in US dollars? If so, about 18 US dollars. Now the situation is not very good, and the car money has risen."

Gao Yang was surprised because he finally saw an abnormal taxi driver. At this time, the sky-high asking price is normal, and the honest asking price is not normal.

Grolyov couldn't help saying: "Dude, everyone else starts with at least one hundred dollars."

The old man shook his head and said, "No, I won't do that. In fact, they see you as foreign talents and ask for prices indiscriminately. You only need to bargain for fifty dollars."

Grolev shrugged: "Actually, I think it is normal to ask for a high price in this situation."

The old man suddenly seemed very angry, he shouted: "They are all speculators! Damn! Our country should have been very good. It shouldn't be like this. We should live a normal quiet life. These are all **** speculators. Is it normal to mess up this country? No! This is very abnormal! "

A principled old man, Gao Yang suddenly developed a strong curiosity about the taxi driver. If you want to understand the local situation, the taxi driver is a good candidate, and a very honest person is obviously a better candidate.

"Sir, I want to ask, is it safe in the city of Kiev now? Especially near the Fairmont Hotel where we live."

"Unsafe, very unsafe, don't go there at Independence Square, it's very dangerous, oh, you are journalists, then you must go, there is no way you have to pay more attention, and you better avoid it as much as possible Any orthodox group, especially the Liberal Party, must be avoided. The Liberal Party is a group of villains. They are very right-wingers and a group of Nazis! They are extremely hostile to foreigners and will often attack foreigners. You must be careful. "

As he talked, the driver suddenly became extremely angry. After patting the steering wheel heavily, he almost shouted: "Our father paid a great deal of sacrifice and spent countless lives to defeat the Nazis ~ www.novelmtl .com ~ But what about the young people now? Those ignorant idiots worship the Nazis! They want to be the new Nazis! And the regulars let them go, ignorant! Shameless! This is a shame! The shame of Ukraine! "

After letting out a vent like roar, the old man turned his head to Groverov next to him and said: "You are journalists. If you are journalists with conscience, please broadcast my remarks. Please be fair. I hope that people in the world know the truth happening here. "

Grolyov clearly resonated with the old man. He sighed and shook his head: "Those idiots, alas, there are many in Russia!"

The old man and Grolev were chatting along the way. The car drove into the city of Kiev. The city was very quiet and empty. There was no one to collect garbage on the street. It was difficult to see the cars on the road. Only the ambulance will occasionally try quickly with a stern alarm.

The old man sighed at an ambulance passing by quickly, and said loudly: "Among these days is the ambulance, oh, I took you around, this way is farther, but it is safer, and The security near the Fairmont Hotel is not bad. The main thing is that it is not the Liberal Party ’s main activity area, but you have to be careful when you go out. "

As long as it's not exciting, the old man's speech is gentle and gentle. Even in the car, his every move is very elegant. Gao Yang feels that he is very different from the rude and direct drivers he saw in the front, so he can't help it. : "Sir, how many years have you been driving a taxi?"

The old man smiled, then said with a self-deprecating face: "For many years, since I lost my job as an engineer at the Black Sea Shipyard, I have switched to lease." (To be continued.)

ps: It's finally time to ask for monthly tickets.

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